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Robert Jordan Tour Report: West Chester, PA

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We've received two reports so far from people who attended the book signing in West Chester, PA today. The first one came from Jennifer:


I was at the book signing today at "Chester County Books & Music CO." in West Chester, PA. and I must say it was vey enjoyable! The book store had a very nice set-up and copies of all the hard backs easily found if you needed any, with lots of copies of KOD. RJ arrived a few minutes after the appointed time, but I suspect he was just waiting till everyone was setteled in before coming out. He spoke for about 10 minutes going over pronunciations of many of the character names. He then took questions from the audiance. The crowd was not overly large, but I think that was a bonus to those of us that attended as he had more time to speak and spend with each of us individually as we had our books signed. He even posed for pictures willingly and didn't even seem to mind when my camara went whacky (the assistant didn't know how to use it) and we had to retake my picture! There was the usual 2 book limit, but we were encouraged to stick around and re-enter the line after everyone had gotten the first 2 signed. I personly had 5 books to be signed tonight, I had some friends with me (Thank you Susan & hubby!)so I only had to go through the line 2 times instead of 3.But I saw others there with all 11 books and not a single complaint from RJ. I unfortuantly did not realize that today was his birthday, but another fan did and the crowd all sang "Happy Birthday" to RJ. I towant to send my best wishes to him for a very Happy BD and many many more!


I personaly hope that he will return to this book store when he has another tour as it was a great night.


Here is a link to the pictures I took tonight.


Jennifer (AKA LeedsDevil)



Thanks for the full report, Jennifer, and for the pictures. And kudos to whoever it was that started the happy birthday song for RJ. I wonder if our news article that reminded them, or just a very attentive fan?


The second report comes from Zach, who gave us this tidbit, and plans to send an audio clip of the event. Check back here soon to hear that clip.


..."Not much new, he did give a working title for the new book though
"A Memory of Light"


Robert Jordan has been telling us for a while that he had a title in mind for the last WoT novel, but he didn't want to say what it was because "it most likely will change." So before you lock this into your brain, just consider that this title has a very good chance of changing. (But it's not a bad one, now is it?)



Githraine sends us a late report with some additional thoughts on this signing:

I was at the West Chester PA Signing as well and had a few thoughts to add.

As others have mentioned, RJ gave us the working title of book 12 (A Memory of Light) and threatened it could be a 2000 page monster.


He also said he would reveal Asmo's killer in book 12 if he could do it naturally, otherwise he will announce it when book 12 hits paperback.


RJ also mentioned the possibility of several 'outrigger' novels, a reversal on previous comments.


He answered a number of questions about Infinity of Heaven and his writing style, and several more technical questions (it IS possible to create Heartstone Chainmaile).

He signed anything put in front of him that I saw and conversed happily with all. The turn out was smaller then I expected, but was well balanced across gender, race and age. (there were even 2 children, one under 12 who got several questions answered and one still in an infant stroller.)


We'll have more reports and more info in the days to come.


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