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Where will the boys be when the switch is thrown?


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This probably should have been a Fiddlesticks post, but...


I read that being ta'veren comes and goes...it's not necessarily a lifetime thing.  In the case of Rand, Perrin, and Mat they didn't appear to be fully functioning ta'veren before they left Emond's Field.  At some point after that, their "switch" was turned on and they became ta'veren.  Wouldn't it be comical if the switch was shut off and they immediately lost their ta'veren influence?


You can choose to either comment on this seriously or to spam it up.  I won't mind either way.  This thread is mainly for fun but might also spark some cool "what if" conversation.  No fighting, please.  ;)



Here's my contribution:



Rand and Min are cuddling under the covers enjoying each other's company.  The switch goes "off".  Min shakes her head and stares at Rand.  Then she notices where she's at and that she is not clothed.

"EEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!  WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING YOU YOUNG WOOL HEADED SHEEPHERDER?  GET OUT!  GET OUT OF HERE, NOW!"  She smacks him in the back of the head as he's trying to get away.  He gets to the door just as Avhendia walks up.  She kicks him in the forehead.  "I'll show you my toe.  You would never understand Toh.  Wetlander.  I'm keeping the kids."  Stunned, Rand staggers toward the kitchen.  "Don't be asking me to wait on you, boy!  You want some grub, go buy it like everybody else!  Dragon...bah, humbug!"  Elayne's twins come running up the palace hallway.  Just as they get almost to Rand they are frozen in full stride by weaves of air.  "You stay away from my kids you three timing cad!"  Thom pipes in, "Better vacate the premises sheep farmer...if you know what's good for ya!"


Perrin is just waking up in his manor house near Emond's Field.  Faile is already up and standing on the balcony looking out at the newly planted fields.  The switch goes "off".  Zarine turns to face her "husband".  "You big lout!  You don't deserve one of your little farm girl wenches, let alone me!  I'm going back to mama!  You can send me my settlement by messenger...don't you DARE bring it yourself!"  Perrin is heart broken.  "But...but...Faile, my little falcon...I love you!"  Zarine shows some mercy.  "OK. You can keep the wolf pups."  Perrin turns to look at the pups.  They attack him in typical wolf style...two go for the hamstrings, two for the jugular, one grabs his beard and shakes it.


Mat tells Joline good night and heads back to his own tent.  He remembers that he left his foxhead medallion laying on her dresser.  Tuon would never forgive him if he lost that.  He knocks and enters trying to explain why he returned.  The switch goes "off".  PPZZZZZAAAAAPPPPPP!!!!  Lightning bolt sets his hat, hair, and the black scarf around his neck on fire.  He reaches for the medallion.  "What's the matter, baby?"  Joline has fire in her eyes and mouth.  Reminds him of a dream he had once.  Just as he almost can reach the medallion, Tuon steps into the tent and throws a fire ball that consumes all of Mat's flesh momentarily then changes into thousands of biting black ants.  He rolls on the floor screaming, "Honey, sweety snuggems!  I was just headed for our tent, love!"  Tuon recites the divorce chant then sells Mat as property to Joline.



All three boys in unison:  "Oh, well...ta'veren was fun while it lasted."










On the serious side, what will happen if the pattern decides that the boys are no longer needed as ta'veren?  Will they go through withdrawl?  Will they lose the friends they've made?  It seems their lives will have to be different...maybe LESS complicated?  Are any of their "special" abilities somehow linked to being ta'veren such as Mat's luck or Perrin's wolf connection or Rand's ability to handle the burdens he has been juggling?  Enjoy yourself...this is only fantasy, remember?  ;)

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For Rand there would probably be like a huge mass revolt against all the nations he's holding. For Mat he would probably accidently stumble and lose his medallion and the aes'sedai would bind him with air and take him to the tower for his own good. and perrin would suddenly seem slow and nobody would listen to him, and Faile would believe rumors of him cheating on her with berelain. Stuff like that i guess.

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