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Posts posted by Myyrth

  1. I don't mean to be a hassle or anything, this post is just to bump the thread up so that whenever you the loving and respected authorities of the Congress of Shadow get the time you can verify and record the completion of one of my reqs!  ;D


    Unless of course i should submit something to shadowhall... like a link to the thread or something...


    Anyway, in the DF Req board I created a small thread to record my req completion.  It's up to date as of this moment.

  2. Was wondering if anyone was interested in mixing it up a bit on the border of the blight.  I'm imagining a medium scale skirmish involving a borderlander's patrol encountering a raiding party of shadowspawn.  You know the drill (or maybe you don't and want to pretend) you mix it up a bit, maybe fulfill a Req or two, get dirty and bruised up then go home and massage your ego.  Anyone interested in helping with plotting, or throwing ideas around just speak up!


    I got a Fadeling who needs some live engagement experience so as i'm the one who brought it up i'll put myself on the list first.  I'll check daily so for those of you interested i'll just drop your name on my little list and we can meet for cookies or something in cyber space  ;)

    Interested Parties- forum name and character name.

    1. Myyrth - Myyrth - Active

    2. Asfaloth - Pending - Active

    3. Minisamus - Saline - Active

    4. Nynaeve - Saar'eve - Active

  3. Tripping stumbling Myyrth’ul’shai’zumel charged headlong down the steep hill, loose rocks and dust tumbling down after him threatening to trip him up and bury him under an avalanche of jagged shale and dirt.  He was in a narrow valley the sun a sickly greenish yellow hung sedentary in the polluted sky, solid stone walls rising up on either side of him trapped him, a sickening odor permeated the air.  It was like someone was being cooked alive, it was a greasy smell.  The smell of death.



    Myyrth already carried scars from the path behind him, scrapes on his knuckles, a superficial gash on his shoulder from a close call with a blade trap. The obstacle course was designed to weed out the weak and slow.  It was designed to test your every instinct force you to prove yourself or die trying.  The Myrddraal was a powerful tool in armies of the Shadow, but like any tool of worth it must be forged with discipline.  He must be made into a deadly weapon, cunning and terrible a reflection of the Great Lord's will.  The weak must be culled from the heard.  Rounding a corner in the long downhill maze Myyrth keeps moving, the sound of clattering and smashing rock behind him a warning to just how close he had come to dying under an avalanche of rough stone.  The fadeling didn’t know how such a structure as this obstacle course was built on the ragged hills of Shayol Ghul, it hardly mattered.  The power of the Great Lord was beyond understanding, and unquestioned.  A brief moment of distaste touches his face at the thought of it being perhaps power-wrought.  He had heard ancient stories of the land that had been here.  Stories told over Trolloc tribal fires, the clan shaman drunk on strange vapors and poisons speaking prophecy.  How in ancient times the Great Lords power shattered the prideful home of the Wyrdkith. Only after learning his own place had he realized the truth.



    There was only one purpose for a Fade, to survive and kill in the name of Shai'tan. The paltry world will be broken, these stone walls will fall and time itself will end, consumed by the eternal darkness of his master, an abyss as deep and dark as the chasm that split the narrow path between the rock ahead of him.


    He pauses a moment to scrutinize the distance, the shear rock fell away into an empty void.  It would require a prodigious jump to clear the gap, but he was no human child he was shadowspawn.  Tensing he moves onto the balls of his feet, his body settling into the sprint.  He bursts free pumping his arms to gain as much momentum as possible, eating up the ground with incredible speed he reaches the edge and leaps.  For what seems like an eternity his feet touch nothing but air, a sudden rush of adrenaline shoots through him as his extended foot misses the edge by a hairs breadth and slams into the rock wall too low.  Plummeting into an abyss he throws his upper body forward his other leg bent.  His leg on fire he smashes into the ground part of him hanging out over the nothingness.  Clawing for a handhold his head bleeding where it smashed into the ground he pulls himself up and rolls onto his back.  Breathing heavily he grits his teeth in a brutal smile before standing up and tenderly testing his bruised shin.



