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A cool breeze gave Jaem momentary relief from the summer heat. He loved the summer, and he loved the heat. Even before his training with the Warders in Tar Valon, the heat didn't affect him like it did other people. Even before the Blight, after which he'd swore that Jaem Caran could never again complain about being hot, he was always most comfortable in the sun. It gave him energy. It made him feel as if the Light itself was giving him strength.


The city of Caemlyn streached out in front of him. Even after months in Tar Valon, the sight was still breathtaking. It was the first great city he had ever seen, back several years ago before he had joined the Band of the Red Hand. To him, it still seemed the grandest of them all.


He made his way into the New City, to the inn that he had stayed in the first and every time he had come to Caemlyn. It was a largish inn called The Queen's Pride. It sat in the middle of a row of inns and taverns famous for nightlife. He gave his riding horse and packhorse to Stu, the stableman, and an extra coin to bring his armor and the rest of his things to his room once he had aquired it.


"Jaem, my boy!"


"How are you Mistress Rony?" Jaem walked in and gave the plump inkeeper a hug.


"I'm doing just wonderful now." She pinched his cheeks and gave him a good lookover. "Alina... come look who's here. Its Captain Caran!"


"Banner Captain Caran." Jaem laughed.


A young girl looked out of the kitchen doorway, blushing. When he had first seen her she was a skinny girl of only fifteen years. She had to be eighteen by now, or close to it at least. Light but did she blossom over the three years he had been coming here! "Hi Jaem." She waved and ducked quickly back into the kitchen.


"And what brings you back this way, young Master?" Mistress Rony smiled. "I've just come from Tar Valon. It seems they had some fool idea that I could learn about the Warder training and teach them all of it. Light, but I thought I'd never gain the approval of the Warders to be named a blademaster."


"Well you must be tired, dear. I'll have your things taken to your usual room, and you go have a bath. And I won't hear any arguments about it."


Jaem only grinned and headed to the bath room. A hot bath was just what he needed. From there it was out to the streets and the first tavern. Ale, women, dice... it was all he could ever hope for. Life was good. But before he knew it, the night was ending and he found himself inside the Pride shaking off a man asking for another dice game and a woman asking for another drink. With more stealth than he thought any Warder could muster, he ducked into the kitchen.


With a sigh of relief, he turned around, hoping maybe he could get something to snack on before he went to bed. "What in the Pit?" Jaem staggered a bit before he caught his wits. What looked like a giant man with tuffed ears and a too wide nose stood in front of him eatting. Whatever it was, it was no Trolloc. Light burn him, but he had seen plenty of those. "An Ogier? Here?"


* * *


Mistress Rony made the best breakfast in Caemlyn, at least that was how Forge felt about it.


The matronly woman had taken a liking to Forge, treating the giant, 12-foot-tall Ogier like an adopted son ever since he had stayed here the first time, when he had come to the New City to work Stone with the other Masons. The Queen’s Pride was one of the few inns in the New City part of Caemlyn that kept Ogier rooms, even though Ogier had crafted one or two in every inn that they had helped build over the years. The others had all been refurbished to suit multiple human-sized rooms.


So the Ogier spent their custom at the Queen’s Pride, and Forge spent as much time as he could in Mistress Rony’s kitchen.


The sun still hadn’t even thought of getting out of bed yet, much less peeked over the horizon, but Forge had lots of work to do and had needed to get an early start. Mistress Rony seemed to never sleep, and she had prepared a bountiful breakfast for him despite the early hour and the fact he was the only Ogier in town.


There were mounds of eggs, sausage, biscuits, venison, hash browns, a large vat of gravy, and cold milk to wash it all down. And honey cakes! An Ogier could put away a lot of food at any time, and Forge had a healthy appetite as Ogier went. But Mistress Rony seemed to become happier the more he ate, so he did his best to keep her happy.


He had lost count of how many honey cakes he had devoured when the stranger barged in, looking like he had been pulled tail first through a knothole. But he had a devilish air about him that looked fun, and Mistress Rony always loved strays, so Forge never even stood up from his seat on the floor near the fireplace when the rumpled tomcat blurted out, “An Ogier? Here?”


