The Citadel College in Charleston, South Carolina—yes, the very place that helped shape the legendary Robert Jordan (aka James Oliver Rigney Jr.)—is hosting a virtual auction for the Ages. Imagine this: rare, one-of-a-kind editions of The Wheel of Time books straight from Robert Jordan's personal collection are up for grabs. This means fans can bid on items like advanced reader copies, uncorrected, rare, impossible-to-find leather bound editions, and much much more!
It’s like we’ve stumbled upon a treasure trove within a stasis box! If you’ve ever dreamed of owning a piece of the series that shaped so many lives, and even some other authors’ first forays into writing (“some other authors” like Brandon Sanderson or Michael Livingston), this is the moment to channel your inner ta’veren luck, listen to those dice, and dive into the bidding war of a lifetime!
And, even better, it’s all for a good cause. Much of the proceeds from the sale of the items will go to supporting underprivileged youth in securing tuition assistance to attend the Citadel itself!
The Legacy of Robert Jordan at The Citadel
For those unfamiliar with the connection between The Citadel and The Wheel of Time, it’s important to know that Jordan was an alumnus of the school. His time there helped shape the discipline, precision, and depth of thought that is so evident throughout his sprawling fantasy epic. For years, The Citadel has been an unofficial guardian of his legacy, and the college’s archives are home to an extensive collection of his manuscripts, letters, personal items, and notes. Now, The Citadel is giving us, the fans, a chance to own a part of that legacy.
A Collector’s Dream: The Auction Details
This virtual auction feels like something pulled from the Age of Legends. The collection includes first editions, signed copies, and even some personal, annotated volumes that Jordan himself held in his hands. For any Wheel of Time aficionado, this is more than just an auction—it’s a pilgrimage.
For example, fans can bid on a copy of The Shadow Rising, the book in which The Wheel of Time began to broaden in scope, with the introduction of the Aiel and deeper dives into the history of the Forsaken. To hold Jordan’s own copy of this book is to be in touch with the Creator’s process. It’s not just a physical object—it’s a thread from the Pattern itself.
More Than Just Books
In addition to signed leatherbounds, auction-goers can bid on advance reader copies, uncorrected proofs, New Spring graphic novels, exclusive editions, paperbacks, foreign language editions, and even the personal desk and bookcase from Jordan’s home. These are the kind of treasures that we, as fans of the series, would be honored to display in our homes—items that speak to the depth and care that went into creating one of the greatest fantasy worlds ever written.
Picture this: you bid on and win a signed edition of A Crown of Swords. It arrives on your doorstep in all its hardcover glory. You carefully turn the pages, knowing that the man who brought Rand al’Thor, Egwene al’Vere, and Mat Cauthon to life touched these very pages. There’s magic in that.
How to Participate
The auction will be hosted online and in person by Embassy Auction International in cooperation with the Citadel College on Thursday, September 26. Online bidding starts at 10am ET, but the items are already listed here, along with information about the location of the in-person auction.
If you have a way to make it to the auction in person, you can peruse the items during the two days prior to the auction and maybe connect with some other Wheel of Time fans there (#AuctionCon, anyone?). But since most of us can’t make it to Kinzers, Pennsylvania, the virtual option will make the auction accessible to Wheel of Time fans across the globe.
As you step through your sword forms and the bidding wars unfold, fans from all over the world will be united in their shared love for this series. It’s as if the White Tower, the Seanchan, and the Dragon’s armies are coming together not for battle, but for a celebration of Robert Jordan’s legacy.
So, prepare your wallets, fellow Wheel of Time lovers. The Citadel is offering us a chance to be stewards of these rare and precious artifacts. May the Light shine upon your bids, and may the Creator guide the auctioneers’ hammers as they bring these books to new homes.
And remember, like the weaves of the Pattern, this opportunity may never come again.