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Posts posted by Shimmer

  1. I just finished it a few minutes ago and the one word I keep repeating is: wow! It is one of the only books to have made me feel the full spectrum of my emotions and while I am still in shock that it is all over, I do feel a sense of closure. Quite simply, it was brilliant and I do hope to see a little elaboration in the encyclopaedia as to the Rand/Min/Aviendha/Elayne future.

  2. You belong to the Green Ajah!


    This is your result in its entirety:


    Green Ajah: 7

    Yellow Ajah: 5

    Blue Ajah: 4

    Gray Ajah: 3

    Red Ajah: 3

    White Ajah: 2

    Brown Ajah: 2



    -> I have always identified with the ideals of the Green Ajah but strangely as I've grown older I've shifted from Blue to Yellow Ajah as my second preference, which was uncannily mirrored in this test! :aessedai:

  3. I just finished The Return of the King and TSR, I'm currently on Frankenstein by Shelley and then next is The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald and 1984 by Orwell (as well as continuing with my WoT re-read of course!)

  4. Welcome to the fantastic world of WoT! :wheel:

    I think put off New Spring until at least book 10. In fact, I read New Spring as the first book in my first re-read and I was very happy with my decision. It let me appreciate the intricacy of the character and plot threads even more. So basically - read it quite late in the series!

    Happy reading! :)

  5. ...when you realise that you do too many of the things listed above

    ...when you randomly say "may the Dragon ride the winds of time"

    ...when you deeply want someone to be able to Heal you (using Nynaeve's method of course) when you just don't want to be sick

    ...when you make your Mum stitch the WoT logo onto a pillowcase upon which you rest your head every night (true story lol)

  6. 1. Mat: Simple charm and wit. Hilarious, super skilled and awesome no matter what

    2. Nynaeve: One of the most powerful AS and cares about Rand as a person, not as the DR.

    3. Moiraine: Selfless and quite simply amazing. Driven in her goal and genuinely cares for Rand.

    4. Rand: No specific reason but overall, he's just amazing and to have gone through that arc...WOW!

    5. Min: Helpful and truly loves and cares about Rand, not to mention (life-saving) visions.

    6. Aviendha: Determined and genuine. Honest and just a great character.

    7. Lan: Had a hand in shaping the leaders who were buried inside Rand, Mat and Perrin. Not to mention the super sword skill and world-saving intentions.

    8. Siuan: The best Amyrlin ever!!! Just fantastic.

    9. Birgitte: Just generally awesome.

    10. Tam al'Thor: So genuine and epic.

  7. I've always thought that Mat believed Noal to be Jain, but since it was never confirmed there was still the moment of "Thom knew and didn't tell me?". And I vaguely seem to recall that he often noted the similarities between Jain's stories and those that Noal told Olver and was slowly becoming more sure that Noal was Jain.

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