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Posts posted by Sylvirci

  1. Practice! Practice! Practice! It was all Gaidan did from the moment he woke up up until the moment he went to sleep. He forced himself to flow through the forms until he had perfected them all to the best of his ability.


    The first day he did nothing but Heron Wading in the Rushes. He did it until he stopped falling down and could flow through it in rapid succession with any mistakes. He knew he wasn't as fast yet as the Tower Guards, Warders and especially Kyn himself. He was however just as skilled in it as the other Trainees and he took a few hours that night where all he did was challenge everyone in the Yard. He asked them to strike using the forms he knew as he simply pivoted away using only Heron Wading in the Rushes. Finally satisfied he went to bed for the end of his first day.

    The second day he was in the Yard practicing all the other forms he had been taught so far. He was shaky at first as he tried to flow from one smoothly into another, but as the day wore on he got better and better. Finally after the evening meal he ask the people in the Yard to spar again. Only this time he flowed from form to form as he asked them to simply block and dodge. It didn't matter to him if he scored a hit, only that he had the forms down well enough to make Kyn proud of him. He spar against people of almost every style but took great lengths to spar those of the Sword and Shield style or his own Two Blade style. This way he would be even more prepared against Kyn.

    The third day dawned and he went straight into the Yard. He then praticed all of his forms three times in succession before finally asking for anyone to spar against him. Unfortunately he had already sparred against all present except Kyn himself and no one was willing to. One man actually said that he could not get any better with the forms he knew and the only thing left was to learn new ones. He started to feel a little prideful until Kyn stepped up and said, " I believe you are ready now. Shall we?"


    Gaidan lost the Void which he had kept until then. This was a whole day early! Am I truely ready? He knew if he had to ask himself that question then he was not ready yet. Bowing respectfully to Kyn he said, " I am not ready yet Master. I want to hone my skills and forms more before I spar against you sir." With that he walked out of the Yard and went back to his room.


    He tried something he hadn't done yet, he visuallized every possible move in his mind. He saw himself going through the forms in different combinations and every possible counter Kyn could do in return. He spent half the day in a meditative trance as he saw the forms flowing through his mind. The rest of the day he spent flowing throught the forms as fast as he could until he was too exhausted to move. That night he went to bed very early.

    The next day dawned bright and beautiful. He got up and ran through the forms twice each before he headed to the Yard. Once there he saw Jase sparring against Kyn. It was truely something to see a single style against a two style. Every time Jase moved to attack he saw the ease with which Kyn was able to use either shield or sword to deflect. It was truely a frightening experience to see just how fast Kyn was. He knew he was a little faster then Jase because of his light frame and two shorther blades but Kyn made him realize that he was incredably slow compared to him.


    So Gaidan sat there and watched Kyn's style and which forms or pivots he used to counter Jase. He was studying Kyn so that he just might get an advantage over him or maybe, although doubtful, actually score a strike against him. Finally their match was over and he saw just how exhausted Jase was. Offering a small smile of encouragement and he said, " Nice job! Ready to watch me now? Although I doubt I will have better luck. He is a lot faster then I expected!" With that Gaidan stood up and approaced Kyn.


    " Sir I am as ready as I am ever going to be." With that said he flowed through the initial forms until he reached Lion on the Hill. Then he watched as Kyn set himself up. It was different to see Kyn with the shield on as he placed it forward and held his sword hand in the back position. Very similar to my own stance. Well I figured as much yesterday. He knew there was nothing left but to feed the Flame of his Void and start. He saw within his mind the first several moves of his and Kyn's and satisfied he began.


    Gaidan lead with Hummingbird Kisses the Honeyrose with his right hand. It flew true to Kyn's face but as expected he brought his shield up and then he pivoted to the side and did Parts the Silk. Gaidan had expected the strike though and smoothly pivoted to stay face-to-face as he did his own Part the Silk with his left hand. Although instead of keeping his blade towards Kyn, he kept it pointed up and crouched a little as he deflected it.


