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So now that we've introduced ourselves, I thought we ought to show each other what we're up to ICly and find out who needs some help or just wants some fun :P



Anabel/Timewalker was just made full sister and is getting ready to take up her training to be a Tracker.  She's also meeting a friendly wolf (if Sil would stop playing in the sunny states and get back to writing :P)  She's got plenty of fun issues to work out before she's on her own though so I expect to be RPing a lot with her before then.  Oh.. and after all her work with Anton she's finally told him her real name, but she's mostly still hiding behind her wolf name. 


So... anyone want to meet her?  Who wants to play?  And what are you up to?  Need any help?


Yep.. that's me... call me the Nosy DL...


I haven't gotten started with Zarine yet (will try to do that today) but James told me that Anabel will be given the job of coming to fetch her :P Anton will be just watching but you need to do the actual pick up.


I shall let you know the linky but I am sure that you will spot the thread on the Stedding board :)


At the moment Owen is returning to the Stedding with a new Wanderer, Cham. Has jsut introduced another new Wanderer, Rhya, to Miryana for her introduction to the Stedding etc and is conducting Myth's first Dream lesson. Aleeza, Estel's character, is about to start her final lesson before reaching the rank of Wolfsister.....so it would seem it is training all round for Owen.



Guest Arie Ronshor

WT. >_< But we're almost sorted out. I'm hoping for RPs to start rolling again this week.


Korrena is always up for cameo pranks, odd philosophical walks in the woods, or simply a decent rhyme overheard. (Basically if it says Open, i'll probably post on it anyways.. *smiles*)

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