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Posts posted by DhaiMon

  1. It seems to be all the same with the male channelers, and Rand more than anyone.


    They're just taking what is their due. After all, some two and more millennia of male inferiority, and then suddenly they get to play with the omnipotence of the One Power again? They do not get hunted down? They can rally together and kick people's butts before going mad? And now, with the taint gone...?


    I think they deserve to have some ego.  ;D :P



    As for Rand...He's living in a world of pain. Constantly. I think it's rather understandable that he tends to "overlook" things in that state.


    And Egwene wanted to go to Rand, but was forbidden by law. Yes, Egwene's loyalty lies with the Tower, but that is as it should be.

    I hope that set of "laws" will get some decisive revision once the hard fact of the Black Ajah being real gets revealed...


    Aes Sedai aren't stupid. It's just their corrupted "order of things" that is.


    As for the Windfinders... they are having an effect, but honestly i regard them as so much worse than the Aes Sedai.


    I see them on much the same level...or then again...naw, Aes Sedai are even more nosy.  :P

  2. Gotcha, Jehaine, I had my doubts, but...


    Seriously, what sorta woman would use such anime pictures for their characters as you do?! :D



    (I am just as mean when it comes to online games, somehow. I ENJOY having a female avatar there, from time to time. When the game's good, especially.)


    Anyhow, thanks for the honesty. Because, let's face it: Male characters in online-play mostly either look like Rambos on steroids or else like stupid whimps. :P

  3. "I am Arath Talavin, and I'm going to be your instructor today. Go ahead and introduce yourselves,"


    “Elyan Keladirn”


    "Edana Keller."


    "Ibram Mizra, it is."


    Ibram wasn't exactly surprised to see a woman around. He was more surprised that they didn't get to choose a lathe yet.


    But then again, he got his own lesson two days after he arrived in the Yards. Maybe they arrived even more recently.

    Noting the woman's mooning over the other trainee wasn't exactly too hard. Ibram never claimed to be an expert when it came to that, but...he just knew when one of his fellow town-guards looked after a sweet girl and the girl looked back...

    He let that slide, it wasn't important anyway, since he knew to what sort of women he was wed now. He set the staff's end firmly on the ground, waiting.


    "In case any of you don't know what you're here for, you'll be learning some of the Basic forms, and practicing a little with them. The first lesson is that I can show you how they're done, but if you want to succeed you're going to have to practice them regularly by yourself."


    Old business, yes? Ibram wondered, idly. He could still remember the drill in the town-militia. It was a matter of stab, parry, block, stab, block, parry...Ibram would not be surprised at all if here, in the Warder's Yard, they would have different tricks.


    "Obviously to practice you're going to need one of those. If you don't have one already go find one now. Make sure to get one that is the proper length for you- weight isn't as important concidering that a real blade will probably be heavier anyway."


    With that, Ibram remembered that he had sheathed and belted on his knife as well, this morning. While the other two continued to rifle through the pile of lathes, he idly drew it, the sun glinting off its edge.


    He knew spearwork, somewhat. He hoped he would be able to do something more than just draw his knife as a last resort as well, before everything was said and done.

  4. "Umm, yes. Right here. Now both of you, watch closely."


    Simmen understood. At least, he thought he did, Father be damned.


    When Simmen saw the fellow do...something...to the patient on the ground, he could not help to blink. And shudder, once the wounded black-coat convulsively sat up.


    It must have been the power. Simmen was sure of it.

    But where's the wound?


    Simmen didn't have time to dwell much further on that:

    "Solider, fetch some food from that counter for this Dedicated. This type of Healing uses part of the patients energy, so it leaves them very tired and hungry."


    You fellow are a doctor? Thunders strike!

    Still, Simmen obeyed. He looked around wildly, hastily, found nothing and got to his senses again, running to what had looked like a baker's tray when he had passed it on the way to the infirmary. With an "On Asha'man's oder" and a finger pointing- something he was taught to do on his first errand some days ago -, he had a bread in hand and hastened back to the infirmary.


    ...I'll just cut your weave off and flick you in the forehead, so don't worry."

