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My Theory on the Rand's "death" in the Last Battle


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None of the prophesies seem to imply that it is Rand, rather than LT, that has to die. They are, after all, merely reincarnations of the same soul.


1. Rand must actually die. It cant be a faked death, or a presumed death. The language is clear. He must die.


2. That this death must result from an intentional effort on his part. Alivia will help him die. Alivia will not kill him, she will aid him in causing his own death.


3. That some part of Rand must survive this death... this is the tricky part. The fact he is dead, yet he lives is concurrent... he must be both. So whilst he must, some part of him must always be alive. This part to me forbids resurrection. Note Mat: To die, and live again. He dies, then he lives. Rand dies AND lives.


1. Rand has to die? Coudn't that be referring to the part of Rand that is LT?

2. Rand want to get rid of Lews Therin sometime, no matter how much of a friend he was in the Dark Wooden Chest. This could involve what there is of LT going through the link into Moridin, and Alivia aceing Moridin.

3. Rand should survive LT not being there. He managed before, at least...


But somehow I think that RJ will come up with something more complex, more simple, impossible to guess, yet glaringly obvious than our mortal minds are capable of divining before the case.




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