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What's your favorite lesser-known character from The Wheel of Time series?

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Hi everyone,

I've been a huge fan of The Wheel of Time series for years, and while the main characters like Rand, Egwene, and Mat get a lot of attention, I'm curious about the lesser-known characters that have captured your interest. Who are some of your favorite minor or secondary characters, and why do they stand out to you?


For me, it's definitely Birgitte Silverbow. I love her backstory, her personality, and her dynamic with Elayne. She's such a unique and strong character who brings a lot of depth to the series.


I also check this https://dragonmount.com/forums/topic/34623-your-favorite-minor-charactersgcp


Thanks in advance!

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Oh, I totally get what you mean about Birgitte! She’s awesome. For me, I’ve always had a soft spot for Loial. Maybe it’s because I’m a bit of a book nerd myself, but I just love how he’s always so calm and thoughtful, even when things are falling apart around him. Plus, his perspective on everything feels so refreshing compared to all the intensity of the other characters.

And I’ve got to mention Lanfear—she’s technically not minor, but she’s such an interesting character. Her obsession with Lews Therin just makes her pop every time she’s in a scene. Definitely one of the more complex antagonists.

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Have to agree about Lanfear : surely the best of the villains . Although Moggy has her moments and Ishy a lot of importance in the story , her appearances - in a number of guises - are all highlights.


There are a lot of relatively minor characters who are nevertheless interesting.  I like Aludra : her dry humour in dealing with Mat appeals to me.

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