    Simmen was panting, and only listened to the first bit of it. His first reaction was shock, since he feared to be stricken down now. He was numb with the fear. But when the Asha'man gave a nod and seemed to grow impatient, he carefully stepped forward, presenting the bread with a "Here's some bread, Ash-asha'man sir" and trying that fist salute he was continuously teached. He hoped it looked...acceptable.

  5. Aiel only have first names!  The only clan you can be is Dragonmount (or Shaido if you want to play all by your lonesome :P).  You're all set! \o/



    Do we have Mera'din as well?



    *sees a fine story unfold in front of his own eyes*...



  6. I was thinking of making a Wise One character, and wanted to see if there was anyone around to take me through the training before I submit a bio. :) 


    So, who's got an Aiel character?

    Mh...since I'm on some sort of character-creation-rampage, I guess I could come up with something for an Aiel as well. Since they're cool beyond measure.  ;D


    Ow well...need to first cross-check whether I could truly make that work for and with myself. Heh.

  7. Every so slowly, Ibram got used to the pain.


    It had been a few days since he'd come to the tower, and so far he had been pressed into, mostly, hard, tiring session that did not seem to make too much sense. Running around with boulders hadn't been the least of it.


    At least he started to flesh out somewhat, he noticed, the times he got a look into a mirror. Or water. Or a puddle he looked into when he dragged himself to his room. At least, he couldn't truly remember the dark dreams anymore he seemed to have more often of late when falling into bed. That was a relief. And likely required for him to keep going in the guards, Tree and the Light be thanked.


    His helm and spear were secure somewhere in the armories now. He had begged the one quartermaster into whose hands he pressed them to take special care of them. He hoped the man's silence meant approval, there.


    Carrying the stick he was allowed to choose in some introductory combat lesson some two days ago on his shoulders, he strode to where he was supposed to be now. Casually.


    Fine life it is, no? He wondered.


    He just hoped he wouldn't get too comfortable here over time. He doubted he would. Well-fed and supplied as he was, even, since the memories and pictures just wouldn't go away.


    He seemed to be the last to arrive. Some instructors seemed to not care too much about it one way or another. Yet, he had already met the less tolerant sort of them in his first few days here.

  8. ...instruction. Not beating, you meanos! Rawrgh!


    Anyway, I figure Ibram needs to proceed with his training...can't guarantee I'll be as active as in the last few weeks, but I'll try. School isn't that big an obstacle, anyway... ;D



    So, if some of you want to mess the boy up some, just let it be known. Muhar.

  9. Stormladies, Creator, Father of Storms...


    Something along that line just kept repeating inside Simmen's head, somewhere. He knew it would be hard and harsh right from the start. He just did not know how hard. He ached to just lie down and sleep. If the cramps and pains wouldn't be all too firmly in his mind, then, doing nothing.

    He did not have much time to think. It had only been a few days now since he had come to this place. Via a "gateway", he seemed to recall these other men calling it.


    From his weapons training onward, days had gone by in quite similar fashion. Get up before the sun was well up, exercise in the cold air outside, receive some drill, some stick-beating together with other Soldiers...Hadn't Simmen known better, he would have thought this an ordinary army-settlement or something. He knew better, though. Much better, even.


    He had not received any "lesson" in "channeling" yet, as the Silverpins would call them. And some of the other Soldiers that seemed to know what they were about. He would receive those soon, though. "Not fixed yet", some instructor had said.


    For the moment, Simmen's task was to get to the "infirmary", carrying some clothing and bandages there.

    Moans and a smell bordering on a stink were the first sensations that he got from the insides of the infirmary. Entering was worse.


    Simmen made a point of looking away, of staring straight ahead, of not listening to the moans of the men.

    He had enough fields to clean right now. More than enough.

    Now who's in charge in this...mess?, he wondered, wondering what fell Father-wrought stroke had come down on some of the wounded he still could not help but notice at the corner of his sight.

    Shaking himself awake, he approached the two blackcoats that stood out in the middle of all that suffering.

    He took a deep breath.

    "G-good sirs, the clothings, and bandages?"


    It wasn't the sight that was the worst of it. It was the smell.

    And one question that started forming up in Simmen's head:

    Lightning strike us down, what happened to these men?


    Had they gone mad? Or someone else?


    Simmen did not want to think about it. Yet it wouldn't go away.


