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Posts posted by Liathiana

  1. Naeann: Cute pics of the kids! My brother's name is Roman (he's 20-something now) and my latest nephew, Kaden, was born on his birthday! My sister was pissed LOL. He came a week before his due date though so I'm sure he did it to piss her off on purpose. He was born just a few weeks before Rylan!


    My most recent pic, taken at the hospital the day my nephew Kaden was born:




    His older siblings, Emma 2.5ish and Lucas 1.5ish just before he was born:




    His Dad will kill me but I put some faerie wings on Lucas and took a pic. He's wearing a plaid logger's shirt so that balances it out right? We have a pic of him running around with a toy dog in his diaper too but I have no idea where it is. We're also constantly yelling at him to take his hand out of his pants. Boys :P




    And at the DM meet up at Dcon a couple years ago, a pic with the gorgeous Nyn:




    Me at Robert Jordan's house. This is a little walkway that is right between their house and this carriage house(? it's been a couple months!) that housed thousands and thousands of books, his office and the office of his assistants. I need to bug my brother to upload the pics I took, this one I snuck from a friend of mine. Notice the dragon up top! I have one in RJ's chair but it's on his damn iphone.




    Ayve picked her way carefully along the mountain path, concentrating on not tripping over yet another tree root. She had learned early to avoid the main routes to Tar Valon, as a woman alone she had been harassed more than she liked. A fight here and there is good for the body but she didn’t want to show up bruised and bloody and weak to ask to train with Warders. Growing up in a mid-sized town the bastard daughter of a tavern wench, she hadn’t much experience out in the wild. As much as she tried to prepare before she’d left Coramen she hadn’t expected to go traipsing through this creator-forsaken forest.


    Ayve let out a big sigh and pulled herself back together. It unnerved her to be at such a disadvantage. Perhaps it would be a better idea to get back to the main road and deal with the stupid men who thought they could take advantage of her. The one comfort she had was the feeling of the small cool blades that were secreted around her body. She shivered a bit, tugging the wool cloak tighter. Great! She was stuck in the forest, probably lost, hungry, thirsty and cold. This just wasn’t her day.


    The Altaran knew she was close, within a day or two…if not closer. She hoped it was the latter, she’d run out of food and eating tree roots wasn’t her idea of a good meal. Spying a nearby brook, she wandered off the path to kneel by it. She kept her head up, eyes watching the forest around her as her hand dipped into the cold stream and brought the water to her lips. She may be inexperienced in the forest but she wasn’t stupid, she wasn’t about to let someone get the drop on her because she was thirsty.


    No one was about however, so Ayve returned to the path. She walked along quickly, ignoring the twinges of pain in her legs or the tingling feel of her toes going numb. She stroked one of her knives unconsciously for comfort, determined to make it. As the sun began to sink beneath the horizon, she found a little cave that appeared to be uninhabited to stay the night.


    Curling up under her cloak Ayve slept fitfully, nightmares of her past and the cramping cold making it very hard to sleep. In the morning, she continued on, step by step by step. Finally she admitted to herself that wandering off the main road onto this out of the way mountain path hadn’t been one of her smartest ideas. She had no idea where she was or how long it would take her to get anywhere or if it was leading her in circles!


    “BLOOD AND BLOODY ASHES!” Ayve muttered.


    “Finally figured out you’re lost?” The voice was deep and measured and was so surprising she jumped. Whirling around the short woman’s eyes traveled up into the dark brown eyes of a man. He was several feet taller than her, dressed in browns and greens with a staff and a bow strung across his back. Most importantly, she saw the rabbit hanging from his pack and her mouth watered.


    “Whatever made you guess that?” Ayve laughed, uneasy and cautious by the sudden appearance of the man. Had he been following her? How did he sneak up on her like that?


    “You’ve wandered past me a couple times…on your way to Tar Valon?”


    “I might be, why do you want to know?” she replied cautiously.


    “I’m on my way back to the city as a matter of fact.” He didn’t smile but for some reason, maybe even because of that, she began to trust him…at least a little bit.


    “I would be grateful if I could accompany you back. As you’ve seen, I’ve not the greatest sense of direction.” She couldn’t hide the little glimmer of hope in her voice.


    “Well,” he replied, “I could use some help finishing this rabbit. I suppose you could tag along.” A hint of a smile perhaps?


    “Thank you, I’ll pay you of course.” He nodded and set off into the forest, Ayve hurrying to catch up.


    They said nothing more, neither wanted to know the other’s name and neither wanted to talk. Quickly camp was set and the rabbit roasted, she had never tasted food so good! The next day she followed him into Tar Valon. She had been a mere day’s walk from the City, blast it. She followed him over one of the East bridges and he led her to the Warders Yard.


    He left again without a word, melting into the people bustling about. Ayve stood there and watched. Suddenly doubt assailed her. Was she ready? Who should she talk to? She stood helpless as the sun sank lower and lower in the sky.



  3. Who: Siera (Green AS) and Ayve (Tower Guard Trainee)


    What: ?


    When: Present Day


    Where: Tar Valon


    How: ?


    Why: RP Class...something else?




    I'd love to hear your thought Siera! I was thinking maybe we could meet just before Ayve went to join the Warders but if you have another idea speak up! I'm rather tired and uncreative atm LOL. If you have any changes to what I posted above just say so! I figure I'll edit as we make concrete choices.

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