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Picture therapy - AI version - all welcome to play


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Due to reasons explained in this thread here, I've been messing around on Facebook with an AI app type thing called Smile.

What Smile does is insert / interface (pun intended) your profile picture into stock pictures. Obviously it makes you look all purty, most of the time, though there are ones that age you UP a bit, instead of down. Some don't work with all pics, as the hairlines or eyes go wonky.


Being me, I went completely overboard and used 3 different photos for myself, and one of my mom's, and one of my 2nd eldest sister, Caren. The results were lovely sometimes, amazing at other times, and on the odd occasion absolutely hilarious.

One made me cry. I have almost no pictures of Caren - only 2 fuzzy ones from when I was a baby (she's much older than me) and then 2 of when she was already old and sick. I took 1 of the latter, and the AI made a picture of exactly what she looked like in a few years earlier, when she was still healthy and lively! (She died of cancer a few years ago.)


If you want to check out all the various groupings, there's a list in this thread, which contains links to the following at the moment (it's bound to expand):


Blue Ajah

Brown Ajah

Gray Ajah

Green Ajah

Red Ajah

White Ajah

Yellow Ajah




Black Tower

Shayol Ghul


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So as an example of what I did, here is the original pic on the AI programme:





It took Caren's pic:


and made this:



My mom's pic:



to this:



Mine from around 2008:






from around 2012:






and from literally last week (no make-up or anything and you can see I suck at selfies lmao!):



to (what a NICE ai you are! yes you are!!):


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So that's a sample of 1 pic.

There's loads and loads, and what I find fascinating is that even though my mom is by far the prettiest of us all, in some pics I actually come out looking better, or Caren does, because of the shape or colour of something in the base pic on the AI.

In some, I prefer the look of one of us over the other, because of the expression which makes it something more interesting.


For example:

I love the look of Caren in this one:



And the one of me from about 2012 is nice:



But I absolutely LOVE the one of me from a few weeks ago, because we both look absolutely mischievous in it! This really is one of my favourite pics, because of the FEELING it evokes. I can't help but feel happier when I look at it:



Also, that guy makes me think of Lan. Who wouldn't love to be cuddled like that by Lan? *grins*

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