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Posts posted by Wolfsbane

  1. But these wouldn't be the returned spirits of our fallen Brethren if we're going to go the bad-spirit way, cause I'm fairly certain it's been established the dead Wolfkin are in the Dream.

    I found the rise from the earth and meeting with King and Queen of Manetheran and having a lovely chat with 'Gorn and any other (Darks?) outside of the Dream, because some us dislike the Dream *cough cough*

    Anyway, just figuring out what will be best for everybody and what everybody can agree on. I'm in the Black Hills if ya need me,


  2. “What may be, and what may come, may yet still fall under the Shadow. What should be, and what will be are still to be fought. What may come to pass, can only be hoped to hurry the drums of war towards the end, the final battle, Tarmon Gai’don. For under the Darkness, all shall be un-spun from the great Pattern and none shall be spared. Beat on the drums of war. Let the Dragon dance and fly on the winds of Time, the Creator spun flesh; for he must not fail us.â€

    —Translation Unknown

    Documents pertaining to the

    Rise of the Dragon, believed

    recorded around 400 NE.




    A wind rose among the peaks of Kinslayer’s Dagger, bent and twisted by the heat of the Aiel Waste, it rose among the jagged edges of stone and earth. Other currents joined it from the Jangai Pass, from the other mountains of the Spine, as the wind began to gust west along the Gaelin River. Over trails, and soon borders, it sped on, gathering the smells of grass and wood and death and fire, as it crossed the oasis known as Dumai’s Wells.

    Death clung to this wind as it moved west, surging across the banks of Tar Valon itself, the Shining Walls glistening in the noonday sun, but the wind pushed ever westward. Circling the smoking mountain the wind drew in the heat of Dragonmount, the burning ash and sulphur stirring in it, filling it, until the wind could sustain no more and rushed down the mountainside. Over the Luan River the wind gusted until it brushed the slopes of the Black Hills filling the air with its acrid smoke and reek of death. But Death already stalked the shadowy hills of Caralain Grass.


    Small countryside farms littered the slopes of the Black Hills, tiny villages of farming folk that new little of the outside world beyond their crops of wheat and the borders that had once defined them as a nation. Few remembered Old Caralain, and many fewer wished to, when harvest season did finally come around in this Light forsaken weather. Darkness crept in closer as man’s delusions and paranoia consumed him. Just north in Brohampton an entire village was set ablaze by the farming folk, believing the sins of Darkfriends would be consumed in the flames, as the young and old and innocent burned for what was not truly there. Just along the River Ivo just before the Arinelle woods, a small town named Ashan Doon, though memory served it known as Brookside only a few winters ago, found its Council chambers ripped apart and the Mayor slain by Shadowspawn, not a week past. Word spread like wildfire in the Hills of Shadowspawn with glowing eyes and flaming mouths and black leathery wings that would drink the very crimson life that beat in a person's veins.


    Kjarl found himself wondering the same thing, holding the same doubts what was happening around him. The whole countryside was up with torches in mobs, hanging well-respected families, burning and beheading as they rampage through the farms and settlement housings. Old Samuel of Braemton was hung from the very tree he grew up under, he must have been the oldest man in a day’s hard ride, for apparently naming the Dark One but eight winters back. Kjarl didn’t know if that was true, but he had heard stories already of Samuel killing two sheep, of the old man sending his spirit on people in their dreams! No one failed to notice that it was all of the people who had borrowed from Old Samuel over the years that led the rabble to his house; it just happened that Cameron Barlow, who refused to admit the land he had claimed was his was marked under Old Sam’s property lines, happened to have a rope ready to string up the beaten old man. The whole thing scared Kjarl while he-




    The voice was so strong… So overpowering… Ever since the wolves started talking to him when he was working the hunting trails hoping for some meat… Nothing’s been the same. Am I mad?




