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Shayol Ghul April 2010

Guest SGOrg


So, a Blog, eh?


When pandy approached me on hands and knee’s asking me to revive the blog, I had objections. I had demands. I had half a bag of M&M’s and be damned if I was sharing. But most of all, I had a vision.


Later I found out that this was caused by my out-of-date M&M’s. Seriously, no-one would read a blog about camel breeding and husbandry, and if they do, I don’t want to know about it.


But the Shayol Ghul Blog, that is another story. This could be a blog that goes down in the annals of history as the single most important chronicle of life in the Shayol Ghul org. (Except of course the org itself, which when I take a look at the oldest post, it’s grown quite a Gandalf-esque wisdom-beard.) It could define a generation. That’s quite a lot of pressure to put on a young man, but boldly I stepped up, and here we are. You there, at home or work, or anywhere on your iPhone*, me chained up in the Black Ajah dungeons, surviving only on the moisture I can lick off the back of passing rats. This is nice. We should do this more often.


But I disgress! A blog, detailing the in’s and out’s of the daily Shayol Ghul grind, I can do that, surely! I lurk around the architraves often enough that I spy plenty of juicy gossip, plenty of news, but those all have their own posts anyway… So what to do?


I looked up Blog on google, and the second result was the wikipedia entry and definition, which (paraphrased) looks like this:


1. Blog. (A contraction of the term Web Log)

Some chump’s opinions of another chump, or another chump’s actions.


Theres a whole many thousand word article on the history of blogs, and the cultural and social impact, but that was a bit boring (read: high brow) for me and my readership. Oh, you didn’t know you were part of the readership? Yep, sorry, turns out by giving into that little spike of curiosity you’ve gone and supported this little venture. You’ll regret that when I go all mad with power and stage a bloodless coup-de-tat, bloodless being the worst kind of coup-de-tat and all.


What was I talking about? Oh right, blogs.


So I’ve gotta write something, probably pertaining to Shayol Ghul and the goings on within. So lets take a look at some recent events.


*scrolls through the org*


We have a new Org leader in cosmicpanda. Did anyone see how he came to power? That is a prime model of a working power-distribution system. Kudos go to all those who sent in legit applications, but seriously you were never going to win. Think about it. Panda’s are from where? CHINA, only the most efficiently corrupt government in the world. Young Cosmic obviously has friends in high places, and they are hoarding all the tea to boot. So that was a given, but with YC’s election to a higher duty, he left behind a power vacuum that threatened to DESTROY the Black Ajah as we know it.


It all came down to Naeann, and your humble blogger. (Oh no, I’m a blogger! When did that happen?! If someone can quote this in a research paper somewhere I’ll at least go down as a resource, or maybe a study…)


It was tense. The air in the BA was thick with tension. So thick in fact, you could call it foggy. But through the fog, came a gentlemen’s agreement between a gentlewoman and a sarcastic young man. Essentially I would roll over, give the position to Naeann, and in return receive a cheque in the mail that should be enough to set me up for life. Unfortunately that cheque never arrived and by the time the Fog of Tension cleared, I was pantless and strung up in a dungeon. My head is still spinning, though in fairness I could blame that on the M&M’s. Well played Naeann, I would say I am happy to serve under you, but that’s only because of geography.


As I type this, I realise the blog is probably asking more questions than it answers, so here are some answers to balance the mix:


1. A 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. Two rabbits and a tennis net.


Do I have a word limit on this thing? Probably best I cap it now, before I lose the point. In summation, uh…


??? at ed




Ashaman DeRouge.


* I get paid every time I say iPhone. Well, I’m hoping to anyway.


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