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A New Acquaintance


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Blinking, Lillian lifted the water ladle to her lips and took a sip as she observed a pair of men dueling.  She didn't know the taller man, but Enrico Santiga was a friend of hers for some years now.  It was always interesting watching him, he had fused southern swordplay with the northern, the combination an odd mix of the artistic and practical.  A deadly swordsman in his own right, he was more than capable of holding his own against the man he fought, but then the point of their duel was instruction rather than victory.  A testing of each other's abilities to see where they needed improving.


Something Lillian knew she sorely required.  Although she'd spent a number of decades with a blade in hand, her intermittent opportunities to practice due to her other obligations more had left her with a limited ability.  One of the reasons she was at the Yards now in fact, to refresh her memory and her skills for her next venture into the world where Lillian knew she would need to be at the very least, competent.


It was a shame that she couldn't take Enrico with her in fact, but his previous position in Tear had disqualified him.  He had been able to give her some direction though, to some possible people that were not only highly capable but were not tied to a particular Aes Sedai or duty that would present an issue.  She'd spent the better part of the week, during the three hours she had alloted to herself for training, observing the potential candidates.  Eliminating them one after the other, not only by their skill with a blade but a host of other criteria, she'd finally arrived on a first choice.


Setting the ladle back down, Lillian turned slightly to her right to observe her favoured prospect for the purposes of her mission.  Lyv Tylin, a red head who had earned her heron mark sometime ago, from what Lillian had observed she had a rather relaxed demeanour and didn't quite exude the military discipline that the Tower Guard produced in most of its membership.  Indeed, she'd happily noted a certain aversion to authority in an exchange between herself and Captain Ralleigh, exactly the sort of thing she was after.


She needed someone who was highly capable yet didn't reveal the degree of their training with every step unlike some of the people who stalked the yards.  Someone who wasn't going to insist on protocol and would be able to act the part of a mercenary, and if Lillian was correct then Lyv Tylin would be more than capable.


Lillian had been hoping for an easier way to approach Lyv Tylin to better appraise her, perhaps asking Rosheen or Leanna to help introduce her to the woman for something like a lesson or maybe a more informal setting.  But, time and circumstance had conspired against such a thing, so Lillian was left with simply approaching the woman, which she did.


Wiping her hands on her breeches unconsciously as she neared, Lillian couldn't help but wonder what she would look like if she dyed her dark hair the bright red that Lyv possessed.  Maybe she would do it for this mission if Lyv accepted, with near matching eyes and similar height it would be fun to play the role of sisters if the woman was friendly enough.  But, that was a consideration for a later time, now she needed to focus on Lyv who had stopped her forms and turned to face her.


"Good day Mistress Tylin, I am Lillian Tremina of the White Ajah.  I was wondering if I could impose on you for a brief period, perhaps you would join me for a walk?  There is something I would like to discuss with you if you would care to listen."



Lillian Tremina

Sister of the White Ajah

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Watching as her trainee ran off to the barracks after his lesson, Lyv smiled and returned her katana to her hip. The young man had much to learn yet, trying to wield a real weapon when he had still so much trouble with the practice lathes. He had not hurt himself by much, nothing a Yellow could not fix should he change his mind about asking for Healing. He might, once he thought she could not see him anymore. Little did the man know that Lyv had a regular appointment in the Infirmary to check up on who had been in and out that week and also because she had befriended the Yellow Sister, Fayth Do’vin.


The woman seemed to be the first person anyone from the Yards who got injured seemed to meet. Each of the Yellow shad their specialty and she had a knack for making even the biggest hero a calm and trusting child who let his hand be bandaged or his head Healed by her skill. Yes, she would check up on Fayth later to see if her trainee had showed up with that cut on his leg. Stubborn as he’d been not to go straight after he had swung Lyv’s katana for a bit only to hit his own leg with it.


Turning back to the training field, Lyv found an Aes Sedai walking up to her. She did not immediately recognize the Sister, but was sure that she had seen the woman before. She looked like she was in good shape and walked calm towards the tower guard who nodded greeting. The Aes Sedai knew her name and although this did not surprise Lyv, it did slightly surprise her that she was of the White Ajah. Surely, they would have met as Lyv had been a long time friend with Leah Bree of the White. She pondered over the woman’s name, when introduced and asked to join her for a short walk.


Lyv nodded and said, “Of course Aes Sedai, how can I help you?” she responded and walked alongside the White Sister who seemed to want to wait before speaking, before they were out of earshot from the other guards. They walked past the East wall and Lyv found that two guards on duty were talking with someone on the other side of the wall. Surely, no problem with talking freely here as the two men were probably chatting up the daughter of the local butcher who brought his daily delivery of meat to the kitchens. He was not a sight and even a bit of a scare, but his daughter was beautiful or so Lyv had been convinced on more than one occasion. “They’re busy talking with Sarah Louise, that will keep them occupied for hours after she’s gone even,” Lyv added with a grin.