    “Great Lord!” he exclaims in the barbaric tongue of the trollocs.  Getting to his feet he wipes the blood from his forehead.  He feels for the short sword at his side and takes an account of his dagger and other gear then sets off at a trot.  That jump had almost done him in, he was lucky to be alive.  Dark One’s own luck, as a lightfool human would say.  The previous traps had not been quite as dangerous, though the bloodwrasp pen had been particularly challenging.  Those were monsters he had faced before.  Rounding the corner his smile disappears, the exit to this maze was at the bottom of a slick forty five degree incline.  A vile bubbling spring that ran down the hill gave it a treacherous appearance.  Stepping up to the edge lightly he tests the surface.  It was preternaturally slippery he would need to move fast to stay on his feet.  He couldn’t just tumble out of control down the slope.  Steeling himself he checks the leather straps holding his weapons one more time then hustles slipping and sliding on the slimy mud.



    Myyrth bursts out at the bottom of the hill, throwing himself into a dive just as a blade flashes by at head level nearly decapitating him then and there, to thrash like a frenzied and dying animal on the ground till the sun sets over the horizon.  Spinning he sizes up his opponent, a trolloc thrall with the head of some sort of oversized bird of prey.  This was very dangerous.  The young fadeling couldn’t afford to be injured, not at this stage.  He might be tougher than a human but it still took time to heal, it still left you vulnerable.  Yet, glory was found in the death of your foes.  Only the strong could gain power and status in the eyes of the Great Lord of the Dark.  Only those who rose upon a tide of blood could truly have any mastery over their own lives before the end came.  The trolloc stood growling and panting in the pale waning light of the sun, it’s wickedly curved blade would probably stand about as tall as his chest, it gleamed dully.  Myyrth’s own weapon was little more than a notched iron short sword.  From the looks of it at one time it had been called a long blade, but battle wear had taken its toll snapping off the upper quarter of the blade.  He didn’t trust it in the least to stand up to the blows of this twisted beast.



    Huuuurrooooooar!” the Trolloc bellowed, its breath steaming and rancid.  Charging with heavy thumping strides they came to blows. Since he was old enough to carry a sharp object he had killed, he knew a skilled combatant when he saw one.  This beast was half starved, a runt.  Still, not trusting his strength to be sufficient he lets the trollocs blade glance off redirecting the force of the strike rather than letting the weapons come to full contact, which would likely lead to his own blade shattering and himself getting bisected from shoulder to groin.  He kept his stance high and centered, angling his entire body and moving his feet quickly to keep his opponent moving and redirect the momentum of the combat.  Trollocs, while surprisingly dexterous for hulking animalistic beasts, were not the lightest on their feet.  Not as sure footed as a young and agile fadeling at least.



    The trolloc kept it’s blows high, pounding it’s wickedly curved weapon down it’s small prey in a rain of blows that forced him back.  With a sudden movement that catches Myyrth on his back foot the bird headed monster drops a heavy kick straight into the soft flesh of his stomach.  The low blow caught him completely off guard and his breath blasted clear out of him.  He buckles over at the force of the blow, barely avoiding the swing that follows he rolls aside gasping for air.  Holding his stomach he grimaces in pain, discolored needle sharp teeth bared he manages to deflect the trolloc’s second reckless swing with a one handed guard that minimizes contact.    In desperation he throws himself onto his back as the third blow comes down at his head.  As he falls he kicks out with a heavy booted foot a sharp crunch is heard as the beasts knee shatters. The trolloc stumbles forward his swing going wild, screeching in pain through its jagged beak.  



    Not waiting even a second Myyrth stabs his notched blade through the eagle headed monsters Achilles tendon.  Its headlong stumble turns into a full fledged fall.  His opponents heavy weight lands right on top of him, it felt like a tree falling, immediately it starts to thrash trying to grab its blade which had fallen from its grip.  One stray claw like hand slashes his arm and sends his sword flying.   His other arm pinned beneath the beast’s leg, he draws his dagger and in a fury stabs repeatedly into the trolloc’s side.  Warm blood splashed over his arm and face as he punctures the trolloc’s flesh.  Terrified the beast gives up trying to claw at him and starts to crawl away its life away into the tainted ground of the Blight.  Myyrth shoved its legs off him and rose quickly, tense and excited.  His mind alive with the smell of blood he leaps on the defeated monster.  His faced stretched in a cruel smile he strikes, his knife flashes again and again in the twilight, with a shuddering screech the trolloc dies.  



