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M'bela walked into the class room, she looked at the dark cold room placed in the basement of the fortress, it had been readied as she had wanted. She was somewhat used to teaching down here now, all in all this was preferable to some of the classes she had to teach.


As it was there where not always friendlyness between beasts and geting hold of remains was not that hard. As well the walls of this room where lined with skulls of trollocs and other beeings, it was a room to teach biological subjects in. She looked at the dead trolloc, the cold helped preserve it, it would be a couple days old.


Wrinkeling her nose she turned her back on the dead body as she awaited the adepts. Some migth have come from places where spawn was but myth and even if they spent some time here to reach this level, they shilded within the fortress walls migth not have seen any yet. She just hoped none had tender stumocks.


As the last filed in she nodded, "Welcome, my name is M'bela and I will be teaching you about spawn in the next couple weeks. Now first I want to hear what level you are on, todays topic is Trollocs, the most numerous of the spawn." she turned towards one of the students. "You may start telling me what you know, have heard or belive about Trollocs, then the rest of you can add in what you know and then i will fill it in with some history and at end of class you will be given a chanse to study the dead exemplars i have behind me" She waited for the first student to start.


ooc arive, post potential reactions, and answer the question. the class will continue in 1 week from now, after that we will speed things up pending how fast you all can respond. Also if late you can catch up by making a double post.


Mentor to Pe Ell, Loranflame, Cu'chulainn & ObliviousShadow



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Joined: 27 Mar 2007

Location: Canada, BC


PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2007 6:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster

(OOC; I'm the only active Adept, I think. I don't think anyone will be posting in this, though I could be wrong.)




It had been a few weeks since he was promoted to an Adept of the Fortress. One step below the Dreadlord rank, and his classes have begun to get harder. Thom Mallard wasn't showing his face to Jodeen as he would of liked, but that was to be expected. Adepts were not children, any more. They studied and learned mostly on there own; if they needed help from a Dreadlord or a Dreadlady, then generally they were cast out. He had seen it a few times, and even a few on-the-spot stillings and gentlings. He had become much more knowledgable then what he had first come when he entered the fortress. But nothing would prepare him for the sights he would see today.


Jodeen entered the class and noticed a few of the students had already arrived. Knowing that it would not be a very large class, he took a seat and scanned the room. A Dreadlady sat in front of the class, but she appeared different. She was much stronger, and had even more of an 'ageless' face; what they called the women who used the One Power for a long period of time.


As the last of the students in, the Dreadlady introduced herself. The name hushed most of the crowd. M'bela. In the shadow, there were fourteen of some of the strongest Dreadlords and Dreadladys, excluding the Forsaken. They were the Mae'shadar. Some were known, some were not. M'bela was a known one, though. Jodeen wasn't relishing the fact that one of the strongest chanellers this side of the Blight was sitting across the room from him. He had seen a few around the castle, though. Rasputin, who; needless to say, was not a very happy fellow. He did not know any of the other ones.


This was the class he had chosen to go to. He needed to learn about Trollocs, for they would be his grunts in the wars to come. No deskjob or whispering in a Kings ear for Jodeen. If he was going to channel, he may as well have some fun with it. Jodeen knew next to nothing about trollocs and fades. He had read about them as much as he could when he was an acolyte, but had found no time to prepare himself for this class.


M'bela asked the class what they knew about trollocs, and the majority of the class remained quiet. One young boy, a few years younger then Jodeen, piped up about how trollocs could link with Mydraal. But if the Mydraal died, the fades linked to him would die as well. From what Jodeen had read, he perked up and answered himself, "There are different species of Trollocs; Pig-noses, hawk-beaked, bear-cubbed, and more." The students looked at him, and nodded firmly as if undertaking the information thoroughly.


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Joined: 15 Feb 2006

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PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 8:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster

ooc sorry i havent posted on this before school and stuff been hectic i all but forgot this


"Very well, it is not much you know of such a usefull resource, these are part of the shadow army as well as the lot of you are. A general is no one without soldiers, and soldiers can not manage long in heavy wars without camp followers to help them tend equipment, make food and so forth..." M'bela paused a moment, "You are here learning to channel it will put you up towards the top of the ladder if you swim the rigth curents, but it does not make any one of you ireplacable, and neither imortal. An assasins arrow in your back, hordes of trolloc, darkhounds, fades...They are all part of this army you need to find your place in, let the power get to your head and you migth find its the last thing you do." She let the words sink in.


"The one power can only do so much, the great assesment of the trollocs is their size, they are force brute warriors and we have lots of them. They are divided into 12 Tribes, Ahf'frait (whirlwind), Al'ghol (Worm), Bhan'sheen (black hood), Dhjin'nen (Winged Thunderbolt), Ghar'ghael (Black Tower), Ghob'hlin (Ant), Gho'hlem (Flaming Fist), Ghraem'lan (Laughing Mask), Ko'bal (blood red trident), Kno'mon (empty badge), Dha'vol (wolf-Trollocs head), and the Dhai'mon (Iron Fist).




Birds of prey formed the core of this tribe at one time. While subsequent intermixings have widened their genetic makeup, their emphasis is still as scouts and commandos; theirs is a lethal mixture of speed, strength, and supernaturally good eyesight.




