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Hayden Cistra

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Posts posted by Hayden Cistra

  1. Halen stared, stunned for a second, as the Trolloc she was cutting down with lightning was suddenly heaving up its food on the ground. She quickly finished it off and stared for a secong at the weaves of saidar that had caused the Trollocs unappealing reaction. She smiled. "It looks like they want us to join too." She said to Ashda and Serick. Ashda smiled breifly and they took advantage of the breif interlude in trolloc atacks to run forward. They made a good 500 paces beofre the Trollocs surrounded them again. Halen wove the Stream of Fire again and they shied back out of the way. She pulled in every bit of saidin and saidar that she could and wove the Wave of Fire, smiling as it roared away from them, incinerating Trollocs and Darkfriends alike. They didn't have to much farther to go before they made it to the circle. She let the Stream of Fire disapate and wove Deathgates and lightnings anew ad began to hurl fireballs as fast as she could weave.

  2. Halen Kerani - Sister of the Green - Strength: 28, Skill: 30, Air: 7, Earth: 2, Fire: 6, Spirit: 4, Water: 7(Is tht ok?)


    Halen felt the wonders of linking with her brother. Through the link she knew that he was fascinated but that was quickly dampered and determination and anger took its palce. She motioned Ashda to follow his orders and he complied by crouching. She smiled at him and turned back to her brother as she felt him draw every bit of the Power that she could draw. She watched with fascintaion as he wove a weave she thought he was making up on the spot. He released his Ward and she watched as a moment later, the weave blasted against the shadowspawn in the form of gigantic waves of Fire. "Wow." She said in amazement as the first rankswere incinerated and the rest were decimated. She watched as he wove diffrent weaves with a great dexterity and she felt his rage. He wove a Ward and thrust control of the circle at her. "Be careful." She said and began to weave lightnings and another Wave of Fire but she altered the weave slightly and touched it with more Spirit. The weave exploded outward in a wave of fire but she directed it now and it was more of a stream that burst out into a wave. Wherever she pointed her fist the fire enveloped and consumed all tha stood in its way. She maintained the ward around them and started to move forward slowly, testing its movability. "Lets go you two." She said to Ashda and Serick. Ashda began to move forward with her, though he now sported a small cut in his coat that had missed his skin by a hairs breath. She let the Stream of Fire die and wove deathgates and lightnings. The air was filled with the roars and screams of dying trollocs and men but the occasional woman's shriek pierced through. She felt her own rage fill her and she wove with a new fierceness. They were making their way steadily to the circle across the field. "Its not to far."She whispered.

  3. Halen released saidar and put herself back on the brink of embracing it. "I've wanted to link with you to." She whispered and linked her fingers through his. "Lets do this and show these shadowspawn why they should fear the Light." She growled. Ashda stood behind her, blood running from a number of his cuts and slashes across his body. "But would you mind Healing my Warder first, he has fought hard to get me to you." She said, smiling at her last Warder. She looked around and saw an Aes Sedai lifted on the winds and from that direction, massive amounts of saidar was being wielded. "I think there is a circle over there, lets not let them be alone in this fight." She whispered.

  4. Halen lashed out with saidar strainig to hold up the weaves she was maintaining. She weilded Fire, which she was surprisingly strong in and wherever the threads touched a Trolloc, they exploded in flames and crumpled to the ground. She also weilded Spirit and earth, weaving it so it caused massive amounts of pain. She wove deathgates and staggered. "Kerani and the Blue Doves!Hold to the Light Halen I'm coming!!" Her brother's voice filled her with determination. He was close, oh so close. She blasted a Trolloc with a weave of Fire and Air and Ashda dispatched another. She felt Serik a moment before she saw him and when she saw him, tears sprang to her eyes and her knees collapsed. She stared at her brother as he ran to her, his black hair flying behind him like a banner, held back by a thin leather cord. His blue-green eyes were fire to her ice. She reached an arm out to him and cried out his name. "SERICK!!"

  5. Halen glidded down the corridors and made her way to the kitchens where she hoped to find a meal. She thought of the letter hidden in her sleeve and moved a little bit faster. She knew that she was meddling, but she couldn't help it. She had been born to meddle in afairs of countries. The letter was from the King of a failing country to the south, he was asking for her aid. She knew this because she had recieved four other letters like this from various Kings and Queens over the past month. She picked up her tray and glided to a chair and quickly began to eat, regretting not eating in her rooms. She noticed a young woman in white walking by the doors and nearly choked on her food. She threw her spoon down and moved as quickly as she could without running in the direction she had moved. That couldn't have been Aremina Gasovan. That woman was 30, much to old to be a novice. She thought to herself. She knew perfectly well that Aremina didn't look nothing near her age but as she glided along the corridors she found that she had lost her. She moved swiftly along a collumned walkway. SHe spied the only other people there, kissing like that in public. She snorted in sarcasm and moved past them, heading to her rooms.

  6. Halen staggered as she felt the blade slash her side. She fell to her knees as Ashda dispatched the goat horned Trolloc that had wounded her. "Do you think you can stand?" Ashda asked as his balde flicked out to keep the small circle around them open. She drew a ragged breath in and magaged to stand, losing saidar as the pain flared and she cried out. Ashda caught her arm and held her steady. "We need to get you to someone who can help." He said, his voice trembling. "I'll be fine Ashda, I just need to take a second." She said, surprising herself at how calm her voice was. She put a hand to her side and brought it away, covered in blood. "Light it hurts." She whispered. She pushed the pain away as best she could and embraced saidar again, drawing as much as she could through the haze of pain. Ashda didn't need to bond to tell him how badly she was in pain, her face was deathly pale and she was wavering on her feet. "Lets go." She said, her voice hoarse. He let her go as she began to weave lightnings and blades of Air. She still held the dead man's blade but used it as a walking cane instead of a weapon. She threw balls of fire, but only when she had to. She moved slower than before but atleast she was moving. Ashda moved around her, one moment he was here, the next there and everywhere Trollocs and Darkfriends died. "Kerani! Kerani and the Blue Doves! Serick!!" She screamed and she layed about with the Power, carving her way slowly through the ranks of Trollocs.

  7. Halen strolled down the hallways, followed by her two Warders. It was a bit of an uproar in the Blue Ajah but she held her head high and didn't let any of what they said bother her. She tightened her grip on her blue fringed shawl and quickened her pace. She was on her way to the Courtyard to hear a petition form a poor man who was oneof her eyes and ears from the south. She glanced back and motioned to Deamon. He looked down at her and she whispered,"Go back to our rooms and make sure no one enters. Take the papers in the small box and take them to the innkeeper." He nodded and trotted off back the way they had come. She smiled at Ashda and he retuned it with one of his own. She walked down the steps to the Courtyard and wsa approached immeadietly by a lanky, grey haired man in rags. "Thank you for meeting me Halen Sedai." He said and bowed awkwardly. He handed her a sealed letter and bowed again and she handed him a small purse that clinked with coins. "Please come see me again before you leave and let me get you a room and some new clothes." She said, inclinging her head slightly at his bows. She turned and glided back up to the Tower, leaving Ashda to take the man to the inn and a seamstress.

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