    He saw a little surprise in Kyn's face as he was blocked. Gaidan hesitated as he basked in that emotion and saw too late that Kyn had done it on purpose. Kyn brought his shield in in a low, crouched, version of Hummingbird Kisses the Honeyrose. Gaidan was still pivoting with his left foot forward when he saw the shield coming forward and tried to lean back onto his back foot to jump back. He wasn't quick enough and was still moving in the pivot to get into his starting position. The shield slammed into his stomach and then Kyn kept pushing even as he shoved up. The result was a very good flight through the air to land about five feet back with a thud on his rear.


    Shaking himself off, Gaidan got up and resumed Lion on the Hill. Kyn looked at him and smiled as he said, " It was a good block but you need to remember that a shield can be a weapon too. Now again!" He was already in the same form and waiting for Gaidan's next move.


    Gaidan took the criticism and then reevaluated the forms in his mind. He can do anything I can and that shield is bigger. Well it has less range even with his speed! Knowing that he launched into Arc of the Moon with his right hand from left to right and with his left hand he did The Falcon Stoops. Kyn countered first with his shield and then with his sword, but Gaidan wasn't finished. He pivoted and swung his left blade towards Kyn's exposed back with Parting the Silk. He left his right hand free of action in case Kyn was able to launch one of the downward forms.


    Kyn pivoted faster then Gaidan had seen him move yet and neatly blocked with his shield. Then he followed with the expected Kingfisher Takes a Silverback. Gaidan had expected it and brought his right sword up to block it but Kyn had swung hard. The force of the blow knocked him onto his knees and he quickly rolled back in a complete backwards somersault so that he was able to get to his feet quickly. As he got back into Lion on the Hill, Kyn said, " Good! As long as you remember that you have to be faster then your opponent and be willing to move away rather then strike you will do fine. You have speed and agility on your side but most of your opponents will have strength on theirs, you cannot take their beatings for long. Now again!"


    Gaindan did as he was told and thought about the forms as much as possible. It went back and forth through him trying all the forms and being blocked every time. He didn't give up though, even as he realized he was spending more time rolling or pivoting away from Kyn. He simply switched up his forms as best he could so that he kept trying from different angles and he also switched between striking with two forms or with one form whilst keeping one hand free to block.


    Through it all he realized that he was fast, Kyn was just more experienced and therefore faster. Finally after what seemed like an eternity, Kyn countered his The Grapevine Twines by slamming his shield into Gaidan. Gaidan had expected it tried to pivot out of the way but the shield clipped his shoulder and he spun a few times before falling on the ground. After he stood Kyn said, " Good job, we are done now. Go rest and think on how tiring battle is."


    Gaidan bowed low to Kyn in a show of respect and then smoothly Folded the Fan before joining Jase on the side.


    Gaidan Hatori, Warder Trainee.

  2. OOC: Sorry I haven't posted yet. I have been trying to think of how to make it look good. I have two blades and can do different forms with each one in the same flow. Are you expecting to block every strike or is it ok to post one or two getting through? I mean if both swords come from, say left to right, where one is Arc of the Moon and the other is Parting the Silk can one get through? Say the first time he tries two forms at once? Your ribs or lower side would be exposed and if unexpected then you wouldn't block it with your shield in time. Just curious.

  3. Gaidan was shocked by her sudden explosion. It wasn't like that at all! Well she is obviously too mad to hear the right of it so... He stood and taking the letter, walked out of the room. Moving through the Yard quickly he headed for the Tower once more.


    He approached an Aes Sedai in a green and white dress. She was talking to some merchant it looked like. So he had to wait his turn. He wasn't about to break more rules to deliver this letter. But she did say not to tarry or he would get in trouble. So does that mean I go back to the Green Quarters and ask for Jaydena Sedai there? Or do I stay here and wait? Deciding that to wait here would take too long, he followed the way he had left to return to the Green Quarters.


    He had a good memory and quickly found himself before the door to their Quarters. He was not however stupid enough to enter again without permission. So he waited for a Green Sister to approach and he calmly stopped her. " I am looking for Jaydena Sedai, Aes Sedai. Could you let her know that Gaidan, the Warder Trainee from earlier, is here with a letter from the Mistress of Trainees please? Thank you Aes Sedai." Then he waited for Jaydena Sedai to approach with his hands clasped in front of him and his feet squared.