“So it seems, friend,” Forge replied warmly, wiping a large, heavily callused hand across his mouth and smearing honey into the narrow strip of hair he kept carefully trimmed below his bottom lip. It was the only facial hair he cultivated. His deep bass voice was pitched to not carry beyond the kitchen door, but tomcat winced as if he had shouted. Or hit him in the head with a hammer.


“You’re up early,” Forge grinned, his wide smile nearly splitting his face in two. “Or should I say late? Would you care to join me? Mistress Rony makes the best breakfast in Caemlyn!”


Well, perhaps he wasn’t speaking softly after all. He chuckled ever so richly.


* * *


"Oh Light, yes." Jaem plopped down onto a chair next to the Ogier. "Names Caran." He said through a mouthfull of eggs. He was right, Mistress Rony was one of the best cooks he had ever met. "Jaem Caran." He wiped his mouth. "You'll have to excuse me, friend Ogier, but I've been dying for a bite for hours. Anyways... yes... up late. Light, but its good to be able to stay up till dawn again. I've spent the last three years of my life going to bed early and waking up to the sounds of horns or some sort of noise maker. First with the army... then even worse with the bloody Warders. Light, by now I'd already be up doing sword forms."


* * *


Forge looked on amusedly as Jaem Caran gobbled down titanic mouthfuls of Mistress Rony’s breakfast at a time. He reeked of stale tabac smoke and ale and the cheap perfume of tavern wenches, and the rigors of a long night out carousing had left him more than slightly rumpled. Combined with his somewhat high opinion of himself, it was obvious that fine Jaem Caran was a devilish rogue out for a bit of fun and trouble and not necessarily in any particular order.


Forge liked him instantly.


The fun-loving scoundrel’s charm was infectious, and the giant Ogier’s grin spread across his face like butter on one of Mistress Rony’s tasty biscuits. There were so many types of humans, and his brethren missed out on so much enjoyment by cloistering themselves away in their Stedding. Forge, although feeling called to a more forbidding purpose, was bound and determined to learn and see as much as he could as he walked the strange path the Creator had laid before him.


Rising to his feet, Forge clapped his breakfast companion on the shoulder with a heavily calloused hand the size of a large ham. “Enjoy sleeping the day away, Jaem Caran. I must be off to work. It was a pleasure meeting you.”


Turning to go, a thought crossed his mind and he stopped and turned back to the disheveled night owl.


“You mentioned training with the Warders. Would you be interested in showing me a few tips? Of an evening, of course. I’d hate to interfere with your beauty sleep.” Forge’s own grin matched the mischievous air that accompanied Jaem Caran like a second skin, much in the same manner as did the previously noted odors. “Say after I get in from work, perhaps? I usually finish up a little before dusk.”


Tips? Why in the Light would an Ogier want or need any tips that Jaem or the Warders could give them? Still, it was hard to not have an instant affection for the Ogier. He had always heard that Ogier were slow and needed to rationalize everything. The big goofy grin on his face made it extremely hard to say no. "Tips, friend Ogier? Well, I don't suppose many Ogier use the sword... but I'm sure we can find somethingto teach you, eh?" he grinned as the smile got even bigger. He really hadn't planned on staying more than one other night, but this might be worth an extra few days. "You have a deal. We start this evening after supper."


The day flew by for Forge.


He wasn’t sure how much he accomplished, and he couldn’t remember exactly what he did all day, but he was certainly looking forward to the evening’s session with Jaem Carran. He was unsure what the self-proclaimed warrior had to teach him, but the Ogier was like raw iron ready to be molded. He had spent long years working with the staff in the stedding, but he had never seen how the little humans did things and he was looking forward to it.


He didn’t bother entering the common room of Mistress Rony’s inn, instead he entered the back and sat down near the door. He was still covered in dust and sweat, and he didn’t want to intrude on the nice fixings the motherly woman always prepared for her guests. He just wanted to eat a quick bite and then see what the charming tomcat Jaem Caran had to teach him.


He pulled over a table just as Mistress Rony entered the kitchen and began fussing over him. She wouldn’t hear of him fending for himself, so while he sat on the floor with his elbows propped on the tabletop, she spooned up large amounts of delicious food.


And so there he was when the night owl found him, sitting on the floor with a platter piled high, valiantly trying to make a dent in it.


