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Far Dareis Mai

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Posts posted by Far Dareis Mai

  1. Daraniea was silent for long moments. The questions posed by her mentor were all incredibly fair questions, and not ones to be answered lightly or flippantly. She didn't want to misrepresent herself, but at the same time, the things she wanted at this moment weren't necessarily going to be the things that she wanted years from now. There were some things though she determined would never change. Organizing her thoughts, she spoke quietly.


    "I realize the cost of becoming Aes Sedai. Since the only person who ever had any sort of positive effect on my life is dead, I am more than willing to pay that cost. What has my life thus far given me really, besides a rather jaded personal philosophy? I exist around these Novices here, shorter than all of them, though I feel years older. Old allegiance? Familial relations? My father made the decision to forsake all of that for an existence of dulled senses through drink. I choose to leave my past behind, and carve a new path out for myself. A path chosen by me, for me, and lived the way I want to live it, not the way a sotted parent would see me live it. When I make it to the shawl, Saidar and my fellow Sisters will already be more to me than what I have lived the last seventeen years. They will also be with me for centuries to come. I see the cost, but as you say, the gain...it will be worth it. I'll make it worth it."


  2. Daraniea sat in her seat, waiting for the lesson to start. She was beginning to feel the wear of time at the White Tower. Supposedly this was going to stop soon, and Daraniea couldn't wait. Although it was also said the main reason why time stop mattering so much, is because she will be so busy with chores--made it a hard lump to swallow. Either way, she was beginning to realize that a year or several as a Novice was nearly unbearable to contemplate. All that time!


    Claire Sedai started speaking and Daraniea felt a long suffering sigh pass through her lips. Hardest lesson yet? Great. The last thing she wanted was to be so weary she collapsed in the cauldron while scrubbing it out. What followed the Aes Sedai's warning hardly seemed believable though. While she knew it to be true, it was too good to be true! No more lessons or chores for the day? Blessed be Claire Sedai in the Light! It took nearly all of her self control not to giggle at her inside joke. Quickly on the heels of her joy however, was the realization that if the lesson was to be that hard, she should probably feel worried. Oddly enough, she still mostly just felt giddy at the thought of a day off.


    As per the usual, the Aes Sedai started off the lesson with a warning, this time requiring a solemn vow never to pick apart a weave. Though Daraniea tried to deny it to herself, she felt a momentary desire to find out just why on her own...though she knew deep down she didn't have it in her to openly defy the Aes Sedai. Murmuring that she wouldn't do such a thing, she anxiously waited for the Aes Sedai to begin demonstrating the weaves.


    Soaking up the information, Daraniea could hardly wait to try them out for herself. FINALLY, she was going to start weaving, going to start doing something productive. Something where she could feel, see, control, and experience the results for herself! Standing, she embraced Saidar with relatively little problems. It was becoming easier with each day that she practiced. Weaving Water, she did as the Aes Sedai did, taking the water from the handkerchief, and placing it back in the bowl. Upon inspection, she realized that she hadn't quite removed all the water the first time, and so went back through it again, this time making sure the cloth was in fact dry. Silently proud, she began the next part of her task. Standing in front of the glass, she began to collect the water from the air, and place it slowly into the glass. This she found to be much more difficult, mostly because she couldn't actually see the water in the Air, and so had to rely mostly on the feel of the thread she was using. Through some effort, she managed to collect about a swallow of water into the glass. Satisfied--or perhaps anxious to try everything at least once, she moved onto the Air weaves.