    Gaidan Hatori, Trainee of the Warders


    OOC: Posting this thread for Jaydena to respond to.

  4. OOC: I would have responded had you given me a chance! Brat! :P


    IC: Gaidan stood stoic as a stone during the questions and tyrade from the Mistress. He knew he would be in trouble but this was crazy! Cavorting!? I wasn't doing anything of the kind! She has lost her mind! but he said nothing. Mostly because he wasn't sure what to say.


    When she ordered him to hand over his weapons he blanched. He was instantly afraid she was kicking him out, but rather then that she was suspending his training! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I must train as quickly as possible! He hesitated and then finally handed them over.


    Then he walked behind her desk and started cleaning the weapons. " Jaydena Sedai is the Aes Sedai Mistress, but there is one I promised to bond with and protect that I met as I was leaving mam." The memory only had him smiling and blushing while it put warm thoughts into his heart. " She was amazing and kind too. She didn't care that I was from Amadicia either. Her name is Rasheta Sedai mam." Then he focus on the weapon cleaning with thoughts of Rasheta running through his head.


    Gaidan Hatori, Trainee.

  5. Gaidan wasn't sure how much more he could do right now but then he remembered Rasheta. He needed to train and make himself stronger in order to protect her. So he took Jasen's drink and downed it in one long gulp then took his coin and list. Looking the list over he saw that he needed a sword, knife, some herbs and two sets of clothes. One for him and one for a woman, his Aes Sedai maybe? Standing up was easier now that the liquer was taken affect, it also allowed him to resume the Void. So he put the coin pouch in his belt after adding the remaining coin from his family and walked out.


    He cautiously checked for any obseservers or thugs and then moved briskly down the street while ignoring the aching pain in his back. Once he was out of the thug area he started asking for some cheap shops. He knew he couldn't afford expensive stuff and that cheap weapons were usually better then the expensive ones the nobles wore.


    He was in luck! The cheaper part of town was close by and it didn't take him long before he was in front of a cheap but well run blacksmith's shop. Walking in he quickly judged the poorest yet good blades. Choosing to get two short swords after his recent forms training was easy and just as costly as buying a longsword. Then he picked a decent knife and went to the blacksmith. He just smiled as he pulled out his coin pouch and said politely, " It is five gold pieces total but I was wondering if you could let me have these for four? I was injured and robbed of my other pouch yesterday and only have ten gold left." Then he moved his cloak to reveal his blood-drenched shirt. " As you can tell I need to still buy herbs and get fresh clothes sir. Any help you could give would be much appreciated and I swear I will come back and repay you once I can earn the money."


    Then man had started to frown until he saw the blood. Then he got a concerned look on his face and said, " Three gold lad. I hope you keep you word to repay my kindness later. You seem like a lad of your word and you obviously know your way around a blaksmith." He took his gold walked Gaidan to the door and pointed at a herb shop, " Show the lady inside your injury and I am sure she will help you. Good luck lad." Then they shook hands briefly and Gaidan moved on.


    Walking down the street was a little more effort now that he had his swords on his back, but people moved out of his path. He may not know many forms but he still walked like he knew what to do with those blades.


    Reaching the herb shop, he paused a moment and then walked in. A woman looked up and seeing his pale face rushed to him, " What can I get you lad? Are you hurt?" Holding a hand up in a staling gesture, he smiled ad revealed his wound. She instantly sat him down and made him strip his cloak, weapons and shirt. Then she cleaned and put a mush of herbs on his wound, " You should see an Aes Sedai about this. You got this when, yesterday? I can ease the pain but not heal it and it will leave a nasty scar if you don't get their help." She finished bandaging him then and looking at his shirt, tossed it and brought him fresh clothes. They were brown and faded but servicible.


