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News item Comments posted by lex

  1. Regarding the two women:


    Tor website says they've been with Rand from the very beginning. The one in blue has gotta be Moiraine. Odds are the other is Nyn, although I don't remember her with short hair in the books. Maybe she saw a stylist in the Borderlands?

  2. Fun fact:

    Since the date Brandon S was chosen to finish the series, and with the upcoming release of his next book, 'The Rithmatist' which is supposed to come out THIS YEAR; He will have published 3 of his own books for each WOT book he's published. That's 3:1 folks. Kinda shows where the Wheel of Time sits on his priority list.

  3. Dear starry-eyed fanboy wearing rose-colored glasses #2 (Karaethon),



    You know what would benefit the Wot? WRITING THE DAMN THING. Instead he writes tweets, blog posts, and signatures at book tours. Now he’s on another damn book tour till August. And he’s gonna re-read the entire WoT series? AGAIN? At this pace, I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if MoL was pushed back to 2013.



    Since Gathering Storm was released, counting his upcoming Mistborn book in November, he will have published 3 Sanderson novels to 1 WoT novel (ToM). The guy has his own projects to complete and promote and that’s all fine. But it’s time to get back to MoL now. Enough’s enough. That’s all I’m sayin’. Also, I'm not the only one who feels this way.

  4. Dear starry-eyed fanboy wearing rose-colored glasses #1 (jenniferl),


    A: 12% isn't all that encouraging.


    and B: I won't read the page you linked me to, but I gather from a glance that your general point is that I have entitlement issues. It's not an issue because all the time, money, and emotional investments I've made in this into these books I think entitles me to at least voice my mild displeasure in the comments section of a fansite. And I don't think my opinion on the matter is all that outrageous.

  5. When was the last time this guy did some ACTUAL WRITING?? He keeps a progress bar on his website and it's barely budged in a 6 months.


    He gets the notoriety for being the guy that is finishing the WOT, now he's too busy touring and promoting his own books to finish it. Feels like the final book is drifting further and further into the distant future.


    All starry-eyed fanboys wearing rose-colored glasses feel free to stoically jump to his defense now.

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