    Walking over to the feather, she frowned. How hard can lifting a feather be? She wanted to lift the Aes Sedai to the ceiling! Glancing over to the Aes Sedai, and seeing the knowing smile on her face, Daraniea gave a good-natured smirk and focused on the...feather. If she had to lift a feather, then perhaps she could do something fun with it. Still full of the One Power, Daraniea weaved a respectable thread of Air, and lifted the feather into the air. For whatever reason, weaving the thread of Air seemed even easier than weaving Water. With a small flourish, Daraniea manipulated her thread so that the feather was twirling and weaving about the air, above the Novice's heads. With a smile, Daraniea strengthened her thread of Air, and gave the feather a good thwack! Unfortunately, feathers do not share the same mass as an apple, and the result was rather anticlimactic. Her turn finished, she gave the Aes Sedai a small curtsey and headed back to her seat. Over and over she watched as she and the other Novices took turns practicing the various weaves. By the end of the hour, a small sheen of sweat beaded on Daraniea's brow, and she could feel an ache between her shoulder blades. Truly, she was exhausted. When the Aes Sedai dismissed class, she trudged back to her room, and fell upon her bed, already asleep.

  3. Daraniea glided into class with her papers neatly in hand. Her fine script graced the pages in prim, neat lines. As she followed the line of girls to the desk to turn in her paper, she smiled briefly at the information she had found.


    Accepted for seventeen years, Vellaine Miralen was close to her testing. One evening, while practicing her 100 weaves with a colleague, the two girls decided to participate in an absurd duel of sorts, to see which girl was more deft with their weaves, while holding as much power as they could. Unfortunately, Vellaine drew too much of the One Power, and while trying to weave fire and earth together, burned herself out while subsequently unleashing a weave that rocked the entire Novice Quarters. Though Vellaine was put out of the Tower, the other Accepted spent another eight years as Accepted, in the kitchens scrubbing pots.


    Short, sweet, and to the point. It had better be suffiecient, thought Daraniea. The last thing she wanted to do was pour over old manuscripts again. The other part of her assignment, while equally as boring, was much easier to write about.


    Meditation exercise: Pouring the water


    The person envisions themselves with a tall pitcher of clean clear water. The pitcher is representative of the person holding the Saidar, and the water Saidar itself. As the Pitcher lets the water loose, the stream can be thick or thin, a strong flow or a weak trickle. As the water flows out of the pitcher, the stream is steady, and balanced. It flows peacefully from the pitcher, and wherever it lands, it reacts with what it comes into contact with in various ways.


    “Now that that’s done, I feel that we need a little fresh air. I’m taking you out to the gardens today.  I think if you are put in a quiet and serene atmosphere, then concentrating on this particular lesson will be much easier for you.”

    At this Daraniea perked up. The notion of escaping this place of lessons and chores seemed too good to be true. Since Daraniea arrived, there had been only one free day! ONE! And in that day, she was so busy taking care of odds and ends, and catching up on sleep, that she hadn't had time for anything like strolling through a garden. Bouncing up with perhaps a little bit more energy, Daraniea followed the rest of the students out of the classroom. As she took her seat on a small bench, she instantly turned her face up to the warmth of the sun. The day was lovely, and she did her best to bask in nature as much as possible. Closing her eyes as instructed, she began to envision herself slowly filling the pitcher with water. As she did so, she felt the life and vitality of the One Power course through her. Holding onto Saidar, she waited for the Aes Sedai to continue the lesson.


    "Now, the sun’s rays being filtered by a cloud passing in front of it. As the light from the sun is diminished on the flower, so should your hold on the Source. Push it away from you, while still maintaining contact. The sun still provides heat behind the cloud, just as the Source can still flow into you at a smaller rate. To pull it back into you fully again, imagine the cloud drifting away from the sun, and the full light and heat back on the flower. Beware of losing the cloud too quickly, as snapping it back can hurt."


    Ever so slowly, she did as the Aes Sedai instructed. It was quite a challenge, moreso than she had thought it would be. Keeping even a tenuous hold on Saidar whilst still holding it at all made her want to grit her teeth. As Claire Sedai called for a break, she took a deep breath and opened her eyes. The Aes Sedai began to enforce the notion behind becoming addicted to holding the One Power, and the consequences for doing so. Daraniea, while respecting the woman's experience, figured it was not something she would ever have to worry about.


