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Please help the SO of a WOT superfan!

Guest 02sassy

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Guest 02sassy

Hello! I am trying to find a Wheel of Time set for my SO as a gift. She has a mixture of the books in almost all formats. BUT what she lacks is a display set! A matching set of all 14(+1) in either hard cover or trade paper. I have scoured amazon, chapters, etc to the best of my ability(limited though it is) so I thought the best place to go next would be here and the experts. Could anyone provide me a link or point me in the right direction... Any help appreciated!

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The above shows all the current available in print editions that you should be able to easily find on Amazon or bookdepository. Though the trade paperback version with the ebook covers doesn't have a matching New Spring edition from memory.


You can find all the hardcovers https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=Robert+Jordan+hardcover&ajr=0

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