Lyv Tylin


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Walking alongside Lyv as she allowed her to lead the way, Lillian made a note of the manner that Lyv Tylin exuded around her in particular.  She seemed calm enough, and while she'd used Lillian's title, Lyv had also easily enough joked about the pair of Guards upon the wall that were talking to a woman over the other side who clearly had their interest.  She was easy going, she wasn't disrespectful of Lillian but she certainly didn't defer in the manner that some of the newer Guards and the trainees were prone to.  Definitely not even a whiff of the Shienaran stiff backed formality that some felt was what every Guard should aspire to.


Smiling as she felt that her earlier estimation of Lyv had been confirmed, Lillian chose to let the smile be her response to Lyv's sally so she could focus more on why they were here.  "Lyv, do you mind if I call you Lyv?"  Getting an easy nod from the woman that suggested it was fine, Lillian continued.  "Lyv, I have a mission that will require me to travel to a place around the northern border of Tear.  I do not have a Warder, and I feel it would be prudent to take at least one Tower Guard with me for protection.  I would like that Tower Guard to be you."


That much Lyv could easily have assumed from the moment Lillian started talking, but Lillian doubted that what she said next would have been so easily anticipated.  "I would like you not only because, from all accounts and from what I've seen, you're a fine hand with a blade.  I need someone who isn't weighed down with deference to rank and formality as we will both be travelling incognito.  Since foreigners are the only ones allowed to bear weapons in Tear apart from nobles and soldiers, we would be going there as mercenaries, as swordsisters."


"We would be leaving in the next couple of days if you would choose to accept, I can easily enough arrange for you to be attached to me and everything else.  If you aren't interested, then I would ask that you please keep the details that I have shared private, though I don't believe you needed to be told that.  But I've spoken enough already, what are your thoughts, Lyv?"  Lillian's smile remained as easy as before as she regarded the other woman.



Lillian Tremina

Sister of the White Ajah

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As the White unfolded her plan and what she needed Lyv’s help for, her interest grew with every word. This was something very different from what Aes Sedai usually asked from tower guards. They usually had to defer, be quiet and protective of an Aes Sedai, she could not imagine any Aes Sedai ever asking a tower guard to act as mercenaries together. And sword sisters even, Lyv was baffled and could not utter a reply immediately.


It seemed Lillian took this as a ‘no’ when Lyv did not immediately say something and Lyv could tell she was hiding disappointment. But the guard was too quick for her and said, “Of course Lillian Sedai, of course I will help you and I – can I speak so frank would love the idea of going on a mission as sword sisters,” she wondered if the Aes Sedai minded that she was too forward. Too quick to respond so open and Lyv clasped her jaw shut. “ I would be honored Aes Sedai, to protect you on this mission,” she finally said and blushed a little. This was getting awkward and Lyv wondered how the White would take it.


She thought about the idea Lillian had disclosed and what they would have to do to prepare themselves. Maybe Lyv could offer the White training, so they could find out what the other woman’s skill was, her strengths and weaknesses. It was important to realize this before they left, but Lyv could tell that the White had already considered this and taken that into account. “I could offer my services before the trip to train together, so we can understand each others skill,” she voiced her thoughts and walked along the White Sister passed the training grounds.



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The genuine outburst from Lyv caused Lillian's smile to widen slightly as she listened to the woman agreeing to accompany her.  It seemed to have taken her more by surprise than Lillian had expected, but Lyv was excited enough about the prospect and Lillian chose to take it at face value as she hadn't been given a reason to expect otherwise.  Though Lyv had quickly fallen into formality, Lillian made a mental note of having to discourage that.


Having said that, the mention of training certainly piqued her interest.  It would be good for them to get the measure of one another, despite Lillian knowing that she would be easily outclassed by the other woman.  Well, unless she cheated that was, and there were plenty of loopholes with the one power that she had discovered over the years.  After all, there were plenty of things that she could do that she did not construe as using the one power as a weapon.  She defined a weave as a weapon being one designed to cause harm or injure an opponent.  A weave designed to inhibit or restrain an opponent was a completely different matter.


But that would have to wait for a later time, besides, there would be plenty of opportunities while they were travelling.  Lillian didn't simply maintain an act when others were around, you had to live a role to be believable.  "We won't have time to do so now, the next couple of days I will be spending on preparations.  Having said that, since we'll be swordsisters, we will be training most days while we travel I would imagine in order to keep our skills sharp.  Though if you wish to gain a better grasp of my ability before we leave, you could ask Rosheen Tahn Sakhr.  She has been one of my instructors over the years, she could easily give you a better measure of me than I could myself."


