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Keep up your Pace [ATTN:Daruun] (Repost)

Guest Estel

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Guest Estel



As Daruun double checked all the weights and wiped some of the early morning dew off of the weight lifting benches. Then he moved over to his large pile of meduim sized stones after making sure nothing was inhabiting them he glanced up at the rising sun. Carnhain should be here any minute now. As if thinking his name had summoned him Carnhain came walking into the clearing along the path through the woods. Jogging up to greet the cavalryman Daruun wore a large grin on his face. "Peace favour your blade Carnhain how are you?" After he responded Daruun immediately began walking him over towards the weights and the weight benches that were set up on the far side of the clearing.


Along the way Daruun explained what they would be doing for the day. "We are going to start out with an assessment, I will give you some light weights and we will see how many repetitions you can do with them, then compare it to how many I can do. Then we are going to break for lunch and then start running, I will once again compare how many laps you can do against how many I can do. Then, tomorrow, we will begin the real work. That sound good to you?" Grinning at the cavalryman Daruun waited to see what he thought.


OOC:Okay, just give me the intro then answer the question, I will set us up for the beginning assessment. By the way, what might you be able to teach Daruun?




Carnhain trudged up the path from his room in the barracks to the Sparring Yard. ’Who in the bloody Pit of Doom wakes up this early to lift weights? Blood and ashes, I should be asleep!’ The sleepy Lieutenant just grunted in reply to Daruun’s cheerful words.


Nodding to whatever it was that Daruun said- he wasn’t exactly paying attention as he concentrated on refraining from falling to the wet ground and resuming his slumber. He could have used a few more hours, especially if Daruun’s physical training lessons were as bad as many of his men rumoured them to be. Carnhain was in good physical shape- if not near as good as the infantry, he was cavalry after all, not some bloody idiot who grappled with the men the cavalry left behind. Despite that though, he and Daruun were friends.




As Carnhain nodded his head Daruun could tell that his friend was tired. Well, he will be nice and awake by the time lunch rolls around. Motioning for the cavalryman to follow him he walked over to his weights and the benches he had set up. Before they got started on anything Daruun had Carnhain stretch out his chest and arms while explaining how important it was for him to be loosened up before lifting weights. Handing Carnhain a couple of the weights Daruun sat him down on a bench and demonstrated how to lift the weights properly. "Now Carnhain, you want to do these as right as possible, otherwise you could seriously harm your body. Now, see how many repetitions you can do."


As Carnhain did his repetitions Daruun watched to make sure that he was doing them properly. When Carnhain finally dropped the weights to the ground the look on his face told Daruun that he was going to have trouble lifting his arms for awhile. "Okay Carnhain, it's my turn." Picking up the same weights Daruun sat himself on the bench and began his repetitions. By the time he was done Carnhain was looking like his arms were a little better. "Okay, now we are going to work your chest."


After they had finished all the muscle assessment that Daruun had needed Carnhain looked as though he was exhausted. Glancing up at the sun, which was nearing high noon, Daruun turned to the cavalryman. "Now my friend we get a lunch break. After lunch we run." Daruun and Carnhain headed back to the Citadel where they wolfed down some decent lunch and recovered from the weight training.


OOC: Alright, go through it all then we'll do some running.




Again and again Carnhain lifted the wieghts. Breath in, lift, and release breath and weight. Repeat. Repeat again. And again.


At first, it wasn't terribly difficult. The weights were heavy, but Rowul had had him lifting wieghts before to strengthen in bow arms. But after a while, sweat began to bead on his forehead and run down his face. Licking his lips, he tasted salt, and his eyes stung where sweat dripped into them.


But apparantly they were only getting started. Daruun kept him going. Again and again he repeated the rhythms. His arms felt like lead and it was all he could do to breath correctly.


His breathing was out of sync with his weight-lifting now. It came in gasps, but he never seemed able to get enough air. He glanced at Daruun to see whether he was done yet.


At last, he could lift the wieght no more. He couldn't even lift the dumbells an inch off the ground let alone over his head. Daruun took the weight away, and Carnhain rolled off the bench, gasping for air as Daruun started with the weights.


