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Robert Jordan Tour Report: Pasadena, CA

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Darren sent this report along regarding the book signing in Pasadena, CA:


Well, my first experience meeting Robert Jordan, and it was unique, not what I expected and genuinely fun.


This was at Vroman's bookstore in Pasadena. From reading the reports online from the other fine folks here at Dragonmount, I arrived early. Mr. Jordan was due to begin at 7pm so I strolled into the store at 5pm. Even arriving 2 hours prior to the start, seats up front were filled, and there was standing room only when the actual event began.


Prior to his arrival, people were reading copies of the books they'd brought to be signed, they were chatting on cell phones, listening to iPods and introducing each other to new friends. One mother daughter team sat down next to me. The teenage daughter commented quietly to her mother that the crowd was more "diverse" than she'd thought it would be. Looking around I noticed a wide range of people; men, women, Asian, African American, Caucasian, Latino, older people (a husband and wife in their late 70's if a day), folks in their 50's, 30's, 20's right on down to some pre-teen boys. The mother asked her daughter what she meant, and her daughter explained she thought, "they'd just be a bunch of geeks here but there weren't." Well, it made me chuckle.


The nice Vroman's clerk gave a quick intro to Mr. Jordan, going over his decorations from the wars he's been in, his career and other distinctions.


Mr. Jordan looked a little tired, but was in good spirits when he took to the podium. He acknowledged those of us who read about this sort of thing on the net by asking us to chant along with him when he gave us his caveats of what not to ask - when the next book is out, who killed Asmodean, how long will the next book be, etc. Even for those of us that knew the answers, we were laughing along with him and his dry delivery.


He again confirmed that he's thinking about writing the "outrigger" novels that have been mentioned here before. RJ wants a year or two to poke around the idea to make sure it's a strong idea. Mr. Jordan said it will follow other characters, and some of the characters he's thinking about are major characters from the main novels. However, if after a couple of years the idea isn't seeming as strong as he thinks it is, he won't write them.


He confirmed that he's due to start working on "Infinity of Heaven" next. The next series will be set in a different universe, with different rules. He acknowledged that it would still have his main theme: "Men and women misunderstanding each other." He also stated that he hopes to get better. One day he's sure to make it. To this proclamation a gent up front called out "you're great", to which he replied:


"Thank you, thank you, yes, I thank you and my mother thanks you."


One item I hadn't heard mentioned before, is that he's "doing lunch" (though he prefers to eat it) with Red Eagle Entertainment tomorrow (11/01/05) in Los Angeles. They've got the outline for the "Eye of the World" movie, what they want to keep from the book, what they don't want to use etc, and he needs to give them an ok on it.


RJ was so amiable, and pleasant. He had a quick word for everyone getting their books signed, and posed for pictures. I was so excited to get them signed I forgot to ask my well planned question "Who didn't kill Asmodean".



Ursula sent in this report for the same event:


I attended the book signing in Pasadena, also. It was Halloween, so I'm the one who was in the long Turkish coats and gold cap.


A man asked if the Dark One can resurrect anyone after death? RJ answered that, yes, the Dark One can resurrect any soul, but probably doesn't want to bring back someone who hates him. Another man asked about Siuan's Talent of seeing ta'everen. Was she able to see them after she was stilled? No. Could she see them after she was healed? Yes. So, if the ability to see them was based on the Power, what about the Ogier Elder who knew Rand was ta'everen? For Siuan, yes, for the Ogier, no. The Ogier was able to see ( or feel, I can't remember which RJ said) the Pattern shifting around Rand. And another asked the usual question about his writing day, to which he gave the usual answer.


Another man asked if Cyndane is actually Lanfear, even though she denies it? And RJ laughed, and said RAFO. Then RJ explained that all the men in his family are strong because the women kill and eat the weak ones, and he wanted questions from women. I'm sorry, but I faded out at that point and don't remember those questions.


When I got to the table to get my books signed, I asked my question. Why is there no religion? RJ answered that most religion is people meeting to affirm their own impressions and reassure each other. In a world where the miraculous happens every day, religion is not really needed. And there is no Book. And I said, so you didn't write any, and RJ said Yes.


It was great, and I really appreciate the chance to talk to Mr. Jordan, even for a moment.





Thanks, Ursula!


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