    EDIT: OOC: Forgot...Hope this is appropriate enough. You two can tell him to get the hell out else.  :D

    Or I can just delete/rewrite it.

  10. Thanks, Sieve...Ibram should indeed not remain the random peasant that manages to kill the beast after hundreds have died. :D

    Here goes


    II. Welcome to the Yards

    Weapons Score 1 to 2

    Name of Req: Evaluation

    Welcome to the Yards Complete


    Ibram Mizra is situated by and receives training from Sandre Kaldun


    Edit 1: Me.


    Edit 2: Sieve.


    Latest Edit: Me. Reformating.



  11. Now, that's not what you put in my spreadsheet...

    We all go by nicknames. Muhar.


    *giggles and strides away*


    No, seriously...feel free to call me Commissar, I didn't put that up for naught, after all-


    there's nothing more final than some self-righteous maniac shooting people that dare run away. Even if he keeps ill-equipped personnel to keep going that way.


    Maybe we need that again in militaries today so that button-mashers are wary of what they're doing...

    Just a thought, there. I just think there's not much of "war" left if someone simply need press a button and the place goes "poof"!

  12. Okay, let's set this up as well, then...


    1) WS 0 to 1: Arrival Link to Thread: "White"- Complete - Approved by Eqwina


    2) WS 1 to 2: Evaluation Link to Thread: "Welcome to the Yards" - Complete - Approved by Sieve


    3)WS 2 to 3: Elective I Link to Thread: "Basic Forms" - Complete - Pending




    I. White

    Weapons Score 0 to 1

    Name of Req: Arrival

    White Complete


    Ibram Mizra arrives in Tar Valon and is pointed to the yards by Eqwina Sedai


    Edit 1: Sieve

    Latest Edit: Myself, to bring this into accord with the newest report-format.

  13. OOC:


    OOC No need to call him Master Kaldun. Hes a trainee like yourself after all. Also I figure this is as good a place as any to end this one. We can end it with my post here or you can end it with one of yours. Your choice.

    Mh....I might overdo the politeness there, at that.

    Too used to the "Sie"-ing here with me teachers and others for anything else, heh.


    IC: "Good job Ibram. Give me a few minutes to recover here and we will walk back... also, welcome to the yards."


    "The honor, it...is...all...mine...", Ibram managed to force out, meanwhile continuing his struggle to get air into himself. Shakily, he offered a hand. It was taken.


    When he turned to the river to gulp down as much water as he could get to somehow soften up the stony thing that his tongue seemed to be now, he made a point of not looking at Kaldun who seemed to be less...the norm.


    He thought he would not have been able to do much anything but try to drink the liquid, anyhow.

    Somehow, he was dragged to the water...

    With a start, he jumped rearwards, stripping off the stones still attached to himself.


    Nearly killed yourself, no? He thought, idly and dryly at the same time.


    Time to die 's not yet. Despite the pain and aches, he hoped it was still a long way to that.


    It felt good to be alive. And to walk beneath the Tree's shade and Light.

  14. Sounds good?"


    "Losing, it...sounds good...to you...then..." Ibram was panting. This was far worse than his "escape", what he remembered of that, anyway. "Yes...?"


    Light-headed as he had been then, he did not truly notice the pains growing both in legs, stomach and much everywhere else in his body. He just solely focused on keeping himself moving, and the girl's hand in his.


    He felt light-headed again, now. Except that he still was able to think clearly. Somehow. He was all too aware of the heavy weight dragging him down.


    The spear, it cuts down the noble. He thought. Dryly. "...many spears does that, it, take...?" He mumbled. Between taking breaths, and when the weight seemed somewhat less. But it did not go away. Not at all.



    Ibram eyed Master Kaldun from time to time, never truly seeing him. What he seemed to see was that the man kept going as well.

    Which was ridiculous, of course. No one could possibly keep this up without nearly killing himself, Ibram had the gut-feeling.

    No one but a Warder, anyway.

  15. OOC:OOC No challenge in this one but what you decide here will determine what happens in the next set of posts. Is Ibram eager enough to choose too much or too cautious and chooses too little or does he get just enough? We dont seem to be getting into too much detail. I recall boot camp well enough that I think its getting in the way lol. So we will take time on the work out and maybe finish with it if we can get a few good posts. Unless there is something else you want to add of accomplish?

