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Manel Rochaid

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Posts posted by Manel Rochaid

  1. The first time I read the series, I read every word as fast as I possibly could, devouring it.


    The next couple of times, I skipped over the bits I didn't like, for example the Egwene Nynaeve and Elayne (also most things to do with the Seanchan).


    I'm now on probably my tenth reread, and enjoy 99.9% of the series. Even the bits I don't enjoy I know add value to the story. I would recommend reading everything, don't skip things otherwise you won't get the full picture.

  2. I am currently reading The Dragon Reborn, but i am also pondering over Christopher Tolkien's The History of Middle-Earth. It's hard to believe the massive amount of notes it took J.R.R Tolkien to write his epic!!


    I'm actually about half way through The Dragon Reborn too, but I usually have 2-3 books on the go at once, depending on my mood, whether I'm reading on iPhone or Kindle etc. The other one I have at the minute is Christian Nation. It's a little far fetched, however for some people on the religious right I suppose it would be a sort of utopia for them, a heaven on Earth.

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