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News item Comments posted by tinymitymo

  1. Wow.  I'm sorry I stirred up such a tempest.  If I hadn't looked back probably nobody would have noticed that there were repeat names.  It's just that it was so disappointing to see my name and get the rush but then get the crush that it isn't me.  Twice now.  =(


    I'll be there anyway.  My son will be with me as he wants to show off his leather armor Halloween costume made with this event in mind.


    I also have the privilege of having had my name chosen for one of the bit characters in the book.  Although if that hit the cutting room floor I will be doubly crushed.  Finger's crossed.


    In twitchy anticipation for January 8........

  2. So how come, when I go back to search the names chosen for the Tower Guard the same 7 names are listed (plus 3 new ones) as the Memory Keepers in the same bookstore.  When I saw my name last time I was told it was someone else with the same first name which is not a common name. Seeing it again made me go look at the names from the last signing.  I thought it would be all new people who were never chosen before.

  3. I've been slogging through this and have just started book 7. It is a struggle keeping everything straight. There are so many characters and plot lines that it's very difficult to remember who a character is when they pop up again. I'm normally a voracious reader but I find myself surfing the web rather than diving back into the book when I settle in to reading time. I have a basic concept of the over-all main themes and some characters have become familiar but it's still a struggle to connect all the pieces into a smooth read. It definitely seems like the kind of series you have to re-read to fill in the gaps and fully appreciate.

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