    “In order to weave you must know what the elements are. The five elements are Air, Water, Fire, Earth, and Spirit. I’m going to show you which threads are which.” Claire then embraced the Source and strands of all five elements together into a thick rope.  The threads wrapped tightly around each other in a spiral pattern; each thread stood out clearly. “Now can you tell me which thread is which?” One of the women pressed a finger to her lips in thought, and then answered, “Air is Blue, Water is Green, Spirit is White, Fire is Red and Earth is Brown.”


    “Good, I see you have been studying. Now, I want each of you to come up and work with me to identify the different threads. You will have problems doing this at first, but if you work hard it will get easier.”


    Daraniea watched as the other Novices worked with the Aes Sedai in identifying the various threads. It was difficult to see at first, though right away Daraniea could easily pick out the thread of Spirit every time. When it was Daraniea's turn, she gave Claire Sedai a half smile and began to name the threads. Spirit was by far the easiest. She felt as though she would even be able to sense and identify that particular thread blindfolded. Air and Water were easier, but Earth and Fire not so much. They looked the same to her, and it was very frustrating to feel so inept.


    As class ended, Daraniea felt only relief when the Aes Sedai did not assign any extra work. She left the secluded garden slowly, dragging her feet the entire way.

  4. Hoo boy! I'd been playing D&D pretty regularly until we had our second child. I prefer the Forgotten Realms campaign, but I've done others, including home-made worlds. I started playing D&D v2.0, and even though I don't actively rp, I own most of the books for 4.0. I've also played Vampires, Wolf, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (yes, there was a table top RP for the show!), Wheel of Time (they have the best magic system I have ever played with!!!!), and I tried this other one...but I don't actually remember what it is called, which should give you some indication of how good it was.


    In college my friends and I started a Student Organization called "Dice-Slingers", which meant that we had funding from the college to purchase books and supplies. It was seriously like heaven. Imagine a horde of college trench coat mafia descending upon a comic book store in Ann Arbor, just dropping entire shelves into boxes for purchase. The people working there were in frenzied heaven. That was back in 2000, and as far as I know, the Org is still going strong! :D


    Then when I joined DM in '04, Cerena got me started in online post-based RP. Then I started playing FFXI and I joined an RP linkshell (like a guild). I played that game for 4 years, and then recently went over to WoW, where I have a character on an RP server, but I haven't really been able to get into it. I guess I still don't really understand how it works, since I don't know anyone on an RP server. :P

  5. I find that I use the Sevenwaters Trilogy by Juliet Marillier. I also tend to take inspiration from classic Engligh lit. Elizabeth Bennet, Mr. Darcy, etc. I also get inspiration from music, the darker the better. :D


    And though this will push me over the geeky edge, sometimes I base them off of D&D characters that I loved. >.>

  6. I would write Nynaeve. I would love to see her lose her temper in a Hall setting, telling all those biddies just where they can stick their pretensions.  I would love to see her with kids, chasing them around with sticks, thumping their heads. I would hope she has one just like Mat. :D

  7. Hi, I'm FDM and I'm the most inconsistent RPer ever. I have a novice that I have been sitting on awhile now, but I keep getting busy with other stuff. Um, as far as RPing goes, I've been rping a looooong time. I ran a few WOT rp sites, and other fantasy related rp sites. Elsewhere on DM I'm the Assistant Admin of Orgs, and I'm the Shayol Ghul Org Leader. I've been at DM since 2004, and I'm 27 years old with two little girls (3 and 1), living in Michigan. I'm currently a Graphic Arts student and I do some freelance photography on the side. I'm also beginning to teach Continuing Education courses at the local community college. :D

