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Posts posted by Terrapin

  1. Actually found WOT randomly in early 2000s and couldn't put series down until caught up for crossroads release. Re-read at least once or twice amd have greatly enjoyed.


    Been a bit since last signed in but got up to many antics in Band. Possibly caused some tolerating grins on a couple of Aes Sedia while a novice... but fireworks and such are a tale for another time.

  2. Thanks to all who posted responses to my previous question about manatherin's lineage. My apologies over a belated thanks, the last week has been hectic.


    Recently, I have been thinking about the nature of balefire. Wiki relates the effect of balefire as burning threads of the pattern. (i.e, unraveling weavings so that previous outcomes are null and burning the 'soul/thread' of said person so they are no longer able to be respun) (generalization). Without dealving into the Dark ones possible use/ banning of balefire, its nature seems to be paradox. Typically, Balefire destroys anything on contact; yet, when Moridin and Al'thor cross streams, a bond is created. Creation from destruction or vice versa. I could view reluctance for Balefire's use due to AOL chanelers not understanding the nature of said force. If the 'balance in all things' arguement is allowed, possible paradox is further enforced in Towers of Midnight prologue pg 32 (hardback), when Graendal flees:


    "A blinding light rose behind her. She struggled to dismiss the gateway, and caught one glimpse of the horrified Aran'gar begore everything behind was consumed in beautiful, pure whiteness. The gateway vanished, leaving Graendal in darkness. ...........A wave of wrongness washed over her, a warping in the air, the Pattern itself rippling. A balescream,it was called-a moment when creation itself howled in pain."


    I find the concept of balefire as possible paradox or maybe something else. The creators side has been refered to as the 'light' and the dark one's as the 'shadow' (generalization). A beautiful light destroying seems contrary to the generalizations made within the series. Adding in cuendellar as one of the only things able to withstand balefire, and the idea that the only thing able to break the strongest material known is something else made of that material, balrefire seems intriguing in nature.


    Summary: I'm considering the continuing concept of balefire throughout the series, and would appreciate direction to informative discussion about the concept. I don't want to ramble further. Thanks for taking the time to consider my inquiry.

  3. Hello everyone,


    I have a possibly stupid/simple question and guess this would be the best forum. Does anyone know or have a lead on the lineage of Manatherens royal line? A little foggy, but I believe that Rand and Matt have both been referred to as true blood of Manetherin. I know Rand is an "adopted son" of manetherin's decendents, but I think it would be funny if the line dated back to Hawkwing. Mat could potentially be a descendent of Hawking. I'm not buildng any theory or totting a pre-established one. I just think it would be a comical scene if Matt told Tuon to listen here, I'm the real deal so............(use your imagination to finish that one). Thanks

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