When Daruun was done, Carnhain was still breathing hard, though the gasps were slowed and fewer now. He tucked a soppy piece of hair that had escaped his twine behin his ear and his fingers came away wet.


"Lunch? Lunch would be nice. That and a cold ale."

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  • 2 months later...

Logan aproached just as Carnhain was finishing. Daruun jumped on the bench going at a fast rythm. "You did very well for someone that is built slimmer. The idea is not to hesitate, even when you are holding it above your head and your arms are locked and it doesnt feel like you are using a lot of energy you are. If you keep up a steady pace you can lift more, not fast but steady."


"Watch Daruun, Logan explained. He started out to fast and will tire quickly, even if he is used to lifting a lot." With that Daruun put up his weights with the help of Logan.


"Lunch? Lunch would be nice. That and a cold ale. Carnhain said.


"Not yet lets get a good cool down run and stretches in, Logan said with a glance backwards as he took off at a steady gait."



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Estel

With a groan, Carnhain set out after the Sergeant. The infantryman might be made of steel, but Carnhain certainly was not! Sweat dripped down his exposed body as he followed Logan. 'Cool down run'? Blood and ashes! Carnhain was sweating worse now than before!


At first, he managed to keep up to the other man but as the run wore on, the blonde man fell behind. Each footfall sent a jolt of pain from his toes to his thighs. Every time he lifted his leg, it felt like lifting the wieght he had just finished with. He had to struggle to keep his feet as he was simply too tired to lift his feet high enough to keep them from brushing over stones and other debris.


'There are people who find this relaxing?' He thought as he collapsed to the ground at Logan's feet when he finally fnished.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As Carnhain collapsed at Logan's feet he handed him a skin of water with a little extra something in it.


"That weird taste in the water is called snake oil, its from a plant and will help ease the pain in your mussles. It will also help your mussles bind back together from the excersize allowing you to build mussle faster. And no it is not poisoness," Logan explained as Carnhain looked like he was going to spit the water out.


"You did very well but we push harder tomorrow and from here on out we focus on upper body one day the next lower. You will be tired and drained every day but you will certainly benifit. Now lets go get some grubb, so you can hit the sak. Remember to stretch before and after you go to bed or you wont be able to move tommorow."


As Logan was talking diffent things over with Carnhain about tommorrow he broke off with a shake of the hand and a "I want you back at the training yard before first light, sleep well."



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hacking, Carnhain looked up at Logan. Wiping spittle from his mouth he groaned. Another day of training? He had to be joking! After a few minutes of Logan staring down at him, the Lieutenant slumped. "See you tomorrow then." Struggling to his feet he left for a night of much-needed rest.


So rest he got, but he still felt awful the next morning. His muscles ached- though admittedly less than they would have without the snake oil. Still, he groaned with every sudden movement.


Reaching Logan, he gave the man a pleading look but was met with only stern resolve softened with a note of humour.

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  • 2 months later...

OOC: Sorry Estel Ive been really busy for a while, but if its alright with you we can pick this back up.


Ic: "Today we are going to work on more of your abs and arms not so much legs and chest. If you switch up the muscles you are working on it gives the others time to rebuild."


Pointing at the pullup bar Logan said, "Get to slow and steady."


Logan Zaire

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  • 3 weeks later...

His groan bordered on a whine. Pull-ups? Was he kidding? Every inch of his body ached! But he got up anyway, with much moaning and groaning, and began pulling himself up and down on the bar. Sweat poured from his face, stinging his eyes and leaving a salty taste in his mouth as he gasped for breath.


After only twenty pull-ups, he collapsed to the ground.

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Pulling Carnhain to his feet Logan said, "We will get back to those later, twenty is not enough. Now I want you to work your tricepts. The bar in front of you is only fourty pounds in weight, with both hands fists facing out pick it up to chest level slowly letting it fall back to your waist, do this slowly so you work your muscles to the furthest extent." After explaining this Logan did twenty reps showing Carnhain how to do this.


"Now before you do this I want you to hydrate. Drink this twenty ounce bottle to the bottom. It has some of the snakeoil in it."



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