    As he put them on he thanked her and said, " You are most kind. I will give you the remaining seven gold I have if could spare a dress and shift and some herbs that are on this list." He pulled out the list and handed it to her along with his pouch. She set the pouch down and walked around her shop gathering the three herbs listed on it. Then she set them down and left the room again. When she came back she had a dress that seemed like it would fit Rasheta, although it wouldn't hide her beauty. Then she said, " This stuff is worth about eleven gold but it is obvious that you have run afoul of some bad luck so I will accept your offer and give you some advice. Seek healing from an Aes Sedai and then leave town and return home. You are too young to have brought a lady friend here and unless you can do more then swing that sword you will be dead in a week. New people either travel in large groups or wind up dead in these poorer parts. Good luck lad." With that she ushered him to the door and locked it once he was out.


    Putting on his cloak and swords quickly, he realized he had probably just paid way more then he should have but he was tired and injured. He made his way back to the tavern while keeping one hand one the hilt of his new weapon. Once there he walked in and set the list and items on the table. " I am keeping the clothes for me and the weapons since I was injured and need them. I also used what remained of my own money from my father." Then he slumped in a chair and downed Jasen's current drink before saying in a whisper, " I will need Healing when we get back and if possible I want to request Rasheta Sedai as I have already promised myself to her."


    Gaidan Hatori, Trainee for the Warders.

    In love with his Promised!

  6. It was just after the sun had fully risen. He had no idea of how far towards the South he had walked and no idea where to go. All he knew about the South was that they were less likely to be afraid since they didn't believe in Trollocs and other servants of the Foul One.


    Moving quietly but steadily he was surprised to hear a female voice. He nearly jumped straight up before spinning around and drawing his knife. No one had been able to sneak up on him in a long time and it bothered him greatly.


    Looking carefully he saw a woman but the sun was behind her making it hard to see her face or much more then a siluoette. Crouching a little, he asked, " Who are you and what do you want? Oh, and come stand over here. The sun makes it hard to see you clearly." He looked quickly for the wolves but none were to be found. Either she is no danger or they hadn't followed me thus far. Then he waited for her to answer him and move to where he could get a better look at her.


    Valynt "Silverstreak" Nororama, Wolfkin Pup

  7. Gaidan watched in rapt attention to the next lesson, Lion on a Hill. He positioned himself to where his right arm and shoulder were forward and his left arm was across his side. He checked Kyn's position again and made a few minor adjustments to his feet and his left arm before going throught the forms all together.


    Folding the Fan lead into Leopard in the Tree and then into Unfolding the Fan lead into Lion on the Hill. He was a little off on the flow of the forms but he kept at them until he felt secure in his moves and could flow them all smoothly into each other.


    Then Kyn bade them all goodnight until the 'morrow. Instead of putting the weapons away, Gaidan strap them on his back along with his sword. He would need to practice and get used carrying the weapons. He knew they were training weapons but the weight was right and it would work for now. Then he went to eat dinner and then to the Yard once more to practice the forms for another hour. Then he retired for the night.

    The next morning he appeared at the Yard and was amazed by the smooth and fast fluid movements of Kyn's forms. He watched in awe as he thought to himself, one day I will be able to move like that! I can only hope I can make two blades move as fluidly! He was not in the Void yet and his eyes were wide and the awe was evident in his entire face and stance.


    When Kyn finally noticed them, he resumed Leopard in the Tree. Then he told them to retrieve their weapons from the day before and as the others went to get them he just stood there. He assumed both the Void and the Leopard in the Tree form and waited patiently for the others to return.


    As Kyn had them follow the previous forms he found himself easily flowing from Leopard in the Tree to Unfolding the Fan and then into Lion on the Hill. Then he watched as Kyn went into a form he called The Courtier Taps his Fan and listened as he explained it.


    Bringing his right sword high, he chopped down. It felt wierd having his left arm just sitting near his chest so he tried something different. Flowing through the forms again until he got to Lion on the Hill then he brought both swords high and chopped first his right and then his left in The Courtier Taps his Fan. It felt much better like that. He looked to Kyn quickly to see if he noticed the change he had made.


    Then he watched the next form called Arc of the Moon. Flowing back into Lion on the Hill he did Arc of the Moon as he allowed both blades to sweep up towards and through the neck area and back down into Lion on the Hill. The blades were about six inchs apart through the form and he was very satisfied with his first slow movements. He continued twice move quickly to get a good feel for the form before waiting for Kyn to move to the next two.