Grinning at the look on Lyv's face at those words, Lillian added.  "Also, if we're going to be sword sisters you will have to drop the 'Aes Sedai'.  Lillian will do just fine, the title tends to be a bit cumbersome after the first dozen or so times its spoken anyway.  Now, I will have the details in your room in a letter in about a day's time, but the basic plan will be to meet in Osenrein.  Dress as flashily as you like, our garb has to be practical yet at the same time showy.  It is often better to grab people's attention with what you want them to see rather than be subdued and simply hope no one see's you at all."


"Having said that, I would ask you either leave your heron marked blade here or do something like tie some cloth around the pommel to hide the mark.  A mercenary bearing such a blade would draw too much attention, and it is better to let people underestimate a pair of women travelling alone rather than tip your hand.  At least, thats been my experience."


Frowning as a thought came to her, Lillian shook her head slightly to banish it.  "If anyone asks, we are travelling south."  Not a lie, but there were a lot of places to go to the south.  Stopping in her tracks, Lillian couldn't think of anything else that needed to be said that couldn't wait till later.  "Is there anything you would ask of me about this enterprise?  If not, then I need to begin preparations now and try and tie up as many loose threads as I have here before we leave."



Lillian Tremina

Sister of the White Ajah

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Lyv had no more questions, the instructions were clear and she had a lot to think over before she would go on this trip with Lillian Sedai. It would not be too difficult to call her by her name, but she realized she would have to be careful not to ever let the Aes Sedai slip as she was so used to using it in the Yards and the Tower. The idea of sword sisters was too interesting to let up though and she would manage.


The remark about the heron mark blade was something Lyv had not expected from the White, she clearly had thought through even the most minute details. However, no problems would arise there as Lillian did not know how Lyv felt about this particular blade. Her heron marked blade was one she carried because she was a blademaster, she carried it as a kind of reckoning for accomplishment. She had after all trained for over 10 years to reach this state. But during all her training she had used the multitude of small throwing and stabbing daggers she kept hidden on her body and her quarterstaff that was usually strapped to her back.


The heron mark blade would be hidden under her bed in cloth, so none would see it and none would feel like she had dismissed its importance. Lyv knew that she held her Tower Guard status and her Blademaster skill high in esteem, she was proud to be what she had trained so hard to become, but it was not measured by the blade, but by her skill. She would teach Lillian if the White requested but would in preparation have drinks with Rosheen to ask her about this particular Sister and see what her old friend could tell her.


Clothing, another item on the list of Lillian’s careful planning. Lyv was used to wearing blue and brown colors, she was not drawn to flashy colors but she knew a young woman in the Yards who did and went out to market the next morning to get some fabrics for new clothing. The next evening she went out with Rosheen for drinks and without disclosing anything about her trip, found out enough about Lillian’s skill to feel well prepared for what was to come. A few days later the clothes she had made were finished and she sent a small pack up to the White Sister’s room with a deep purple skirt, with a high cut divider to make it easy to ride a horse. Also there was a white blouse with ruches and a pink flower made on it.


Lyv had also bought a small gift for the White Sister that would help them with their story of sword sisters, two wooden bracelets that had their names on in golden paint. She would wear Lillian’s and the Sedai would wear hers. The memory of her sister came to her as she played with her new bracelet. She had decided to wear it at night to get used to the weight and feel of the bracelet as apart from the golden necklace she never wore any jewelry. It would not be a good disguise if Lyv was constantly fidgeting with her bracelet. The bracelet and the bond it represented reminded her of the necklace she still wore since leaving Tanchico and she decided to put the memory necklace with the name of her sister Katie in a small wooden box and place it in the same cloth as her heron marked blade. Hidden until she would return to the Yards, to pick up her life again.


A few days later a small note was delivered from Lillian’s that they would be heading out the next morning before dawn. Lyv made sure the horses were ready and chose one that was similar in built to the one Lilllian would use. She did not own her own horse anymore but would use one the Tower kept for its occupants. Lyv was ready for the trip that would bring a bit of excitement to her life and had been practicing not only with the bracelet, her new set of skirts and wide blouses and bright colored shawls in her hair, but also with using Lillian’s name. Her friends noticed she had not gone down to Tar Valon at night, had gone to bed early and would rise before dawn each morning to train. It was not a big change, but it was good to have these hours of solitude for practice with her disguise. Now, on the day of departure Lyv was ready and excited to leave. Preparation was done, she was ready to leave and found Lillian waiting by the stable where they mounted their horses. They would travel until noon before changing their appearance, far enough from the Tower that none would figure out this Aes Sedai and Tower Guard had suddenly changed who they appeared to be.


Lyv Tylin



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