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Posts posted by Jethro

  1. On a related note.  Before the fight started Galad was thinking to be a blademaster you have to be aproved by blademasters or defeat a blade master in single combat.  Everyone excepts Galad is now a blademaster, but when RJ was asked if that means Rand is a blademaster (because he killed High Lord Toruk) after the KoD preview was released he said, "There is more to it then that."


    So what gives there?




    My thought is that when RJ said "There's more to it than that," he was taking into account that he just had Semirhage blow Rands primary hand off. Some authors do that, give a cryptic answer that can only be verified by reading the book they've just released. But yeah, thats what I reckon about it anyway. Rand is no longer a blademaster.

  2. You're right, but thats the benefit of being the underdog isn't it? Valda had every reason to believe he would win, having never seen Galad fight, and Galad used Valdas overconfidence against him. Its good when the fighters get tactical in the smaller scaled fights I think. I just wish we would see Lan do it more since technically he and Rand would have been an almost unstoppable duo pre-stump. Of course any such fight would have had to have been in Far Madding for Rand not to just sweep anything away with the Power, but it would have been good to see Lan and Rand go to extremes before Semirhage did her stuff.

  3. Rands question was specifically about him surviving the Last Battle though, so I can see how he got away with it. The question only looks at Rand surviving. If Rand had asked "How can I fight the Dark One?" then there would no doubt have been consequences, but because his words made it clear that it was just his survival he wanted an answer for, it was all good. No information about the Shadow was needed to give Rand his answer.

  4. I personally think the way Rand and co did it was brilliant. Cadsuane knew exactly what she was doing defense-wise, Rand knew to let her get on with it. Everything about that scene was brilliant in my opinion; it is in my top 3 scenes along with the docks and Dumais Wells.

  5. Also, the Cleansing would have taken too long for those locations to prove useful enough. Rand knew Shadar Logoth was as dangerous to any Forsaken as himself, plus there ares area where you can see for miles. A defense would be easier to organise out in the open.

  6. Rand did not use Mashadar to Cleanse the Taint.


    He created some sort of funnel and forced Saidin through it. Pure Saidin came out of one side and the Taint came from the other, which was placed over Shadar Logoth. Mashadars involvement was that it was destroyed-along with the entire city-when the Taint formed a black dome and collapsed. All that is left is a massive crater.


    Several times Rand had noted that the two wounds in his side-Taint and Shadar Logoth-seemed to oppose one another, and it was also pointed out by Damer Flynn that the two evils concentrated on one another rather than infecting Rand. I think Rand had the idea that there would be some collateral damage after the ritual, so why not place it right in the middle of Shadar Logoth, where lies an evil that could potentially be canceled out by the Taint? For one thing it could potentially destroy Shadar Logoth itself, and for another the environment itself is as hostile towards the Shadow as the Light, meaning any attacking Chosen would have to be as cautious as Rand and his chums.

  7. Thanks, Im here all week.  ;D


    Another similarity lies between WoT and the Riftwar Saga by Raymond E Feist. A character, Thomas, is given some armor which has been infused with the powers of Ashen-Shugar, a god-like member of the Valheru race, and as Thomas wears the armor he begins to evolve into a mixture of Ashen-Shugar and himself. Mixed memories and such, it makes me think of Rand when he first has trouble seperating his own memories from Lews Therins.

  8. I almost laughed out loud at the thought of Moiraine with an Oz accent.


    I can just imagine it now. An encounter between Moiraine and Padan Fain, Fain grabs a passing commoner and holds them in front of him, his tainted knife poised ready to cut their throat.


    "He's got a knife!" come the cries of the civillians.


    "Thats not a knife," Moiraine said, channeling Fire, "This is a knife."


    Mick Dundee style



    Rand and Richard look exactly the same. Richard looks like Rand.


    Seekers for Truth (Tinkers) vs. Seeker of Truth (Richards role)


    Blademasters appear in both.


    Wizards and Confessors used to accompany each other like Aes Sedai and Warder.


    Aran'gar & Osan'gar - Short tailed gars and long tailed gars.


    Aes Sedai & Black Ajah vs Sisters of the Light & Sisters of the Dark.


    Richard and Rand both find out their father isnt really their father.


    Some Chosen are reincarnated by the Dark One - Darken Rahl...just comes

    back...more than once


    Both mens significant swords have a flaw or drawback.


    Darkfriends - Banelings.


    Children of the Light - Blood of the Fold.


    BALEFIRE AND CHAINFIRE. Both can unravel reality-but listen to this; Chainfire...makes people forget you ever existed but doesnt change anything, yet it can still unravel reality and whatnot.


    The list can go on until Terry stops

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