    Kingfisher Takes a Silverback followed by The Falcon Stoops, both were downward thrusts. Thinking quickly he did Kingfisher Takes a Silverback with his left sword which made his stance change. Now his left shoulder was forward and he brought his right sword into The Falcon Stoops. It wasn't quite what Kyn had showed but it was a weaker form as he was using it more to reset himself into Lion on the Hill then actually making a strike. He repeated them a few times before Kyn had them start practicing all of them and mixing them together.


    Then Gaidan starting from Leopard in the Tree and flowed through the forms. Unfolding the Fan, Lion on the Hill, Courtier Taps his Fan, Arc of the Moon, Kingfisher Takes a Silverback and finally The Falcon Stoops. Flowing back into Folding the Fan he prepared to go into Leopard in the Tree.


    He practiced the rest of the day flowing from form to form. He only stopped a few times to relieve himself. As he practiced he started changing up the order and tried various combinations. He wanted to make sure he could use any form at any moment and with any change of an enemy's tactics.

    Then Kyn called them and showed them a very akward looking form that he called Heron Wading in the Rushes as he explained it was for balance. Gaidan nearly lost the Void as he tried it. He nearly fell on the first swing! It was akward to move only one arm after using both in all the prior forms, but he made himself go through it completely twice before he was willing to move on. He didn't fall but had a lot of close calls for him to try and perfect it now.


    Turning his attention back to Kyn he watched as a thrust move was explained. It was called Hummingbird Kisses the Honeyrose and was a direct jab at the face. Gaidan liked it. It was simple and he saw a lot of ways it could be used within the other forms, he could even seperate his blades during a form like Arc over the Moon. Instead of two blades he tried just his right blade in the Arc and then followed with his left in Hummingbird Kisses the Honeyrose. He thought he did good with the improvisation and looked to Kyn to see if he approved.


    Then he moved onto Parting Silk which was a quick and simple slash across the waist area of an opponent. It seemed like a good move to either attack or distract and he practiced a few times before moving on.


    The last form made his jaw drop as he lost the Void. Kyn had just disarmed Jasine almost too quickly to follow in what he called The Grapevine Twines. Asking to be shown again and slower he watched like a hungry hawk. Feeling confident he had it, he turned and asked Melenis to pratice with him on it for a bit.


    It was hard at first to figure what to do after he disarmed her one hand. After a few tries though he decided to hold spear to the side as he quickly stepped in with Arc over the Moon. It brought his left hand up and over to help hold the spear at bay and caused her to shift backwards a step to avoid his swing. He realized that with his two blades he could thrust or slash and force a spear or other two-handed wielder back with his second blade.


    Letting her take several turns was more difficult as she could thrust with hummingbird Kisses the Honeyrose and other then holding his off-blade upright and bringing it across to block as he pivoted, he would be forced to jump back from that long of a weapon. He asked her to try more so he could try and figure out a block or form that could improve his odds. He decided that his best course was to pivot towards her right inside while doing either Arc over the Moon or Hummingbird Kisses the Honeyrose he could counter attack and take advantage of the Grapevine Twines.


    Then he moved aside and tried with Jasine. It was wierd, Jasine fought with two hands held close on the hilt of his one sword. He thought of multiple ways to use his second blade but he was tired and so didn't really press a counter attack. Instead he let Jasine have his go and decided to voice his possible counters to Kyn later.


    Then he really got frustrated. He would lose one blade but instead of being able to counter he was forced to dodge and watch as Jasine's blade thrust or swept towards him. He definately needed to know some other forms to take the advantage away from Jasine. So he now had another thing to discuss with Kyn later.


    Then he moved to perform all of his forms by himself. He fell more then twenty times and gave up counting. Instead of stressing on keeping his balance, he delved deeper into the Void then ever before. He was reaching a point of exhaustion and it allowed him to just follow Heron Wading in the Rushes by memory and he actually stopped falling as he let instinct take over.


    Finally satisfied after a very long day he mvoed to talk to Kyn. " Sir, I can use my two blades to take advantage by using one to hold their weapons away from me and striking with my second blade. I can even take Melenis' shaft to counter strike after she disarms me but when I can't disarm Jasine, I have to back off as his blde is long and he can cut me before I can get close. Is there a form I can use to regai the advantage and counter strike against his style?" Then he waited patiently for an answer and tried to hide the fact that he was exhausted.


