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Posts posted by Theleos

  1. I just finished The Prince of Tides, by Pat Conroy. Very well written book with a good story. Not a real page turner till the end but just the eloquence of his writing is enough to make you come back.


    I just Picked up The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran last night, looks like it will be a quick read.


    After that ill probably get back into some fantasy. I am waiting on the next book in George RR Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire, as well as The Towers of Midnight (obviously), but I am not sure what will be next. I read all of Brandon Sanderson's books and recently finshed up the Deathgate series.


    Oh I am also listening to Winter's Heart on CD. I have all the books up to WH on CD and it has been interesting listening to them as opposed to reading them, it adds a different flavor. I am going to try and get through TGS before ToM, do they even have TGS on audio yet?

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