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Posts posted by Zaladane

  1. Just now, Zaladane said:

    Welp I think that degree of mystery is pointless personally (which isn't even done well in the first place, as is most aspects of the show are)  I'm not going to argue the point.


    I've said my piece overall on the show and probably won't continue.  I'll read the books again at some point instead.


    I'll go back to lurking and maybe post again in another 2-5 years and see how things stand with the show.  Maybe give it another chance when I can binge multiple seasons.  Peace out and have fun people.

    Whoops, sorry.  Hit quote instead of edit.

  2. Welp I think that degree of mystery is pointless personally.  As is most aspects of the show are.  I'm not going to argue the point.


    I've said my piece overall on the show and probably won't continue.  I'll read the books again at some point instead.


    I'll go back to lurking and maybe post again in another 2-5 years and see how things stand with the show.  Maybe give it another chance when I can binge multiple seasons.  Peace out and have fun people.

  3. 42 minutes ago, swollymammoth said:

    WoT WTF List: Episode 1 


    1. The opening with Logain. That was it? The thing where there's two guys but there's really only one is neat, but seriously, can anyone tell me why that scene is there? What information did it communicate that Moiraine's opening monologue didn't already tell us? Women use magic, men who 

    2. Egwene's Women's Circle initiation. Literally who cares? Also, I'm supposed to believe that in this Emond's Field, Egwene (who is like 20) is a member of the governing body of women in the town? Why? Nynaeve is wisdom despite her youth because she was a wisdom's apprentice and then her master died. What has Egwene done to be elevated to this position of respect? Is this supposed to be a believable world? Because if it is, then Egwene should still be seen as a young woman and not as someone whose life experience has warrented them a place of influence in the community. 

    3. I can't believe no one has talked about the scene where Nynaeve and Moiraine talk at that "sacred" pool. WTF was that? That is terrible writing. The pool is of no consequence whatsoever. Rafe had to fit so much into this first episode and what did he do? He cut important character scenes (like Rand hauling his father back) and put in bogus extra scenes like this that serve no purpose but to eliminate Nynaeve from DR consideration which she never should have been a part of in the first place. 

    4. Nynaeve getting kidnapped. Pointless. Totally pointless and inconsequential. Nynaeve's capacity as a strong, independent woman is established in the scene where she sneaks up on Lan. That is a greater accomplishment than killing a pair of disposable trollocs, and so all this did was waste time and reinforce something that didn't need it. (Remember, they need to adapt 800 pages into 8 episodes. They don't have time to waste on this kind of stuff, but they did it anyway) 

    5. I'm pretty sure we never seen Tam give Rand the heron marked sword. That should have been a huge moment for his character, and instead (if it happened) it was so quick that I didn't even notice it. And I know that I'm not the only one because I saw someone else on this forum complain about it too. 

    6. Who in their right mind thought that it would be a good idea to split a single 50 minute episode between five different viewpoints? What's that Bilbo Baggins line? "I feel like butter spread across too much bread." That's exactly what this is, and it's 100% for the sake of the "mystery." Script would have been much tighter if they'd focused their time on Rand and Egwene. 

    7. Nynaeve's characterization as someone who distrusts Aes Sedai because of some stupid backstory with her master. She already had a reason! She is fiercely protective of the Emond's Fielders and takes her job as Wisdom seriously, so when Moiraine takes them away, she goes after them out of a sense of responsibility but then must grapple with the fact that she's actually not as helpful as she thinks she is. Notice how one of those actually tells us about Nynaeve and serves to deepen her character and tie into her core trait as a healer/protector? Rafe sure didn't! 

    8. Padan Fain showing up and literally nobody cares. Like, they didn't even bother to characterize Emond's Field at all. Just having that cart get rushed by excited kids tells us so much about the setting. But nah. Who cares? Like, when Frodo leaves the Shire in LotR, it's a big deal because we've seen the idyllic life it represents. We've spent time there and we have a feel for regular life. That way, the Shire can serve as an anchor point during their adventures. Emond's Field functions the same way. This is Hero's Journey storytelling 101, and they screwed it up. 

