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WARBREAKER: New Brandon Sanderson novel now available

Guest Jason


Brandon Sanderson's 7th published novel, WARBREAKER is now available in hardcover in bookstores across the United States. It's a stand-alone epic fantasy story about two nations at war; about two princesses who's lives are changed forever when they are called by their country to uproot their lives and enter the enemy's capitol; and about an underground rebel movement intent on altering the core of the impending war.


For full details on his novel, please visit Brandon's website where he has all of the information related to its release.


Brandon's next major book release will, of course, be The Gathering Storm. (He most likely will publish another Young Adult novel, "Alcatraz Versus the Knights of Crytallia" due out in October.) WARBREAKER was completed before he began work on the final Wheel of Time novel. The book is a fine sample of his work if you are interested in seeing what he's capable of. He is also offering the entire book for free as a download on his website. See the link above for full details.


You may also purchase the book through this link to Amazon.com.


[url="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0765320304?ie=UTF8&tag=dragonmount&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=0765320304">Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson


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