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Posts posted by bcxanth

  1. OOC: Sorry ladies.  Work has been insane so I've not had much time to put proper effort into RP posts. I hope you can forgive me.




    Raylin smiled at Jena.


    "Yes," she replied, staring into her eyes. "And lately I've felt it's been very much for the better."


    Turning she looked back as Aslan, studying him for a moment.  He was a handsome man, though she couldn't help but feel a little strange sitting this clsoe to a man who could channel. Still, she knew the Band held with the Black Tower, and so she could deal with it.


    "So Aslan, other then seeing your Brothers, is there anything specific that brings you here?"

  2. Dre stared at Estel for a moment. So, she gets an annoyed grimace and is told to do it by hand.  Alright then.


    "As you say, Estel Sedai," she said properly, dropping a curtsey. She hoped Estel noticed the blatant used of the honorific after her name after having been told she didn't need to use it with her.


    Leaving the clearing she went to the kitchens and retrieved the cleaning supplies and then quickly returned back to the clearing. When she arrived she saw that Estel and Megain were already at work with their pruning. She watched for a moment, then shrugged in resignation and began her work on the bench.

  3. That is an interesting question. My first thought would be no, because they consider a damane less then human, perhaps not even capable of thought and intelligence at a human level. It's be like making your dog a Seeker.  Plus, a Seeker has way too much authority, being able to command respect even from a Deathwatch Guard. And they have to be able to work independantly. A damane would always have to be attached to a sul'dam.

  4. Handle: Kass

    Character Name: Mahima

    Email address: mclodius(at)los-alamos(dot)net

    Division: Freelanders


    Group: Seafolk

    Age: 15

    Gender: Female

    Physical Description:


    Mahima’s parentage is questionable to say the least. She has the wavy black hair and grace of the seafolk, but her skin is paler than any pure seafolk should have and instead of the nearly black eyes of most atha'an miere, hers are the greenish-blue of the sea. Her seafolk mother has never told anyone who Mahima’s father was and no one has ever demanded to know.


    She is smaller than most her age, with a whip like build and muscle. She is about 5” tall with a weight of 90 pounds. Her build just makes her look smaller than she actually is, just adding to the impression that she is younger than she says. Mahima’s eyes always seem large and give her a sad, innocent look. Her look makes her look like a beautiful tragedy come to life, except for her smile. Though her smiles come rarely, when they do appear, they light up her face and give those watching the feeling that after months of despair a ray of hope has finally shone through. She either wears her silky, black hair in a braid down her back or loose under a bandana that keeps it out of her face. She wears a thin silver earring in each ear to show her rank as a deckhand. The tattoo on her hand is of a seagull with stylized waves and stars surrounding it.


    Place of Birth/Raising: Upon her mother’s ship


    Character History:


    Mahima was born upon her mother’s ship with a blue sky over her head, the cries of seagulls surrounding her, and a perfect wind for sailing tickling her skin. She grew up among other children but was always left slightly apart, her eyes and skin making her different, something alien. She made a few friends and was very close to those, but often enough she found herself alone, gazing out at the open ocean with only the wind and the gulls as company. Many times the sailors would see her sad, wide eyes and show her tricks and games to make her smile. Eventually, recently, her mother had her sign upon a new ship, separating her from her few friends and all she knew well. It was her mother’s intent to have her daughter experience new things away from what she knew and hopefully have her open up from her quiet, thoughtful self to something more like her mother had been, loud and joyful at every experience. Mahima took this change of lifestyles how she takes most of her orders, with a wide eyed glance backwards and a silent acceptance of the orders.


    Many question her upon her age and whether she belongs in the place of deckhand. To most she might appear to be either twelve or thirteen but not fifteen. This has caused her to be bullied and many have looked down upon her, thinking her a lier and fraud. Through this all, she has learned to use her attacker’s words and strength against them, causing them to look foolish, and making her have fewer friends and more enemies. Most would call her weak, but some would recognize the constant strength of the wind in her silence, not the down-cast eyes and view of a coward. Even more might take her silence as a sign of stupidity rather than the gaze of an observer. Mahima will work to get her place for neither charm nor her strange beauty will get her there, and work hard she will have to, for most captains look down upon her as either stupid or weak. Time is nearly impossible to for see, perhaps she will meet her former mates expectations to become nothing more than a sniveling idiot, or perhaps her quiet strength will not be crushed and her spirit not disappear forever.

