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Posts posted by a5m


    Actually the more likely reason was not the amount of Power drawn (far more saidin was used than saidar [an ant/mole hill next to a mountain]), or the strength of the channeler who used it (Nynaeve is cited as having sufficient strength, and the point you're referencing (Moghedien's comment) about the Choedan Kal being used at great strength for a long period of time is just as applicable to the male one--more so, because more Power was used). The most likely reason was the USE to which saidar was put.



    Though really the simplest reason the female one didn't survive and the male one did was because the female one was still buried with only the sphere free while the male one was no longer buried. So the excess heat used while wielding that much power was able to dissipate for the male one and wasn't able to for the female one. So you ended up with Slag for that one.

  2. In the Lord of Chaos:


    In the middle of Fire and Spirit...


    With a sigh she started down the street. Elayne came along as though she had been invited. That helped Nynaeve find the anger she was going to need. Abruptly she realized that Elayne's wrists were bare. "Where is the bracelet?" she asked softly. No one in the street would understand if they heard, but caution once forgotten could be forgotten once too often. "Where is Marigan?" "The bracelet is in my pouch, Nynaeve." Elayne stepped aside to let a high-wheeled cart pass, then joined Nynaeve again be* hind the cart. "Marigan is doing our laundry, with about twenty other women around her. And groaning every time she moves. She said something she didn't think Birgitte would hear, and Birgitte.... I had to take the thing off, Nynaeve. Birgitte had the right, and it hurt. I told Marigan to say she fell down some stairs."

    Nynaeve sniffed, but her heart was not in it. She had not been wearing the bracelet much of late....


    She was working in the middle of a crowd of women. I can't imagine that she wouldn't be told to fetch something occasionally or get some more clothes to do etc. And there are other differences like here...


    In Questions and Answers...


    True, so long as the necklace remained on Moghedien's neck, any woman able to channel could find her with the bracelet, and control her. If no one wore the bracelet, she could not move more than a dozen paces from it without falling to her knees retching, and the same if she shifted the bracelet more than a few inches from where it had been left, or tried to unfasten the necklace herself. Maybe it would hold her even on the peg, but maybe one of the Forsaken could reason a way around that, given enough chances.


    Joline didn't make it two steps. Certainly not a dozen paces. The two a'dam are a bit different.

  3. It was an exact copy except the lack of chain connecting collar and bracelet. Otherwise it works exactly the same; Elayne removed the chain because she knew it wasn't part of the ter'angreal's function. (That's really grasping at straws, by the way.)

    The not forthcoming part had to do with not cooperating. I'll concede that point, I remembered it wrong.


    The exactly the same part would have meant that Marigan (Moghedien) would have been constantly sick. There was a point when they were wearing the bracelet very infrequently and Marigan seemed to always to able to do her assigned jobs no matter were they were in Salidar. Joline didn't make it two steps. It seems to me that Marigan wouldn't have been able to do anything while the bracelet was off unless the a'dam didn't quite work the same way as an original.


    BTW, I see no straws here. Haven't you ever thought about the fact that they didn't always wear the bracelet yet Marigan could get around Salidar? Not one single reference to the woman always getting sick and not being able to heal her. I'd say that is very telling.

  4. They were, however, able to sense emotions through it like a link, which Setalle apparently cannot do.


    There is no evidence in Mat's point of view one way or the other.


    Except that Setalle didn't react at all to putting it on—nothing like Siuan and Leane did, anyway. And why should she? But the point is that Siuan and Leane did feel something, despite not being able to actually use the a'dam.


    And Siuan and Leane where asked to participate by someone that knew what an a'dam could do. They were also questioned as to what they could sense. Siuan wasn't exactly forth coming about it. Setalle had no idea at the time what wearing the a'dam would be like so had no reason to confirm or deny that she could sense the green. Also, Siuan and Leane were wearing a modified a'dam, not an original. We're not even sure if the differences that you're claiming might not be because of the modifications that Elaine added when making the wireless a'dam.


    Again, there isn't enough to say either way in my opinion. Maybe we'll find out in MoL as part of the story line. I, for one, am still hoping for a meeting between Setalle and Damer.

  5. I always assumed Sevanna had the LFM when she left Dumai's Well but it may have been something else and so was not part of the cach Faile confiscated from the Shaido after the battle at Malden.


    The only way for the Shaido to have gotten the fat little man angreal was for them to get it from one of the sister captured or killed by them. The only known living one is Galina. I personally don't think Galina had it with her. Other sisters might have had it and the most likely to have it now would be one of the sisters that escaped initially. There are only a few of those really. I wouldn't think that any of the sisters held by the Aiel would have it, including Katerine Alruddin though she might have gotten it after her escape from the Aiel from those that had escaped without help.


    To add a mystery to the stack, I've always wondered what Moiraine did with the Ivory Figurine. She still had it just prior to when Rand left for Tear. If she still had it while in Cairhien, it's likely with the rest of the Rhuidean stash we haven't heard about since her she went to visit the Eelfinn. You'd think that stash would be important soon.

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