    The voice was so primal, so beyond anything Kjarl knew and struggling against it had proven to be a losing war. He sat there, golden eyes blazing in the shadows of a farm he faintly remembered, focus locked onto the sparse cloudy shapes of sheep as they grazed on the few clumps of grass. A pink tongue slithered across his teeth, hands dry washing themselves on the few scraps of cloth that still clung to his body, nails filled with dirt and dry mud. His cheeks were hollow and his once shining blonde hair lay matted and filthy against his head, dirt covering every square inch of his body.

    Kjarl had never been very large, never the strongest or the fastest, but after the wolves met him in the woods… after the voice in his head began chattering away… He had done things he couldn’t believe he was capable of, didn’t want to believe he was capable of.

    What was another sheep? Kjarl justified in his mind stepping from the shadows as a cloud drifted over the warm sun. He tested the air. Another one of his abilities enhanced, he could smell blood from a 100 paces off, he could see in darkness like it was morning… The air suddenly smelled of smoke, of charred wood and-

    “Death,†Kjarl said and wasn’t surprised by the hoarse whisper that came from his lips, hands pressed to the grass and he began to stalk his prey.



    Kjarl meant to oblige the voice. He could already taste the mutton between his fangs.






    The sending, like a shining pinnacle pointing east in his mind, thundered into his skull like a hammer blow and gave Erik enough of a startle to drive his feet from underneath him. He slammed to the ground, one leg sprawled out behind him and the other’s knee speared into his chest.

    “Light, and bloody merciful ashes…â€

    Just catch your breath.

    He turned to look over his shoulder like he expected the new Kin to be standing behind him, but all that greeted him were tall oak trees and cedars shadowed by the dense brush of Arinelle wood and the setting sun. Red and pink light glittered off the leaves of ferns and brush as Erik looked east.

    “I just bloody came from there...â€


    The sending was passed from wolf to wolf until someone picked it up, until someone could help the poor tenderfoot. The message was different though, like nothing he’d experienced before, odd and…

    A flickering flash to the beast that purred and growled inside him hungered and pawed and gnashed its teeth before he firmly quashed its voice.

    Something’s wrong…


    Erik had never been a conduit for the sending, always receiving and leaving to find the poor new wolf before the elements or rabble swallowed them up. He knew where the young one was, he could point with absolute certainty where the wolves told him, and that was what he sent along.

    It was unpractised; he had never been very good at the communication or the Dream, two very intrinsic parts of being a Kin as Erik was slowly learning. But time was running short, and Erik had already collected himself before the sending was done.

    Wolves were very good at finding the best suited for the retrieval of a new Kin, but Erik knew something was different with this young one— and time was against him.


    Help. New Kin. Different. Help. Come quick and bring steel. He ended the message with the same golden marker burned in his mind, glittering somewhere over the Black Hills, before the Luan River.


    “Back into the steel and fray, once again. Far ji, far kiserai, Far al Esch din.†For honour, for glory, Brother of the Wolf.


    Night’s howl cackled in the back of his mind as Erik set back the way he had come.

    Change is inevitable, Esch din. Change is always inevitable.



    OOC: Ata- I figure Scar’s next, finding something happening with Kjarl… I’ve left it out to the open so play with it and have fun. Shep- I figure you’re the one getting the sending (the Shinning :P ) so play out your reaction and coming out of your fortress of solitude.


    PS~ Rammstein really helps pushing out a post ;) this thread looks good, looking forward to it.



    Shep, s'long as your reasoning with Owen/And checks out, welcome to it.

    Ata, I'll get a post together in the North boards (I'll edit this and add the url when one is established), give some context and history and get it started.

    *toothy grin*

    'Til we meet on the Black Hills of Caralain.



    North Board:

    Of What May Be





    fine, do what you will.. *sniffles*

    Big thing is.. Has the Stedding always had the same lay-out? Cuz if we just happened to have the old library that was burned down many a century ago come up where the "new" one is.. When old library goes down, doesn't new one bite it too?

    Just wondering.