    Accomplish? Good gods. :D

    We are at the beginning, so let's keep the ball low, heh. ^^

    Ibram isn't stupid enough to think that all great and good. He also isn't stupid enough to make a point of not doing it, rofl.

    He wasn't taught to "think", heh.


    Anyway, let's go...


    IC: "Dont over do it... you can hurt yourself this way and a yellow may not heal you for being stupid. Dont strap the weights below the knees or below the elbows, you will damage them and good luck making it as anything after that. You will eventually get used to wearing these all day when you have academic classes."


    Ibram was still shaking his head as to the concept.

    "What good, this is? Seen war, it I did..." War did not seem to greatly care for anything of this. It was butcher's work.


    The fine line the column was marching as broke as soon as the houses came in sight.

    "They seen us, lads. Them, they be taken, yes?! Off to it, you wolves!"

    Bellowing, the mass of "soldiers", weapons and torches in hand, charged the village. Some of the people tried to talk with the mass of soldiers running at them, clearly not believing what they did see coming there. Some cried for them to tell what the matter was, others ran back into their houses. And were back out just in time to be speared, their pitchforks or half-rusted heirlooms falling away from their hands.

    Some of them held out for bare moments, shouting at their children and women to run. Those were shot down by archers or taken down by knives and spears and bolts that were thrown or shot at them.

    Ibram was baffled, shocked. He could not do a thing. He just stood there, frozen into place...


    It was there quick enough, it was gone, quick enough. He was back where he was, now.

    "Let's start easy, no?", he muttered. With that, he took a lighter set of stones.

    Thin as he was, he was not overtly used to that additional weight when moving. It was a hindrance. It was useless.


    Yet he kept on, even as it dragged him down and wearied him.

    He did not think he could keep that up too long. Soon, the spear in his hand seemed heavy as a hammer.

  16. OOC:

    OOC Feel free to be better at this than Sandre. He hates drill with a passion so it average at it. Being militia you likely had more experience in it. If you decide to be better then I will post Sandre struggling to do better than Ibram lol


    Mh....it won't be too artful, I can already promise. Not too big a fan of the Parting The Silk-ing et al.

    Let's try...hm...


    IC:Ibram couldn't quite recall when last he had that much on his plate. And it was good. When he was done with panting after the "walk", he had tried to chew some on the stub of bread he still had. It was stone-hard.

    He put it away, and hoped he would be able to get rid of it somewhere along the way.

    Wolfing down what he had, he felt ready for more, and not too shaky anymore.


    He could not really follow what the man was saying. Except for times, anyway, and what to do when and how. And what he showed to him. That, at least, he could try and imitate as good he could. He hoped that was seen so by Sandre as well. And others less mild.


    "That took a bit longer than we were given leave for so we may be up late tonight finishing what needs to be done. Nothing unusual here though. Once we get out side I will show you some basic drill. You probably know some but things are done differently here. You might even be better at it than I am." With that, Ibram was slapped on the back in a friendly way.

    Old grim and flying sows, I like it here. The thought found its way into his mind, baffled as he was at all the...richness...that seemed to come with being in the Guards.

    Me, I might like it too much, yet.


    Outside, the knife at his belt was nearly forgotten as he tried as good he could to imitate the march-order and stances that Master Kaldun showed him. Spear in one hand, erect yet casually held. Not exactly new, yet he was not particularly familiar with the way of the walk. He just hoped that would be overlooked in the mass.

    He doubted it would be. Not when this Tower Guard was this good.


    "Alright. Lets see what you learned."

    Sandre Kaldun had said.

    He hoped he did well enough. As well as some bird-headed, yokel militia-boy could, anyway.

  17. I'm sorry to ask people to wait on this. I'm also sorry this RP wasn't up when I said it would be. My mate got run over by a car, so I've been spending a fair bit of time at the hospital. Good news is he's going to be absolutely fine, and just needs a bit of bed rest for a day or two. Thats why the RP is late. So whilst I'm sorry on both fronts here, I CAN promise it'll all be worth it!

    No reason to be sorry. THAT'S true friendship.


    But how did he manage to get rolled over? ;D


    Seriously, lucky him. Hope he can get away from that fine enough in the end?

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