  8. Daraniea sat at the edge of class. Keeping her eyes focused ahead of her, she fought the bubbles of excitement that wanted to escape her lips. Truly, her main goal in leaving her homeland to make it to the White Tower was to avoid a most disgusting marriage to a fat and balding old man. The fact that she could (would!) become an all powerful Aes Sedai with the power and resources to do just about whatever she wanted, made everything seem that much better! Daraniea allowed her lips to turn up briefly, but anyone who noticed her eyes, could see the sparkle in them. She knew that today she would embark on the most significant part of her time in the White Tower yet--to touch the One Power. Part of her felt nervous. She didn't really feel any fear--the practical part of her saw all of the Aes Sedai who live and breathe and knew that with the proper training she would be just fine wielding it. Daraniea thought her nerves were merely the excitement of learning something new. She had always very much enjoyed and excelled in her studies, often going above and beyond what was expected of a minor noble of the female persuasion.


    As the Aes Sedai began to speak, Daraniea noticed that there was a general hum of excitement in the air. She knew that while some girls were reluctant to embrace becoming Aes Sedai, they too were excited to do something that only a small percentage of the world could do. The Aes Sedai was doing her best to quell the looks of anticipation, but it seemed halfhearted.


    Following the Aes Sedai's directions to the letter, Daraniea closed her eyes and imagined a flower. Her favorite flowers were the night blooming Jasmine that crawled up the lattice in the courtyard of her country manor in Cairhien. The soft musky scent was so relaxing, so tranquil. Daraniea let the Aes Sedai's soft voice lull her into a state of relaxation. Replacing the sun with a glorious full moon, Daraniea focused on the Moonlight gently caressing the fragile buds of the jasmine. Allowing herself to let go of her thoughts, she focused on the light of the moon, kissing the soft petals, until the jasmine itself was glowing around the edges. Ever so slowly the jasmine's glow strengthened and became brighter. As the flower opened, Daraniea could feel a warmth fill her that could only be described as -- perfect. As she tried to draw on more of this glorious warmth, the light slipped through her fingers, and as quick as the feeling was there, it was gone. Daraniea popped her eyes open with a start, mouth turned into an "O" shape. She hadn't realized it, but it had taken her quite awhile in her meditation to achieve just that one brief second of sublime happiness.


    “Excellent job, ladies!  You just touched the Source for the first time. Exciting isn’t it?”


    Hmph. Understatement of the Age. Daraniea gave the Aes Sedai a wry look. The Aes Sedai continued the lesson, beckoning the girls to try another relaxation technique. Daraniea tried to follow the quiet rush of the river, but found that she had a more difficult time. When imagining the jasmine, she could almost smell the sweet scent in her mind. With the water--all she could think about was getting wet. For the next hour, Daraniea practiced touching the Source over and over. Since the flower method worked best for her, she went with that. There was just something about the night that made Daraniea want to smile in contentment. She failed more often than she succeeded, but the silver lining was that it was becoming more and more easy for her to slip into that meditative state.


    “Today’s lesson has prompted me to add a bit to your lesson.  In addition to the information on a Novice or Accepted who has burned themselves out, I would like for you to also research and find a second calming exercise like the River and the Bank that you like.  You will find a list of these in the Novice section of the library.”


    At the mention of chores, Daraniea visibly winced. Probably the worst aspect to her life in the Tower was her basically becoming an indentured servant to all of these bloody Aes Sedai. Every day she found herself serving in the dining area, or scrubbing pots, or even running errands at a run, else she find herself in the Mistress of Novices office getting up close and personal with a slipper. A slipper! You may not think it, but that devil of a woman could wield that slipper about as well as she could wield the One Power.


    With a sigh, Daraniea got up when the Aes Sedai dismissed them and began to trudge slowly to her next class.

  9. Standing up to curtsy, Daraniea noticed that the woman was actually shorter than her! Light be praised! This was a first! However the woman carried herself with a confidence that belied her height. Daraniea could respect and understand that. She herself had long mastered looking down her nose at anyone who stood taller than her. So even though the woman was tiny, she still managed to loom. Daraniea would have to have learn this ploy and practice it on the other Novices.


