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Changes to the White Tower Organization.

Guest WTOrg


We've had quite a few transitions in the last few months, and I've found myself without time to post them. I'm taking advantage of a lull to do so now.


First off, our longstanding Head of the Browns has retired. Karana Majin has been Head of the Browns almost continuously since 2001. She is an amazing woman and her contributions will be sorely missed. She has been replaced by Raeyn Sedai, who is another one of our long standing Browns.


Second, we added some new forums to the Org recently. We created two forums for our aspirants to use. These are the Novice & Algai Quarters and the Accepted & Manshima Quarters. These are specialized forums for the members of our Org who are at the lower levels of rank to socialize with each other.


Furthermore, we have divided all the aspirants up into Houses, roughly based on the "novice families" the Tower implements in A Knife of Dreams. Each House is headed up by an Accepted or Manshima, who is known as an "Aunt" or "Uncle". The members of your House are referred to as "cousins". Your Aunt or Uncle are meant to serve as an additional resource to help you get oriented when you join us. This has been met with nearly universal acclaim.


The last change we're making is towards our membership policy. Years ago, before we switched to third party message boards, we were able to easily check when people logged into the site. This made it very easy for us to enforce a monthly activity policy. As Dragonmount has transitioned through different message boards, we've lost that ability. However, with our recent change to SMF, we've regained the ability.


We're going to start removing members from the Org who have not logged into the boards in the last thirty days. Stage one of this has already been done. Recently, I removed anyone who hasn't logged in this calender year. On or around October 15th, I will be removing all of those who have not logged in in the last ninety days. The date of full implementation will be announced once it's decided on.


Those who have posted a Leave of Absence on the Great Hall board will not be removed, of course. Returning members, as always will be reinstated at whatever rank they left at.


And now I'm going back to bed.


Kathana Justinia Trevalaer

The Watcher of the Seals

The Flame of Tar Valon

The Amyrlin Seat


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