    Gaidan Hatori, Trainee of the Warders

  8. Gaidan sighed audibily under that stare and icy voice. Then he thought of Rasheta and assumed the Void. He would be honest but couldn't afford to back down or make a mistake here. " I didn't hear the rule about not going to the Tower without permission. So I went and started exploring. I met a Novice who showed me around and I believe it was a very high positioned Aes Sedai who found us. She corrected me and ordered me to report to you and bring her a letter showing I came to report myself for punishment Mistress!" He stood erect and was willing to accept any punishment but expulsion.


    I need to be here! I owe not one but two Aes Sedai now! If she tries to send me away I will beg and crawl on my knees to stay! Whatever it takes! He knew he was about to crack under the icyness so he fed the flame and allowed his mind to relax. He would just have to grit his teeth and take his due.So he squared his shoulders once more and waited for what he knew was to come.


    Gaidan Hatori, Trainee


    OOC: Sorry so short but didn't have much to go on and just couldn't think of more to add.

  9. Kyn, in case you don't see this anywhere else I will be LOA for at least two weeks. Long story but unfortunately I only have an hour every couple of days at the local library so I can't really post too much. I will try and catch up to the class when I can but if you feel I need to leave the training that is fine too.

  10. Yeah what she said! I am not trying to push you. Take your time and have fun. I found your bio I think. Name is Marak Lovon right? I have you as an Acolyte and I can post your stats if you need them. I can't find what Reqs you have done, so if you could post on the Fortress/Dreadie Req board what you have done I would appreciate it. You can PM myself or Ata any time you want, the email for Bios and major questions such as Talents can be sent to shadowhall@gmail.com My email is sylvirci@yahoo.com which is also my MSN. Hope to corrupt hear from you soon!

  11. Gaidan listened to the Warder's words carefully and then thought a moment about his selection. Is this the right one for me? Yes, there is no doubt about it! I am quicker then I am stronger so quick strikes interspersed with finding an opening I can do better then swinging a heavier weapon all the time. His mind made up he turned his attention back to his new training Master.


    Kyn ordered them to face him so Gaidan took a couple of steps back and to the side to give his Master and the other trainee room. Then he watched and mouthed to name of the forms as Kyn showed them how to do them. It looked easy enough, he had done at least this much with the Warder on his way here. He had not however had two weapons or known the names of the forms, or even that they were forms.


    Strapping the sheathes daigonally across his back, he set his right foot forward and his left back a little. Then he called out, "Leopard in the Tree," as he put both hands up and onto his hilts. Then in a slow and steady motion he drew both swords out while saying, "Unfolding the Fan." He drew them just fine but as he brought them forward he banged the flat of the blade in his left hand against his forehead. Blushing a deep red he apologized, " I have only worked with one blade until now. I will do better sir!" Then he finished bringing them down with one forward and one near his cheek.


    Then he sheathed them while saying, "Folding the Fan." He went slow and steady so as to make no mistake or cut himself. The he assumed the Leopard in the Tree again and went through the motions over and over again. Each time he moved just a little faster until he was able to do it as fast as his Master had showed them.


    It had taken about forty tries until he felt comfortable with his actions. Pausing a moment to catch his breath and relax his muscles, he thought of a question, " Master why do you hold your sword behind you instead of in front like everyone else?" Looking at the other trainee to judge his reaction, he noticed Melenis off to the side. He smiled to her as Kyn called her forward and added, " Master? If you don't mind, could you teach Melenis too? She and I travelled here together and she is better then me with that ashandarei of hers!" Then he waited to see how Kyn would answer both his questions and what forms were next.


    Gaidan Hatori, Trainee

    Learning slow and steady and won't stop til he gets it right!

  12. Well we are still rebuilding and Ata was by herself for a long time. Then there was a pretty major absence of people here. In the past few months activity has picked up but mostly just for the Dreadies. We are working on a few things but still kind of slow atm. Interested in being an ADL and helping us out? ;)

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