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The 4th Age Podcast nominated for Parsec Award

Guest Jason


The 4th Age podcast has been nominated for a Parsec Award in the category of Best Fan Podcast! These awards will be presented as part of the Podcasting: Now and Beyond track at the Dragon*Con convention in Atlanta this year.


Congratulations to Jayson, Carrie, and Ben for making such a great show each week.


This is only the first round for our podcasters. After all nominations have been gathered, the awards commitee (Michael R. Mennenga, Mur Lafferty and Tracy Hickman) will narrow the list down to their top FIVE according to a set of criteria we will be given later. Those top five will be asked to submit a five to ten minute sample editing of three episodes. From that sample, a winner will be chosen.


As you can see, it is a very lengthy, highly competative process and we're just at the beginning stage. We're up against some very good competition, but we're hopeful that we'll make it past the early rounds.


More Info

[ [ Parsec Awards home page ] [ http://www.dragoncon.org/"' target="news]DragonCon homepage ]


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