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Posts posted by Twitchy

  1. Krak, just because you asked so nicely and I happened to be roaming Dragonmount whilst tweaking on addy, here ye go.


    Also, in the style of Hax, none of these are sober.


    You can't tell, but my shirt has a spaceman playing the guitar. IN SPACE.



    I was unsure why pictures were being taken.




    Lady friend (left) was not happy with me after she saw this one. Woops!



    Far too inebriated to stand, good thing there was a bed.


  2. One of the lesser known chapters but still extremely moving to me is Something Flickers in CoT, when Mat has to order Renna shot to save Tuon and Luca's show. Then when he gets back he finds it's all for nothing.


    "My Lord?" Harnan said. He had an arrow nocked and his bow half raised. Gorderan held the heavy crossbow to his shoulder, a thick pointed bolt in place.


    Mat felt something flicker and die inside him. He did not know what. Something. The dice rolled like thunder. "Shoot," he said.


    He wanted to close his eyes. The crossbow snapped; the bolt made a black streak through the air. Renna slammed forward when it hit her back. She almost managed to push herself erect against the bay's back when Harnan's arrow took her.


    Slowly, she toppled from the horse, sliding down the slope, rolling, bouncing off saplings, tumbling faster and faster until she splashed into the stream. For a moment, she floated facedown against the bank, and then the current caught her and pulled her away, skirts billowing up on the water. Slowly she drifted toward the Elbar. Maybe, eventually, she would reach the sea. And that made three. It hardly seemed to matter that the dice had stopped. That made three. Never again, he thought as Renna floated out of sight around a bend. If I die for it, never again.


    And previously in the chapter he had been lamenting about killing Melindrah and leaving Tylin to die. Very sad :(

  3. Glad to see a whole bunch of other people are pronouncing them similar to my mess ups haha.


    Especially surprised to see other people saying Ammrillin!


    All in all, that may be one of my biggest pet peeves of this entire series, and in fact many fantasy/old age novels. There is no need to make fanciful weird names that are hard to pronounce in order to turn it into a fantasy novel. Mat, Thom, Bili and Luc are perfectly fine names that work.

    I tried introducing this series to my friend who does not normally read fantasy and after reading the synopsis on the back, he immediately said,"What's with all the weird names?"



  4. I just listened to that 4th age podcast you linked and now I've got a ton more names that I pronounce differently. Jeeze RJ, couldn't you have settled for something simple?


    Egwene (Egg-win) (Eh-gween)

    Nynaeve (Nigh-naive) (... I don't even know how they pronounced it)

    Shaido (Shay-doh) (Shah-ee-doh)

    Leane (Leen) (Lee-ah-nah)




    How many countless others?

  5. Always curious to hear how other people pronounce names and objects in the world of Randland.


    A few of my favorites that I refuse to pronounce like the glossary says, first is mine, second glossary:


    Amys (AIMS), (a-MEES)

    Birgitte (Burr-GEET), (Burr-GEET-ey)

    Cairhien (Care-in), (KEYE-ree-EHN)

    Ogier (Oh-gear) <-- Also how it was in glossary in tEotW (Oh-gerr)

    Morgase (More-gahs), (More-GAYZ)

    ta'veren (Tah-veh-ren), (Ta-veer-en

    Rhuidean (Rue-eh-din), (RHUY-dee-ann)

    Taim (Tame), (Tah-EEM)

    Logain (Logan) (Lo-gain)

    Elaida (Ee-lay-dah), (Eh-lie-dah)

    Demandred (Deh-man-dread) (DEE-mahn-dread)

    Saidar, Saidin (Say-dahr)/(Say-din), (sah-ih-DAHR)/(sah-ih-DEEN)


    And finally, my biggest pet peeve, (I really hate the way this one is pronounced properly)


    Aiel (ALE), (Eye-EEL)




    I have a lot of pronunciations that I'm trying to correct as well. I began this series 10 years ago, and reeaaaalll early (4th grade) so I read too fast and couldn't pronounce things properly... After years of saying it that way it's hard to change. In the process of changing...


    Aes Sedai (Ey-Sed-ay)

    Amyrlin (Am-rill-in)

    Myrddraal (My-droll)

    Trollocs (Trow-locks)


    Yeah, I would just skip letters and work it around to however I felt like it. Damn kids. Also used to pronounce Aviendha as (Ah-vehn-dah)


    So, that's me, how about you?

  6. I mean, she's still a cutie, but she's a freaking demon. Right now she's sprinting around the house for absolutely no reason. She's been doing so for about 15 minutes. And when she stops for a breather, she'll dig a couple dozen holes in the garden. Stupid dog.



    And, thank you? I s'pose? I find it unsettling that the guys are so complimentary and the lady talks about the pup :-P

  7. Ahem. I post in other threads every once in a while before reviving the picture thread!

    You just need to find them.


    And the fact that Ashaman pointed out the Dr. Pepper immediately was pretty awesome. Good job there :-P

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