    Standing up, blood dripping steadily into the soil he scans the rest of the field.  He was through, it was over.  Wiping his dagger on his defeated opponents dirty rags he slips the dagger into its oiled leather sheath.  Darkness was falling over the blighted landscape like a bloated corpse steaming and putrid.  It ate the last remaining vestiges of the sun’s light leaving only shadows which hung fat and heavy on the ground.  As he bent to retrieve his worn blade from where it had fallen he paused, Myyrth felt a distinct tugging at the corners of his perception, he whirls around blade on guard but freezes when he spots what had alerted him.  A mere extension of the shadows that surrounded him, the Myrddraal spoke in a voice that whispered like the rustling of dead leaves.



    “You survive again I see, I remember when you came crawling to us a wretched wriggling worm covered in excrement.  You have made us so.. proud…”  Though Myyrth could not see the Task Master’s face beneath the shadow of his hood, he could feel his overseer’s cruel smile in the mocking sound of his voice.  “Return to the barracks, you are forbidden to clean the blood from your body, let it remind you of your service to the Great Lord and the long path still before you.  The Eyeless finds his destiny in the blood of his enemies given up in sacrifice to the Great Lord.”  The Task Master turns his head to one side, examining the young Myrddraal.    He seems to consider something before turning away, his voice floats out over the dead air “still so many ways to die, till the end of all things.”  



    One moment the overseer was there, the next moment he was gone, Myyrth could feel when the Task Master stepped through into the shadows.  Like a folding or tugging somewhere just behind his head, it stirred a deep longing in his shadowspawned heart.  He was still so young, so weak.   The night whispered to him and he knew he was only half of what he was supposed to be.  The power of his gaze was weak, the dark resisted his attempts touch it.  He was incomplete.  Turning towards a far distant structure that sat brooding on the dark slope he set out at a brisk trot.  Occasionally he clenched his fist, feeling the slick blood of his kill sticky on his hands.



    “Till the end of all things,” Myyrth’ul’shai’zumel's voice was the sound of dry wind over a graveyard, fleeting in the vast night.  His silent steps echoed hollowly, he walked drenched in the blood of his prey an offering to the Great Lord of the Dark.


  4. Aye I do, been here off and on for quite a while but it's been years now.  I resubmitted an updated bio for my Fadeling and got it approved. Everything's up to date and I have the RP already typed as a Solo training RP.


    It just seems like all the RP's are posted by staff members it seems.  I don't want to be presumptuous.  So I don't know if I should post it myself and retroactively get it approved or submit it through my division.

  5. Current WS: 9

    Current Status: Fadeling


    Bio (Within this Bio is detailed 3 RP's from long before the site move. I believe they are lost.)

    Link: http://www.dragonmou...o/#entry1312905




    Facing the Gauntlet - Combat Survival Course - WS Req - Completed

    Link: http://www.dragonmou...h/#entry1331890


    Shame - WS Req - Completed

    Link: http://www.dragonmou...h/#entry1355802


    Unconfirmed RP's


    Blood on the Ground - Open RP; WS Req - Completed

    Link: http://www.dragonmou...combat-rp-open/


    Carai an Shai'tan - CotS Open RP - Closed



    Awakening - Closed RP; Quickening Req, WS Req - Completed

    Link: http://www.dragonmou...osed-rp-myyrth/

    - The Valley of Thakan'dar; Quickening Cont

    Link: http://www.dragonmou...h/#entry2361933

    - A Ritual In Darkness; Quickening Cont

    Link: http://www.dragonmou...h/#entry2382301


    Current Abilities

    Gaze of Fear - Moderate

    Shadow Walking - Weak (Short Distances)

    Linking - Weak (1 Target)



    Thankan'dari Blade

  6. I'm going to do a weapon training RP but first i'd like some background either in the thread or in the form of a link directing to where I can read about it.


    Specifically what is training for Myrddraal like?  Am I going to have some Task Master shouting orders at me?  Running drills?  Where do Myrddraal sleep?  Is this at the Fortress or at some other facility by Shayol Ghul?


    Also after do I just post like,

    Weapon Training RP - CoS, Myyrth - The Blight


    Or something like that in the RP Planning forum?