    As Daraniea began to float gently down into a perfect curtsy, the Aes Sedai cut her off with a nod. Feeling rebuffed and just a small bit affronted, Daraniea rose with a jerk. She knew here that these women would not treat her as her station afforded. She had been forewarned by the woman who had found her. Still...it rankled.


    "Well.  You must be Daraniea.  You may call me Cetaile Sedai.  That was a fine curtsy, appropriate for the Royal Court of Cairhien, but I have little patience for things that take more time than they should.  A quick dip of the knees will suffice for me, Daraniea."


    Hmph. Well. It seemed this Aes Sedai was rather odd. Daraniea wasn't sure to be pleased or annoyed at this rather unexpected turn of events. As Daraniea began to open her mouth in introduction, the Aes Sedai quickly rode over her,


    "You look positively miserable in those white woolens of yours; I am sure they must be sweltering.  Come.  I will take you to a place that I favored greatly during the summer months when I was your age."


    And then she turned and swept back into the Tower. Hesitating for a moment, Daraniea closed her gaping mouth with a firm click, and easily caught up to the woman. As they came upon the Kitchens, Daraniea unconsciously drew in a sharp breath...the thought of scrubbing pots nearly buckled her at the knees, but to her great relief the Aes Sedai merely passed them by.


    Eventually they came to a storeroom. The Aes Sedai ushered her in before taking a seat herself. Immediately Daraniea began to feel the cool air waft about her sodden face as the soft breeze from the river swept across the cool ice. This, was surely heaven.


    "Much better, yes?  Good.  Well, if I am to effectively 'mentor' you, it would be best if I learned some more about you.  So tell me a bit of your history, child.  And speak up, I can't abide mumbling."

    Seating herself on the rickety stool the Aes Sedai gestured her in, Daraniea took a deep, calming breath. Adjusting her skirts slowly with care, she considered how to tell her tale. She wasn't sure what the Aes Sedai was looking for, so she shrugged silently to herself and began to speak. Her soft, husky voice still managed to somehow ring with the chiming lilt of the Cairhienin accent.


    "I was born Daraniea Velaine Rysted, daughter of Tirith, Head of House Rysted. We are of inconsequential nobility, as my father would much rather doddle about the countryside than live the more exciting and useful life in the city."Unconsciously Daraniea reached her delicate hand to graze her abdomen where the one lonely stripe should be.


    "An only child and heir to the House, I was taught both aspects of running an estate. During the days I was learning to run the House, how to entertain guests, and also spent many hours with a tutor, learning a rather exceptional education for my station in life. I was also taught the Great Game by my mother." At the mention of her mother, she felt her face soften and her voice take on a warm glow.


    "She said it was the pillar of Cairhienin life, and that I should know it like I know myself. Until she died three years ago, I practiced with her relentlessly. During the evening hours I spent learning the more male aspects of the House. My father taught me riding and hunting. He showed me to keep the books and to balance ledgers. How to trade, and who our allies were. At first I never understood why I would be taught such things, as I had always assumed that my parents would both try to have a son; it was not until after my mother passed away did my father tell me that she had been sick for several years, and bearing more children had never been an option." Daraniea briefly closed her eyes to those sad memories, wishing there was a way to erase them from her mind.


    "That is how I spent my childhood and adolescence. My Father loved my mother very much, and in his depression began to drink rather heavily. When we moved to the country he began to seclude himself more and more, only coming out in the night usually. I began to take over the dealings of the estate in earnest. It was a rather daunting thing, at the age of fourteen, to worry about food stores and keeping the House from growing broke." Suddenly, Daraniea's forehead pinched and her voice became much darker, thickly laced with anger and resentment.