  5. Hello all!


    Well I've been working to try and get several of our databases updated with information that hadn't been getting added like it should have been. Mostly I've been concentrating on getting bios, OP scores, and WS scores added to the Freelanders site, in as much as I have the information for them.  I've done as much as I can do now without some help, and this is where you all come in.


    First of all, I need everyone to please check the Bios section. First, make sure all your characters are there. :)  And then for those who don't have the name of who is playing them, please let me know so I can add that info.


    Second, for all those with characters that have a OP or WS score, please check the WS Table and the OP Table. Make sure that, number one, we actually have you listed. :P  And then number two, I need you to make sure we have the right score.


    If you see anything wrong, post it here and we'll get it updated. Thanks! :)

  6. Raylin giggled at Jena's response and sat back in her chair.


    "Ogier?  I've seen them around now and then. I know they are supposed to be helping build this place.  I think they're spending most of their time on the south side right now.  I haven't really been told much about what's going on with all of the folks around here.  Besides you Asha'man and the Ogier, I've seen some strangers with gold colored eyes as well."


    Raylin grabbed her drink and look a long swallow, picturing those golden eyes and shivering. They'd reminded her of a wild animal.


    "You all seem friendly enough of course, but it's nothing I'm used to."

  7. Dre looked around the clearing as she arrived with Megain at Estel's summons.  She looked around her and smiled as she remembered the last time she'd been here, learning to touch saidar.  It had been a very interesting lesson, that was for sure.


    “I’m going to assume you're no completely lacking in intelligence, so I take it you’ve realised what this is about?”


    Dre looked around the clearing once more, noting how shabby it looked next to the rest of the well maintened garden and sighed.  Of course it had been to work that they'd been summoned.  Lessons with one's Mentor were usually solo affairs. She curtsied as she was addressed.


    "I have a feeling we're here to clean up," she said with a small smile.

  8. Dre sat back in her chair, watching the others talk, content to let them forget about her. She felt awkward as more people began to arrive, sure that they were all staring at her scar and judging her. So she let herself face into the background of everyone else's minds.


    She didn't like the sounds of this game though, and didn't like seeing her roommate being suckered into it.


    Leaning forward she whispered into Kirsa's ear.


    "I don't trust her. I get the feeling she's trying to prove something here.  I know you can take care of yourself though, but be careful."


    Smiling at the other girls she stood up and went to join the other group and listend as the Aes Sedai described the purpose of the Green Ajah.  She nodded as she pictured it in her mind.  Yes, this was the Ajah for her.

  9. Handle: Ata

    Birth Name: Chalinda

    Character Name : Celerita Temeraire

    Email address:

    Group : Unalignened People

    Division: Freelanders

    Age: 18

    Gender: Female

    Physical Description: 5'4'' , 141 pounds, brown eyes, blonde long partly curled hair, smoth pure inocent beauty look

    Place of Birth/Raising: Arafel

    Character History:


    The story of Chalinda really starts two generations back...so lets spin the wheel backwards.


    Caranna was born on the road, in the back of her parents private wagon. She was the firstborn of the merchant couple who where doing quite well, though complications in the birth lead to the birthmother to inform her mother she would not concieve again. As such her parents would value her even higher, and as she grew up would teach her their trade, in antispation of leaving it to her. A strike of luck tossed them even futher up, followed by one of unluck where her mother injured her leg and had to take to a cane.


    All in all though in her late teen's and able to help out, her parents descied to use the money for setteling down, selling the wagons brougth on a fine sum on top of that wich their luck in trade had given them as of late.


    Happenstance was that they where in the borderlands when taking the descision, they planed to trade for items going south for a final ride when first they found someone who needed wagons. The price beeing good her father agreed as long as his crew got work on the way south, then they where alone to find something to fill their private wagon with to sustain them without using their founds going south.


    It was her mother who came over the inn, not much to speak of in its look, but that was only on the surface, it could be cheaply repaired, there was a small stable behind it, and a first floor apartment that could be turned into a store. And so her mother became an innkeeper, while Caranna helped her father seting up buisnis in the old apartment.


    They instead took the loft above the second floor as their own apartment, and Caranna who had learned to embroid on her mothers insistance and had showed a nimble hand for it, soon found herself with her own corner in her fathers shop, sewing dresses. The sun kept shining on them, and Caranna came to fall in love with a minor nobleson as she worked on a costume for him. It was with great surprice though that she got proposed to, the son a tird son was not inheritant to their house, and thier house beeing minor with not the greatest resources they felt it was well that he could marry into an up and coming merchant line all in all.


