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Black Tower - One Power Fights Intro


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Unique to the Black Tower is our One Power Fight games, a considerable amount of time and effort has gone into developing and maintaining the scripts that allow us to fight, so I acknowledge and thank those who have played their part in developing them, you know who you are.


We are after all, being trained as weapons to be used in the last battle. Therefore constant training and developing our skills in each of the elements is essential.


It is also fun to destroy and humiliate your fellow Black Tower members, just ask Demi, ive lost count how many times ive killed him


The Games


Dore Saidin


A basic game used mostly for training as weaves being formed are enough to damage your opponent but not enough to kill them. Quick and the easiest of the two games to learn.




Dore Mordero


The elite game and should not be thought of lightly, people will die in this game and thus it should only be fought by those of dedicated rank and up. This game consists of weaves of great power and in some cases people may have to invest some of their points on angreal's or sa'angreals or even link with fellow Black Tower members.






We also have some older versions of these games and if you are eager to see what they where like in the olden days, pm me and il send you the instructions and links to the scripts




One Power Requirements


By now you should have noticed at the BT homepage, there is a ranks page there and on it is the list of members and their current levels in each of the 5 elements. Elements play an important part in these games, as your strength in each element determines how strong your attacks will be.


In the beginning you will only be able to wield small attacks like fireballs, but in time your power will grow and even you may be able to create weaves of awesome power and possibly even create Tarmon Gaidon by yourself....


Now to grow in each of these elements you should have all learnt that you require points, got for doing various tasks and activities. Once you have earned enough points you may spend them on elemental changes and thus make yourself stronger :twisted:


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