    "Recently, my father made a friend in a man named Elrick. He's old, pompous, and reeks of venom. But he somehow managed to entertain my father, and there was nothing I could do. That is up until just before I was discovered by an Aes Sedai. It began to occur to me that Elrick's lewd glances and greedy stares weren't directed at my surroundings, but at myself. It was soon after that I realized my father was going to marry me off to him."


    "Since I wasn't about to let that happen, I had been planning my escape when an Aes Sedai showed up at our home one evening. And here I am. "


    Taking a breath, Daraniea mentally shook off the rather forlorn memories of her absent childhood and her early rise to adulthood. It truly hadn't bothered her to miss out on anything, except having her mother near. Glancing up at the Aes Sedai almost defiantly, Daraniea waited quietly for her to speak, not quite mirroring the serene grace that faced her.




  10. It was a hot day. Daraniea did her best to keep the sheen of sweat from her forehead, but her handkerchief was becoming soaked. Glancing about her, she saw other Novices and Accepted idly walking around the courtyard, enjoying the few moments of peace and quiet that was afforded to them. Seated under a lovely tree on a stone bench, Daraniea was beginning to wonder if she had misunderstood her instructions. Her mentor Cetaile, had sent her a note to meet her in the courtyard first thing in the morning, but the woman was nowhere to be found. Clearly, there were no Aes Sedai to be found anywhere this morning! Perhaps they had the luxury of sleeping in. Disgruntled at the thought, Daraniea wanted to scream at the top of her lungs, just to see how many grumpy Aes Sedai awoke from their peaceful reverie because of her. The thought actually made her giggle.


    Her giggling was cut short by the thought of the enormous pots and pans she would inevitably be stuck scrubbing until her fingers fell off as a result. Frowning again, Daraniea tried to think of something a bit less anger-inducing. Allowing her mind to float, she found herself thinking about the myriad of rules this place enforced. Truly, it was as if she were nothing but a child toddling about in this place! And all the curtsying! She'd never curtsied so much in her life--not even in the Royal Court of Cairhien. Perhaps when she became bowlegged and hunch-backed her mentor (if she ever showed up) would take pity on her and offer Healing. Light help her if she got any shorter. Already a few Novices had looked down on her smugly and smiled as though she were a pretty doll to be put up on a shelf! Thankfully due to her height deficiency, she had mastered the ability to glare disdainfully down at any person--no matter their height.


    As the minutes ticked by Daraniea felt herself getting even more antsy. She straightened her hair, smoothed out her skirt, and once again mopped her brow. If she were at home this woman would be feeling the rough side of her tongue, Aes Sedai or no....


    Finally, after waiting nearly forty minutes an Aes Sedai glided into the courtyard. Daraniea hoped that it was Cetaile. Having never met the woman, she wasn't precisely sure whom she was looking for, but since this was the first Aes Sedai she had seen this morning, and the woman began to descend on her--truly it seemed that way from her rather short vantage point--Daraniea rose to curtsy...

  11. "Reqs for NOVICE: Daraniea Rysted"


    • Novice Quiz - [Complete]



    • Novice Life - URL - [ - / 4 ] [Complete / Incomplete]



    • Choice RP:
      * [Name of Req] - URL - Word Count / [ - / 4 ] [Complete / Incomplete]

  12. As Daraniea walked through the grand halls of the White Tower she felt both gratified and slightly anxious. This was to be her very first class, and she wasn't sure what to expect. Upon entering her tiny hovel of a room two days before, she spent her time unpacking her meager collection of belongings, making sure her new completely boring outfits were a proper fit, and then wondering what in the Light she was supposed to do next. Of course the following day was spent touring the expanse of the Tower, the Warder Yards, and the Kitchens. Balking at the other Novices down on their hands and knees scrubbing out giant cauldrons used for mass quantities of stews and soups; Daraniea found herself almost chanting Elrick's name over and over as a reminder of why she was really here. Anything was better than marrying that bald, pompous lout.