    Another idea for a good slaughter-fest would be since these are "DARK BUBBLES" because the DO is touching the pattern and all that happy stuff.. Could these spirits be.. hmmm.. Bad? Trust me, wolfies will be donning their brown pants (dropping bricks, if you will) if Aragorn comes back and starts busting necks.

    How do you fight those you once knew and loved?

    How do you even fight dark spirits?


    Just throwing some ideas out there, let's make this one rock.

    And it sounds like a happy one :D




  5. Talking to Owen before Easter made me realize, I don't really know where I left off in Erik's training.. or what level of Kin he was.


    He was doing both Tracker and Ranger training.

    Wanted to be a Tracker.

    Went with Moony and found.. somebody.. So he's that far in training.

    Was with the Ranger group that saved butt in MoM.

    Been raising hell in Caralain :twisted:


    Beyond advanced level stuff, other than the Dream (Owen going a-wall and turning to the Dark Side was a happy enough experience), would anyone know, or would anyone have a decent suggestion for where I should start in still becoming a Tracker? Should I start back at square one? Could I still do Ranger training as well, just for survival and fightin' skillz, or did I slip through a loop-hole and take Ranger even when I shouldn't?


    Mainly though, this is to get you guys going. C'mon wolves, post more. I'm dying out here.


    Else I just might have to run Manetheran into the ground just to get some attention.. or become it's King. Ya never know..

    What? Aes Sedai? Haha, okay, cut plan B, let's raze this sucker.





  6. Thanks Shep, Erik's about a WS 12 so both you and Lorelai can knock him around which I find fairly disconcerting mind you, and thank you As for raising a good point.

    It wouldn't make sense for a New Cub to get the sense of a new Kin to the East and a full-fledged Tracker getting nothing.

    I do wish some Trackers would permit some insight into this, though I may have to reserve this rp for wolves a little longer in the tooth.. It may just be that if someone interested in becoming a tracker wanted to join the rp though they are still a tenderfoot, they would have to coax a Tracker out to go with 'em. S'how I learned :P And hey, two for the price of one.


    Other than that, I'll wait upon any other submissions and interest- And of course heartfelt revelations and thanks now Nighthowl is back.



  7. You just stole the thoughts right outta my noggin! ^_^. I thought it would tie in fantastically with the big Manetheran RP everyone is talking about.


    Whoa.. Umm.. Yeah, cool. I should do that more often..

    Any road, so will we have to plan this out with everyone involved in the New Man rp (wolves, band, anyone else?) as a seperate part to our own because I know the Band are doing their part of the Bubble second while we don't have it until last. So, would we say pour example.. Okay, anyone that's part of the Band and NOT in New Man, RP your little bubbles o' evil, and likewise for the wolfies NOT in New Man?


    When they seperated it up like that it may prove difficult if we don't talk to the BotRH, and anyone else that are Rping before us.


    Just another thought from your friendly neighbourhood Erik.

  8. You know, if I get another person that's been on LoA, I just might break a record or something.. Me, a ta'veren?.. Debatable.. I'd just rather knock back some ales and knock around some heads.


    Uhmm well, has Shep decided if he's gonna be a Tracker (COME TO THE TRACKER SIDE, SHEP, -CAAUUUHHH CHHHHHH CAUUUUHHH CHHHHH-), is he a Ranger? Owen's pretty good at recruiting so I wouldn't doubt it.

    But, I think this is a great way of getting into it.. Scar's lost a lot of wolves at Dumai's Wells, Erik's spent the last year and a half causing hell in Caralain and burying his folks.. Shep can pull it together when he realizes he's needed. All Spider-man, the needs of the many out-weigh the desires of the few, get back into action.

    If Andular buys your reasoning and since you're in the MoM and unlikely to run down to the Stedding when the urgency of the New Kin spotlight in the sky, Owen can get the big surprise when we all show up.

    What I don't know is this RP's length so we may miss the Bubbles of Evil if we don't hurry up so I'll give this until Wednesday next week then just going to get a move on cuz Ata and I, and probably you too, want some rp time.