  7. Thanks a ton Liitha, great!  Well I would like to get going on some training RP's immediatly.  If i'm looking at this correctly I reach the first quickening and become a Task Master after attaining WS 9 around right?  So last known location my character was right after surviving the conflict with the Asha'man and he was on his way to Shayol Gul or the Fortress or whatever place would allow him to get some formal training.


    Do I just type it up myself or do I need to post something in the planning forum?  ???

  8. Well that's true, but I guess sociopathy doesn't prevent you from feeling personal emotions.  A sociopath is eminently self-interested.  They are just shallow emotions lacking in any depth beyond blind self-interest.  That's what can cause a sociopath to go to ever more depraved methods of killing, it's a rush, mere physical stimulus.  They are addicted to whatever "gets them their fix" whether it be killing or torture.


    Human sociopaths are similar in many ways, but the majority are not just killers.  Just people with no empathy obsessed with controlling their environment and others around them.  Often seeing everything in terms of "winning"

  9. I'm curious as to what some of your thoughts are on the mentality of a Myrddraal.  How do they think, what emotional and intellectual capacity do they have?


    I for one see a Myrddraal as something that is at least partly human, yet has some essential human component severed from it both in a physical sense and a spiritual sense.  The Eyeless have no souls, and in one way or another are tainted and warped by the Dark Ones influence.  All of this is on top "being out of phase with reality as we know it" paraphrasing Aginor.


    This to me leads me to compare them at least psychologically to a sociopath.  At least that would be a human diagnosis for the mentality, but for a creature that is so far removed from any vestige of it's potential humanity it is perhaps not appropriate.  Still I think it captures the mind state that a Myrddraal exists in.  A Fade is a thing lacking entirely in conscience or empathy.  They are predators incapable of feeling love, or compassion.  Incapable of even feeling hate as a human would understand it, they are hollow inside and thus seek to fill that hollowness with the pain of other living things.  Some part of them understands what an abomination they are and strives to fill that void.  So when a Myrddraal feels pleasure, it's not so much pleasure but a satiating of some desperate need to feel anything at all.  They are like the shadows they blend into, ragged and empty vessels thrive on base activities.


    What are your thoughts?  This is mostly out of simple interest in how others interpret the natures of the creatures that exist in Randland.  Trollocs always struck me as simply beastial, similar in many respects to traditionally evil Orcs or other barbarous monster races.  The Myrddraal seem to have a compelling amount of psychological depth, even if what lies beneath is nothing but a horrifying and murderous abomination incapable of remorse.

  10. Revised bio including the three major events/roleplays he's been involved in.  Re-imagined him somewhat, hopefully improved the quality of writing.


    As far as I remember he was on the verge of his first quickening or already past it.  He's registered as WS 6 on the wiki site.


    I'd like to get into it as soon as I can, so whenever you can get back to me would be great!

  11. Aiel wise ones formed long after the White Tower, and really are just a collection of wilders... they don't have the same scholastic knowledge of the OP.  The Aiel were Tuatha'an who betrayed their oaths in the ancient war against the DO.  The WT had already stood for hundreds of years, The Aes Sedai in the Age of Legends were higher beings compared to the Aes Sedai now, and even then the current WT has more strength in the OP than the Wise Ones.


    I do agree though in some regards.. Aes Sedai are conceited and arrogant unable to see that their world has grown bigger very quickly and are unable to adapt.  No one "heels" the Dragon Reborn, he breaks all pacts and recreates the world anew.  Just like the Seanchan they can't see how small their role really is.


    Otherwise I think you make the Aes Sedai out to be a little to tyrannical, mostly they are just misguided, not power-hungery tyrants like you make em out to be.

  12. eeeh! there I am.  So there is proof i existed.  Should I retype a bio?  Incorporating what I remember up to ws 6.  I'm not sure what my reqs are at but it seems to show that I am a Fade not a fadeling.  So I must have experienced my first quickening.


    Just trying to get the low down from a staff memember about what I need to do and where I stand so I can get back in the game!

  13. I prefer a Buddhist parallel.  Both concepts The Wheel of Time and, Samsara (the Cycle of Rebirth) share similar themes.  They are cyclical with death and rebirth a constant natural happenstance.  The difference is that Buddhists seek to escape Samsara and attain Nirvana, or loosening.  The Pattern seems to have no real end.


    I think christian comparisons don't work at all, as Christianity is very linear.

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