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Chesmal Emry and the murder of Sierin Vayu

Charlz Guybon

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Chesmal bragged that she manipulated the Red Ajah into murdering the Amyrlin, Sierin Vayu, before Sierin could order her arrest. Given how much favor that Sierin held the Red in, this seems very odd. She appointed Duhara and Amira has her Keeper and Mistress of the Novices, both Reds. It's also rumored that many were surprised when she chose the Gray instead of the Red. Now she did reign with a heavy hand, but not nearly as bad as Elaida. She held very Red views about men, firing all the male clerks.


What could have Chesmal said to convince Red Sisters to kill her? The only thing I can think of is that she claimed Sierin would expose the Vileness. She was renowned for her strict upholding of the law; the law as she held it anyways. Still it seems hard to believe she would have punished the Reds has hard as Marith Jaen did, so what drove them to kill her? I can't figure it out.


The Vileness was sufficient. Despite Sierin's Red leanings, she was Grey, not Red, and the Reds are the most discriminatory and clannish about their Ajah.


Siuan tipped Sierin off to the Black in New Spring. Sierin, one imagines, began investigating the matter. The Reds, encouraged by Chesmal- the Black Siuan pointed the finger at, since she decreed Meilyn dead in her sleep when Siuan had spent the whole night sleeping under Meilyn's bed with no Meilyn- struck at Sierin, paranoid she was going to undercover *their* activities, since she was so close to the Red.


Pretty much all of my thoughts on the matter can be found here http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,13664.0.html.


For short, my conclusion was as Bob points out... i believe following Suine's message, Sierin began to examine the deaths of the Tamra's Searchers. The only clear connection we have to the searchers is Chesmal Emry, who announced Meilyn's death, and purportedly examined her prior to that death (which we know never happened). If that is the connection that Sierin found, than it makes sense that Chesmal moved against her, and it also makes sense as to why she killed her using the Reds, rather then approaching the Blacks--Asne herself makes it clear that Black sisters had been made to 'disapear' in order to keep the secret. Chesmal could not risk the Supreme Council learning of Sierin's suspicions.


This of course raises two questions.


1. Why did the Reds kill Sierin?


2. How did Chesmal learn of Sierin's inquiry?


On question one, my guess is as i outlined it above. It seems likely that it was the work of Tsutama Rath, the unstable predetor sitter who has shown herself capable of anything in persuit of what she believes to be right, including stepping outside the law. My guess is that Chesmal approached her and tried to convince her that Sierin would be a threat to the 'search and destroy' mission the reds had going on--and about your question, Charlz... well thats what i think more than anything suggest Tsutama. A lesser person, like Toveine or Lirene might have been willing to see how things played out, but I don't see Tsutama waiting around.


Additionally, remember that most sisters think that the punishment that was given to the Reds was grossly inadequate. Prior to the event, especially at the hands of an Amyrlin like Sierin, it's more than possible that the sitters would have believed they faced stilling and execution, and perhaps not even just for them, but for every Red involved. The latter is why i suspect Tsutama would have acted... to protect the Ajah as a whole.


On question two, i believe the answer is Sierin's Keeper, Duhara... no real evidence besides access and a personality that makes my skin crawl, but yeah. And that puts together an interesting situation in Caemlyn with Duhara and Chesmal so close.



Pretty much all of my thoughts on the matter can be found here http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,13664.0.html.



On question two, i believe the answer is Sierin's Keeper, Duhara... no real evidence besides access and a personality that makes my skin crawl, but yeah. And that puts together an interesting situation in Caemlyn with Duhara and Chesmal so close.



I definitely believe she's a black sister, she just seem too suspicious.


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