    And today starts the first class. She had been lectured already on the importance of not being tardy, not having a hair out of place, and basically playing servant girl to any Aes Sedai if they should happen to notice her, but she took it all in due course. Elrick....


    Taking a seat in her class she glanced about her imperiously. She didn't know the other girls in the class with her, but it was probably better to be as confident as possible, in case one of them thought to get uppity with her. Who knew what type of situation she would find herself in today? Aes Sedai were more feared than anything else in the land, and the White Tower a mystery to most people. The magnitude of the situation that Daraniea now sat in a seat preparing herself to be actively taught how to be an Aes Sedai was not lost on her one bit.


    Once a picture of the room and its inhabitants was indexed firmly in her mind, she allowed her eyes to rest on the Aes Sedai seated in front. The woman had the same ageless face as the rest, though her hair had gray streaks through it. She must be really old. Daraniea wasn't sure, but she guessed it would be out of place to call her on it, so she made a mental note to ask her collegues about it at a later time. Her face was rather pretty, with honey blonde hair and a heart shaped face. Her face gave off a kindly air, and Daraniea felt reassured by the woman's friendly countenance. Smoothing her skirts, Daraniea took a moment to compare her appearance to the other people around her. She did not stand out in the crowd, but she was different. She was most certainly the smallest person in the class, and her wavy chestnut hair was nothing much to speak of. Her large, dark eyes weren't uncommon here, but she thought her creamy pale complexion was the prettiest next to the Aes Sedai. A delicate nose and bow shaped mouth completed her round face, and at the end of her personal tally, she felt she stood on par with the rest of the class as far as appearances were concerned. She was certain she was the only Cairhienin in the class.


    As the teacher started talking, Daraniea found herself instinctively measuring her words. Before her mother died, she had just begun learning about Daes dae' Mar from her; but she found herself to be a quick study, and it wasn't very hard to continue the practice after her mother passed; that is until her father had moved them into the wretched country. Shaking herself from her rather unpleasant reverie, she began to focus more closely on the lesson. The teacher was trying to scare the entire class--and it was working rather well. Daraniea found even herself feeling a measure of fear, but she managed to quickly tamp it down with the assumption that an Aes Sedai would never allow for a student to harm themselves in their presence.


    Glancing about her, she saw many of the other students scribbling furiously onto their papers, busily taking notes, and while Daraniea did jot a sentence or two down, she didn't really find remembering this information all that challenging. Perhaps it was a Cairhienin thing...though she did find herself glancing at the girl named Devrion more than the others. Something about the girl gave her the creeps. It was probably just this entire atmosphere...


    As the question and answer portion of the lesson came 'round, Daraniea instantly saw the overachievers clamoring in their minds for some questions. Most of them were good ones to ask, though Daraniea didn't think there was any question that needed to be asked that she couldn't go and research herself. Everyone knew Aes Sedai couldn't lie...but Daes dae' Mar was strong in Daraniea's blood, and it was second nature to question anything anyone said.


    Allowing her attention to slide back to the Aes Sedai, Daraniea listened as she answered the other students questions. As she called on the last girl with her hand raised however, the room quieted so that Daraniea was sure you could hear the raised heartbeats of every person in the room. "Claire, (if the woman insisted they not use the honorific, Rochel wasn't one to argue) if most channelers agree that death is prefered over severing, why do you only gentle men who can channel?  Would it not be kinder to kill them instead?"


    Awkward. It would be interesting to hear the answer to this question.

  13. Ah, the addiction...is sated.... ;)


    Thanks everyone for the welcome. Hopefully I'll be able to get my writing skills back up to par sooner than later. I've managed to deny the thirst for well over a year now--three years as far as this place is concerned! :D

  14. :o


    I'm the only one that does any seducing around here, and if I were to seduce anyone, it wouldn't be Twitchy (no offense).


    But you could still try to sue me for something. Then we could hang out and stuff. :D

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