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Posts posted by JenLenaMom

  1. Could it not be possible he's just been embracing the source for years without knowing it? I mean look at Nyneave she was in her mid-twenties before she knew she had been touching the source for years, could it not be the same for Galad?


    If Galad had been channeling for years he would more than likely have Taint Madness in some form or other.  More than that I think RJ would have dropped more obvious hints to us through out the series like he did with Rand's early channeling.  When you read it now, knowing Rand can channel that boom swinging in from nowhere is clear evidence.  However, we have not seen any hints that Galad has all these "lucky" things happening to him all the time.  Besides which he grew up in a palace with a Red Sister, I think she more than anyone would have caught those hints long before he had a chance to reach this age.


    Thanks Luckers, I forgot how young he actually was, for some reason I always picture him as much older.

  2. Galad is also past the age where he would have sparked already and he's quite sane so I doubt there's any chance he's been only channeling on the sly, like Thom's nephew did.  He may have the gene to pass on, but he can not channel.

  3. The oneness is a focus technique used by lots of different people.  Tam Al'Thor originally teaches it to Rand to help him with his archery.  Lan also talks about it in New Spring.  It's clearly something that the great blade masters learned from somehwere and passed along to all their students.

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