Carrion birds–crows, vultures, and their ilk–make up this tribe. They delight in decay, and their favorite food is anything that’s been exposed to the elements for a few days. Their skills in combat are nothing special, nor is their intelligence, but their ability to survive on a warpath with negligable provisions is their strongest trait.




A new tribe by comparison; a rebirth of the ancient Dha’vol, devoid of their parent tribe’s subsequent mongrelization. Purestrain wolf-breeds dominate the Bhan’sheen; pack hunters, pack killers, they are some of the most feared Trollocs in the Blight.




Some of the most successful all-around creations of the Aurani, the Dhai’mon are pure feline breeds, unsullied by the blood of what they view as ‘lesser’ races, except on the blades of their massive scimitars. Though lacking the physical strength and stamina of the Bhan’sheen, the Dhai’mon make up for it with their exceptional speed and their phenomenal intelligence; in terms of pure brainpower, this tribe far exceeds any other ever created.




Once wolf-breeds formed the core of this tribe; but the Breaking scattered the ancient Dha’vol, and to survive they assimilated other species wantonly into their ranks without prejudice. They have no specialized traits to distinguish them from other tribes, save their numbers; and their willingness to take any breed of Trolloc into their tribe makes them useful in a variety of circumstances.




This tribe was built for stealth, and drew most of its original genetic makeup from lizards, skilled beasts in camouflage. Although, like other tribes, the blood has become somewhat more mixed, still the preferred role of the Dhjin’nen is as a scout or skirmisher.




Another of the tribes that originated after the Breaking, the founders of the Ghar’ghael tribe were drawn from among the sturdiest, most keen-eyed Trollocs, with the most stamina, of their former brethren. Employed as guards, the Ghar’ghael patrol the gates of Thakan’dar, and the mountain passes are always watched by their vigilant eyes.




Larger reptilians made up the original composition of the Ghob’hlin, and this is reflected in their single-minded pursuit of food and fighting. Wherever the fighting is thickest, Ghob’hlin are sure to be found, and they throw themself into the fray with such glee that often they don’t notice that they’ve received a mortal wound until after they’ve slaughtered a half-dozen more of their enemies.




Ursine to the core, only the strongest are permitted to survive in this tribe. The bear-breeds of the Gho’hlem form the backbone of any Trolloc army, an anvil for the other tribes to hammer an enemy against. Though their numbers are small, their skill in battle is legendary.




These trollocs, drawn from the more disreputable echelons of the canine race, have taken the Trolloc definition of ‘fun’ to a new level. They enjoy hurting things, including each other if no viable targets are available. Like most bullies, the hyenas, foxes, and other dog-likes of the Ghraem’lan are also inveterate cowards, and skulking is also considered one of their favorite pastimes.




The Ko’bal are practically the archetypal Trollocs. Though once they were composed solely of bovine and taurian breeds, they are now made up of every species imagineable. They take perverse pleasure in inflicting pain over and above their victims’ capacity, and are not above continuing to abuse a corpse after it has given up and snuffed it. Then they eat it. What more can be said?




Outcasts, weaklings, cowards, and bureaucrats. Bureaucrats? Indeed, for this tribe, formed from the dregs of the others, has found a way to capitalize on the utter uselessness of its members as warriors; the Kno’mon handle the logistics of the march. Those with intelligence rise to the top of the ranks; those without become thralls and drudges. Either way, the Kno’mon are essential to the warpath."


M'bela paused, "Now as you see there is much more to Trollocs then you likely first thougth. The information you learn in this class is information held to the shadow, and as should be, there are those out there who belive in trollocs, much bether them and theirs belive what you did when you first entered class today. Why? " she smiled, "ignorance is a weakness who soon can come to bite you in the back. Knowledge is a weapon you never should blow off. Now i will invite you to come up and study the two exemplares of trollocs i brougth in, its a young exemplar of the Dha’vol tribe, not fully grown yet quite the size already. Feel free to investigate at your leisure to learn as much as posible, and after use the opertunity to walk the round of this room and have a look on the difrent skulls who are an asortement containing spiciments from all the types."


She waited till the class had finished their round, it was good to have a break up in theory, let them see some of it live to have a chanse to let the knowledge get some pegs to hang on.


"If you are all done and ready then i will finish the class with an brief explanation of the trollocs rank system." She waited till she had silent confirmation from all of them.


"Now as said there is 12 Tribes. Leader of each Tribe is called: The Warlord. Warlords are elected by Shaman who are Clan leaders.


Most trollocs on Tribes territory live in Clans, but there are also trolloc bands that do not belong to any Tribe but live on the Tribes territory all the same.


The largest military unit serving in a Tribe is a Horde. Hordes are made out of the warriors all the Clans have to send to the Warlord. Hordes are lead by Horde Leaders who answer only to their Warlord.


Under the Horde Leaders are Berserkers, who each lead one legion, roughly 1.000 warriors. An horde is normaly made up of 10 legions. Under Berserker is a Fist commander, still lower is a Claw Commander and then, a single Trolloc Warrior."


M'bela looked at the students who seemed in her mind to have goten their horizon broadened quite a bit. "Very well i think we will call that the end of class, before you go I would like to hear your view on Trollocs as a resource and a soldier now that you learned more, basicaly have this class changed your view on them and in which way?"

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