Jaem finished his meal with a grin on his face. The Wheel had certainly weaved him into some peculiar situations, but this was up there with the very oddest. It wasn't every day that a man randomly met, befrended, and became somewhat of a mentor to an Ogier... much less all in the span of about ten minutes. He was beginning to wonder about his comrades in the Band calling him ta'veren. He was pretty sure it wasn't true, but it was times like this the question popped up in his mind. He was pretty sure the Aes Sedai would have caught it in Tar Valon if he was. Maybe that was why they all tried to bond him. Light, there were a few others better with the blade than he was, but they didn't recieve so much attention. Blood and ashes! He was probably just drunker than he thought, though, and he laughed at himself for thinking such nonsense.


"Whats so funny?" Alina tried to stifle her own giggle as she started clearing off the table.


Jaem choked a bit on his honey cake. What a fool he must look like. He could feel his cheeks start to warm. He needed a save, time to think quick. He looked up at the girl. Light, but she was pretty. Not a girl anymore, a woman. His cheeks were getting hotter by the second. "I... uhhh... nothing... hi... eggs?" Idiot! That didn't even make any bloody sense. The Light burn him for a fool. "What I mean is... well... I was just thinking of a joke."


She suddenly became very interested. "What joke, Jaem?" Her big brown eyes lit up. "Tell me." Blood and ashes.


"Life, Alina. Life is the funniest joke of all." She looked a little confused. He smiled at her, more to comfort himself than her. Time to change the subject. "What are you doing up so early? You're far too young to have been out carousing all night." That ought to do it. If he got her to laugh now, she'd be sure to forget laughing at him seconds earlier for making a fool of himself. The two would run together. All she'd remember was laughing.


Alina, howver, didn't seem to have a sense of humor this morning. "Acctually," she said with her fists on her hips. I'm up so early to help mother with chores around the inn. Not all of us can lay about all day and play with sticks and call it work." Damn. "And it just so happens, Banner Captain Caran, that you are not so much older than me." Here it goes. Light, this was only going to get worse. "And I should ask the same of you. I'll wager my best dress that you were out carousing all night drinking and talking to cheap hussies about how you are some some sort of hero of some war or some such." Liiiiight! "And I bet they ate it all up and you took one up to your room and..." She stopped suddenly and lowered her head and her voice. Odd. "You... you didn't did you?"


Now was his chance to gain the upper hand. Ha! "Of course not! Why would you even think of something like that from me? And what would it matter any...?" Oh Light. Her face became red as a beet. He didn't have anything else to say. "Look... I'm sorry Alina. I didn't mean... well what I mean is... look, I haven't done any such thing. You know that. Your mother would have my hide if I did any such thing under her roof." He smiled at her again.


This time she smiled back. "I'm sorry if I overreacted. Its just, well, see you are a hero to me Jaem Caran. Every time I see you my heart starts beating faster and I get a fuzzy feeling in my gut."


Jaem was again pretty much speechless. "Look... Alina... I like you. You're a really great girl... woman. And you're beautiful besides... very beautiful..." he shook his head, "but Rony would have my hide for sure if she ever suspected..."


"She doesn't have to know." She blerted out. "I... mean... there are a lot of places we can meet outside of the inn."


Jaem couldn't believe what he was hearing! Young, innocent Alina. Light! "I'll... I'll think about it. This isn't a smart thing to do, but I'll think about it." Somewhow he already knew in his head what his decision would be. It was innevitable. That was Jaem Caran. "I have to be off to bed now, though. It seems I've attatched myself to a promise to our Ogier friend." He stood and took her hand in his, then bringing it to his lips for a kiss. We'll speak tonight."


Before she could say another word, he turned and left. This was dangerous. But then so was sneaking around in the Accepted's Quarters... or the Green's Quarters... or the Red's. There was a huge rush he had gotten then, and it was identical to the sensation he was feeling now. It was a thrill Jaem Caran physically could not pass up.


He slept uncomfortably in the heat of the day, but it was enough. His morning after was nearly gone by the time lunch had come and gone. It wasn't long after that he was able get out of his room and walk around the city a bit. He ate a little before leaving. If he was going to be training tonight, it was best to have his food well digested before starting.