    Side note- Anyone, and I mean anyone interested in jumping in (LoA's welcome, we've almost hit the jack-pot 'ere.. Heck, I might get an Empy for this *grins*), please step right up and we'll find you an epic role to play.


    Happy Easter one and all. Goooooooooooooooo chocolate.





  9. Now, would these slowly appear out of the ground, or suddenly start showing up?


    It would be interesting if these ghosts much like Charles Dickens' version of them had something to offer the living except soiled breeches, like life-lessons or buried vacoule or chest or books for the library, though that can be secondary.

    Also, though my understanding of the presently standing Manetheran may be slightly... off... Seeing the previous occupants, the King and Queen quite obviously, would prove an incredibly interesting RP, but that would have to be at New Man. So would this just be for the Stedding, or have I missed something again?

    If I haven't, then it would seem that having previous peoples coming up from the Stedding would prove... slightly.. interesting, maybe some wolves.. Aragorn?.. Darks if we're lucky :roll:


    So, for clarification reasons, maybe I should find out from Andular a bit more on the setting- like if it was at New Man, wouldn't that mean the Band would be involved too?- but I felt this a bit more like my style.. and informative. :D


    To a good rp,



  10. Er-hem

    Yes, as the title does proclaim, welcome back to another exciting game of: So, WHO WANTS TO BE A HERO???


    *holds for applause*

    *still waiting*



    So anyway, I have been interested in getting a thread going on a rescue attempt into the Black Hills.

    Now I've got Scar on board, wondering if someone wants to come out and play hero for a bit.. you know you want to..


    So the present idea has been that there's a botched Kin pick-up, like in the WoT when Perrin finds a Kin overcome with the Beast, in the Hills and Erik's in the vicinity. Scar comes along, senses the Kin but knows he/she's gonna get a royal smack down from the townsfolk in the area (Erik's spent the last year pissing them off so trust me, they're bout ready to fillet this kid), so contacts whoever it can. Erik just about finished his Tracker training, picked up 2 Kin that I can remember.. Was that you Shepherd? Or was it Daharal? I have no memory any more.. blasted Txarki and his oosquai.., so he knows when there's a new Kin close to him..


    But my main question is, do Beast-overcome Kin transmit the same feeling to wolves, then on to Wolfkin? Or is it different? I know Erik's going to go in no matter what, but if they don't normally contact wolves then we'll have to cancel the "Tracker & anyone else near Caralain Grass/Dumai's Wells WHO WANTS TO BE A HERO?" try-outs for the position.


    So please post your comments, opinions, resumes, drunken ramblings, heartfelt declarations grateful that Erik is back, and any of the like.




  11. *Raises his glass for Darksmoon, and the rest*


    Darks I knew, and it be a priveledge to honour his, and any others' memory.

    To the days before we lost so many, to the days we are full again, never forgotten but with joy they are remembered, though missed outside the Dream.


    To the fallen, brethren and sisters alike.

    Cheers to the lost loves and friends, we will miss your smiles and your words, your hugs and shared ales and stories, until we sleep- until we dream.


    So Owen, take up your flute, Shepherd pick up your lute.. We may have little skill musically- but with a tall order of drinks on the way and Kin to be remembered.


    May, Me, My, Mo, Mu, May, Me, My, Mo, Mu.. Kay, give me a hard B flat boys.



    T'was a darkly mornin'

    when none but black ravens stirred;

    with the darkness comin' in

    and sound t'was scarcely heard.


    But off in the far distance

    did come the growing Light,

    and from ashes, wolves did rise

    that day, against Soul's Blight.


    A glorious sun did shine,

    when the plague was no more,

    and more howls rose in the trees-

    The Kin had won the War.



  12. And I was under the impression I was setting the trend here... *shrugs shoulders* O well, can't have it all it seems.

    Deffinitely appreciate passing on my bio to Lwena, Owen. Didn't know rez'ing my char was possible, guess I really have to come up with an excuse of where he's been.



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