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September's Edition of the Hornsounder

Guest BandOrg


Before I go into detail about what is in the latest edition of The Hornsounder, I will explain the background to The Hornsounder, the Band of the Red Hand's newspaper.


The Hornsounder has been around since 2005 and has been under several editors, but it is only recently that it has expanded to what it is now - a place for all DMers to read about what goes on in the Band as well as across the whole of DM. Before Mystica became Editor-in-Chief, The Hornsounder concentrated solely on what happened within the Band of the Red Hand ORG. But now, members from other ORGs write articles to say what has been going on in their ORGs for that month, and is available for everyone to read and enjoy.


The Hornsounder is not just full of news from the Band of the Red Hand and DM. Various contributors create a variety of competitions, which are open to everyone to enter. Challenge your brain to a series of Su Dokus, with each one being of a slightly different level of difficulty; ponder your way around The Great Hunt, where you try and work out who the DMer is as well as an item from WoT; puzzle your way around an Arrow Word; and there are loads of other games and competitions to keep you interested over the whole month.


News from the Band of the Red Hand covers what has been happening across the ORG in general, in the three Regiments, who has broken Band Law and run into trouble with the Redarms, and the progress of all those who take part in the Raw Recruit Scheme to get new members used to the ORG. Several Banders write columns that appear in each edition, like The M-G Recommendation. Every month, there is a Jak O' the Shadows competition, where a maximum of 2 verses are to submitted on a theme chosen by the Senior Staff of The Hornsounder.


Over the months, all the ORGs at DM have managed to get articles in to The Hornsounder. Mystica goes around each month calling for articles, so if you want your ORG to be heard and seen in The Hornsounder, then follow Mystica's instructions and get your article in by the deadline, and it shall be published. Use The Hornsounder as another avenue to get what your ORG is doing across to the people of DM!


Following the sad news of Robert Jordan's passing, The Hornsounder team is dedicating October's edition in memory of the creator of the The Wheel of Time series. You are more than welcome to submit your own feelings on the man and his impact on your life. Either PM Stefania Sedai or send an email to botrhornsounder@hotmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you with your views.


Now, all that needs to be done is grab a drink, find somewhere comfortable and click on the link below to read September's edition of The Hornsounder. Enjoy!


Click here to read September's edition of The Hornsounder





Band of the Red Hand ORG Leader


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