    9. Mat's sisters. Now, here's the thing, I actually liked the Mat stuff. If this were any other show, I'd say good job. But literally how are they going to handle this is the long run? He's just left his sisters with his crackpot parents. In the short term, this provides drama, but in the long term, it's going to give them fits when it comes to adapting Mat's arc. So, so short-sighted. 


    Episode 1 is a legitimate 3/10. 

    I pretty much agree with all of that.  The shows did get a little bit better as it continued.  Not by a whole lot but still better.


    One thing I don't understand is how (if when) Nyn will reveal to Lan how she tracked him.  Moiraine says at that stupid pool scene that she was brought by the previous Wisdom from somewhere else (another change, pretty sure she was born there) as a baby when she learned tracking by her Father in the books before he died when she was younger.

  4. 3 minutes ago, DaddyFinn said:

    That scene would have revealed too much if they want to keep the DR identity hidden

    I see your point.  All readers of course know it's Rand.  Even reading the book for the first time you know because they spend much more time on him as I recall.


    But still anyone who hasn't read the books but watched the show invariably will be told by someone who it is so maintaining this mystery to that degree is a little pointless imo.

  5. 40 minutes ago, DaddyFinn said:

    No idea. Hopefully a flashback but hard to say.

    This is what I'm thinking.  When it's mentioned that he looks like an Aielman and is greeted as such (Gawyn???) and/or brings up questions about his parentage he may think back to that night.  Which would explain why they completely skipped the journey back to town.

  6. Haven't been around much and always been more of a "lurker" and boy this place has changed!  Good stuff.  I was never very active but nice to see with the advent of the show things have really picked up.


    My question or rather my major concern is this:


    Anyone worried this will turn out to be an MTV pop style prepubescent piece of... well I won't say it.  To be honest I've stayed away from looking up too much about it but from what little I have seen I'm a little concerned.  


    The reason for this is my recent watching (or attempt to do so) of the Shannara show that came out a few short years ago.  Which has been..well.. look at the MTV comment above.  I'm trying to go through it and it does has its moments..


    I do understand younger people may have read the books and kudos to them.  Shows do tend to try capture the "younger" audience sometimes but I'm just approaching this from my perspective of being in my early 40's now and becoming a fuddy duddy and hoping the showrunners don't overdo it in this regard.






  7. Hi there! I have a simple question to ask!!!



    I'm re-reading the novels right now in anticipation of the 14th book and I'm on the 3rd book The Dragon Reborn circa chapter 24 I think it was. It's amazing how much I've forgotten and just how far reaching things are from the first couple of novels.


    Anyhow I'm at the part where Egwene first uses the ring and enters the dream world and wanted to know who Sylvie is - the old ugly woman who appears that tells her a few things and boots her out. At first I thought it may have been Verin helping out a little and then I seemed to remember that either Lanfear or Moghedien have appeared as an ugly old woman. As I said I've forgotten a lot. A little help please!!!!




    Pretty sure it's assumed She is Lanfear.




    awesome, thanks Bub.


    After reading more and as a result remembering more I was leaning towards her as well. I can't remember exactly where but the waste rings a bell when she assumes a certain form with that trader. Can't remember the name but thanks (starts with a K???, y'all know the one) it sparked a lot of stuff. Can't wait to finish the series again. My memory is horrible.


    Almost finished TDR, I'm on vacation (at home for a week) and have almost finished it already just on my 4th day, been doing little else. Think I'm addicted or something :P


    Thanks again!!!!

  8. Hi there! I have a simple question to ask!!!



    I'm re-reading the novels right now in anticipation of the 14th book and I'm on the 3rd book The Dragon Reborn circa chapter 24 I think it was. It's amazing how much I've forgotten and just how far reaching things are from the first couple of novels.


    Anyhow I'm at the part where Egwene first uses the ring and enters the dream world and wanted to know who Sylvie is - the old ugly woman who appears that tells her a few things and boots her out. At first I thought it may have been Verin helping out a little and then I seemed to remember that either Lanfear or Moghedien have appeared as an ugly old woman. As I said I've forgotten a lot. A little help please!!!!



  9. I chose the option of her being freed of the oaths.  She seemed to be the most knowledgeable when it comes to terangreal and the sort (until Elayne of course)  and always just sorta figured she somehow freed herself.  Maybe they always have one aes sedai who is freed for certain things, meh I don't know, maybe the next book will clear this up.

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