His trip into the city was short and pleasent. He loved the city. The sights, the sounds, everything. He came back to the inn just as supper was being served. Alina started for him right away, but with a quick shake of his head, Jaem warded her off. He saw the big Ogier sitting and eatting eagerly. He probably should have told him about that. But for now it might acctually be a little funny. That way he learns. He didn't even try to hide his smile as he walked up to him. "Well, friend Ogier, are you ready?" A nod and big grin gave him his answer. Jaem waited as the Ogier finished off his supper. Looking at him, Jaem decided it might not be that funny to see this majestic creature hurl his supper all over the floor. Burn it! "Well today is the first day, so we'll take it easy. First off, tell me what you know so I can decide what to teach you."

  • 2 weeks later...

Wiping his mouth with a napkin that was much too small in his hand, Forge smiled at the rascal with the charming air when he walked up to the table. “It’s good to see you up and about so early,” he teased. “I guess I’m as ready as I’m likely to be. I’ve just got in and grabbed something to eat. I hope you don’t mind that I’m dirty… I didn’t know what would be in store today, and I didn’t want to be late to my first session.”


Grinning broadly enough to nearly split his face in two, Forge continued. “As to your request, I know just enough to know there is much I don’t know.” At the look of approval on the warrior scoundrel’s face, Forge suspected the human had more to teach him than he could imagine.


“I have picked up a thing or two over the years, but there is much I haven’t learned,” the Ogier went on. “I have won the quarterstaff competition for the last several years now in the stedding, but I have rarely had to fight anything as small and waspish as you humans, thank the Maker. I can demonstrate the basic technique if you wish?” he finished, turning the statement into a question. “But I suspect there are several things I need to adapt if I ever engage in combat with humans. Especially considering that there will probably be lots of them if violence is involved. I swear, I think you humans are attracted to violence like I am to the sound of a smith’s hammer on an anvil.”


Suddenly realizing what he had said, he apologized. “No offense meant, Jaem Carran.”


"None taken, friend." Jaem laughed. "It is true. Our race seems to do nothing but fight. Come, walk with me. You should let your food settle before any kind of excersize." Together they walked out to the stables. "You are far stronger than any human could ever hope to be, even most shadowspawn... Light send you never have to face any of those. I think for now we'll work on your speed attacks. With your power and little bit of speed, you can overwhelm an opponent before most even have a chance to think of attack." Jaem stopped in the middle and took off his shirt, revealing his scarred chest and back. He noticed the Ogier's questioning look. "Like you said, we are attracted to violence. There is a story behind each and every one of those. The life of a warrior is filled with pain, its something you have to be prepared to accept. Even a blademaster starts off as a novice swordsman, and even the greatest of us still take wounds." He began stretching his legs as he continued. "First things first is a warmup. I'm not exactly familiar with an Ogier's level on endurance... but adding speed to your arsonal will require a lot of it." After the stretches were done he took Forge on a short run of about a mile, again, not really knowing the limits of his endurance.


Forge soaked in Jaem Carran’s words like a spring garden soaked in the rain. He was the sprout, and the fun-loving warrior was going to help him grow, even though as yet the Ogier didn’t know what the harvest would be. The things the human said made a lot of sense, and Forge suspected that he didn’t really know how fortunate he was to have bumped into the man.


The Wheel weaves…. he thought amusedly as he listened attentively.


They ran side by side for the mile, the Ogier easily maintaining the easy pace the man set. Forge certainly wasn’t the fastest Ogier amongst the steddings, but he could run with a horse for short distances and could out-walk them over long stretches. An Aielman could leave him in the dust, he knew, but he could easily keep up with all but the most exceptional people on the eastern side of the Dragonwall, his long legs and strength being more than sufficient to match their quicker strides.


When they finished the run, he noticed his teacher was barely even sweating and not breathing hard at all, and Forge wondered just how fast Jaem Carran was if he pushed himself. But the Ogier also noticed that the man seemed happy that Forge wasn’t winded either. Perhaps he is pleased that he won’t be completely wasting his time working with me, Forge thought to himself.


“What is next Jaem Carran?” Forge asked deferentially as he waited for the lesson to continue. “I am the heated steel, and you are the hammer. How will you go about shaping my skills?”

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