    However Arafel bordering to the bligth would see first his second brother lost in war, and then the first son got hurt, and he never did heal fully, come winter he caugth the flu, and as spring tinged on the doorstep took his last breath from a long figth.


    Caranna sudenly found herself with more on her hands then antiscpated as neither had left kids, luckily her parents insitance of her education helped her much now.


    And a couple winters later she gave born to a healthy son after a long ugly birth. Long afraid it was the curse of her family after her mothers fait, she was hugely relived when once again later on she would find herself pregnant.


    As they had a bether standing economicaly in the house who where of noblility mostly by name when Caranna came into it, having risen, not in least in due to her husband doing well and their son an up and coming warrior with good standard. He could then marry in a way to bether situate his sisters, taking on a tird daugther of a house who had troubles due to an accident at young age finding a husband. Thus securing marriage treaties for his sisters as well. Caranna was not happy but her son was raised to the same duty sence as his father, and in this he was firm, in some way she thougth he had found feelings for the girl, only she could see that more then the girls look had been mared, and this was the reason for her motherly consern.


    Caranna had an aledged beauty that even as age took its toll would shine through, and even if she tried to come close to her new daugther in law, the girl seemed to have minority complexes, wanting as far away from the other as posible. Seeing that her tried caused but troubles for her son she distanced herself from the girl, and even with sad eyes had limited contact with her grandchildren. Not untill at older age the woman once again became pregnant almost 10 years after her last child, taking sick after the birth and beeing to weak to take care of the newborn babe.


    So now it fell on Caranna to care for the young girl, her mother never fully restoring and having a bad health with lack of energy had trouble keeping up with the girl, who also seemed to take after her grandmother in look. As such a quiet agreement of overlooking it the girl was allowed to be watched by the grandmother, however as she came above toddler stage, and into the years she proved unvilling to take to her mothers bither aproached on duty and education. By now the damage was done, and even if her mother would try to keep the girl away, Chalinda would sneak out to her grandmother to hear the story's of her fathers youth, and to learn. While proving unpatient and unwilling to take to siting down and learning from her teachers and her mother, she had a way to calm down around her grandmother. She had her sharp moments, but despite this was not generaly considered always the brigthest child, awfull stuborness when convinced of something or spurred didnt help though, this was one thing she had learned from her mother.


    Chalinda as she grew up indeed took on her grandmothers alledged beauty, and the winter that Caranna passed away was a hard one on the young girl. Her mother didnt like watching the mourning of her daugther for a woman she had always disliked and thougth that marriage would give the girl something else to think on. Never having been close with her brothers or father who as men most would spend much time in the field, with her grandmother gone the girl felt she had little ties left. Already having learned that her look could get her attention and gifts, she thougth herself the bether then setle down out on the boring countryside of some minor house to give birth to children, as the potential spouces her mother sugested who would indeed marry her somewhat up the rank, all would take her out of the city.


    Her mother held hard on her choise thoug and pushed Chalinda, however the girl found the boys rather boring when meeting them, and a week after seeing an Aes Sedai pass through the city got the idea. If she could enter the tower her mother couldnt object, so she would sneak away on a white roan in the nigth, bringing her inheritance from her grandmother who she had stashed away after beeing given it so her mother wouldnt take it away. The jewlerys wouldnt need selling as the money alone saw her to Tar Valon.


    She took on a fake name while traveling so that her tracks would be covered, and was excited over her adventure. Showing up to be tested she had goten so used to giving her new name she did so, and her only regret was she didnt test true. However big eyes briming over with tears in an inn in town, followed by an overexagerated story of the truth as she saw it lead her to learn of seeking excile in the tower from the innkeeper who felt pity for the child that she belived.


    And so the next day Celerita enters the tower again to seek to petition exhile. Having had the nigth to think on things, she had prepared the story over in less overexagerated way, though still coulored by how she herself saw the dreadfull situation. The sister infront of her kept looking at a book and make notes, but the somewhat tuned dwon storry passed, and so she left with a slip granting her the excile, along with some sugestion of attending classes in the libary on history. Chalinda left her past behind her, and became Celerita for full, also taking up on the Browns advice as she had learned the love of books and history from her grandma.

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