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Posts posted by Pookie

  1. ((OOC: My apologies if this is a bit off, particularly near the end.  I was dozing as I wrote and wanted to get it posted before I managed to fall asleep on my keyboard and delete the whole thing.  :)  I just beefed up the back end of my bio since I wasn't sure where to go after being met by a person with golden eyes.  We're in a small town in Kandor, outside of town in a willow grove.  I actually don't know for sure if willows grow in Kandor, but hey, in my head they do!  Talulah's about average as far as height and weight go.  She's got long brown hair worn loose and her eyes have just started to switch from blue to gold.))


    Talulah was breathing heavily by the time Dal Banyon's house was in view.  She wasn't entirely sure of what she was doing, running out here when her mother had told her specifically to stay in bed.  She couldn't decide if she was running away from where her mother might catch her or running towards the call of the wolf. 


    It was ludicrous to believe that she really was hearing a wolf in her head.  Talulah thought she probably should have told her mother about that.  Maybe it was a symptom of something.  Maybe she'd get better and her mother would let her go back to her life if she turned around now and told her mother what she saw.  Tell her about the dreams.  Maybe her mother could fix it. 


    She kept running.  It didn't make any sense, but she was certain that if she just continued on, her questions would be answered. 


    It wasn't until she caught sight of the willow grove that she slowed her pace a little, her breath rasping in and out of her throat in a pleasant invigorating way.  She had been cooped up in the bedroom of her little house for much too long.  She had missed fresh air and the tingling of recently worked muscles.  It was relaxing.  She let her shoulders slump and then stiffened again when she realized it wasn't her own urges calling her on, but something outside of her.  There was something waiting for her in the grove and she wasn't entirely sure she wanted to find it.  She could hear excitement in her head.  The wolf certainly wanted to be found.


    She stepped into the willow grove, gazing around until her eyes lit on the wolf.  He was the same color as the first one to come to her in her dreams.  He was sitting patiently until he saw Talulah noticed him.  Then he rose up and trotted over towards her, his tail swinging  behind him.  His pink tongue lolled out, flexing with his breaths.  As he sat down at Talulah's feet, he licked his nose and then returned to his panting.  Talulah could have sworn he was laughing. 


    "You certainly seem happy," Talulah said to him, looking in his eyes and smiling.  Maybe she should have been afraid to be standing so close to a wolf, a wild animal after all, but she felt no need to be cautious.  She reached out to pet his head and he leaned into it, his eyes partly closing in pleasure. 


    Her hand jumped on his head when she heard a voice behind her.  "He is," the voice said and Talulah whirled to face the person.


    Her first impressions of the person were lost when her mind registered a very strange fact.  She gasped, "You have golden eyes!" before she could stop herself from speaking.

  2. I'm Pookie.  I've been around these parts on and off since July of 2000, but I have never RP'd a wolfie.  I know.  It's terrible and I should be soundly punished.  But I have an approved bio with my sweet ickle crazy girl seeing wolf pictures in her brain now. 


    For those who like the long winded version, her bio's herehttp://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,53432.0.html


    The short version is that Talulah's a sweet gal who tries to be nice to folks but freaks them out because sometimes she goes a little spacey and loses time.  An Aes Sedai could cure her brain issues, which she doesn't know, but fat chance she'll be seeing one of those any time soon.  Thus far she's avoided having townspeople shouting "shadowspawn" at her because her ma's got clout in the town as their wisdom and people generally think she's too innocent to be evil.


    So totally not like me at all.  :D  Well, maybe the losing time stuff since it took me a couple weeks after the bio approval to actually post here. 


    My point being... Hi!  :)

  3. WoW 

    due to the sheer size and expansiveness of this playing universe, as well as Emps awesomeness at keeping it up to date and such, click the link below to be taken to the thread which has all the user info in it and to put your info on the list. 

    *scoffs at Emp's awesomeness*  I've had my info on the thread for a month now and he hasn't added it in.  Not even the one in the Sen'jin guild, though that's not posted in the thread yet.  *pouts*  *cries*

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