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Harmless Bandit

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Posts posted by Harmless Bandit

  1. Faile is a hypocrite. She had lived in the Two Rivers for some time, and knew something of their culture (men don't yell at women, unless they want to spend the night outside), and she knew that usually Perrin is a gentle man, not given to shouting at people, most especially those he cares about.


    Considering Perrin knew nothing (at that time) about Saldean (sp) women wanting, no, needing to be shouted at, I'm forced to conclude that she Failed  ;) to convey that specific element of her culture, and instead expected him somehow to figure it out. Typical. How hard would it have been to put her jealousy aside, and put herself in his shoes for an instant, and see his actions for what they were? She had some perspective to go by.


    I wonder why she's so insecure. Hmm... her big nose?

  2. To Leopold"


    With respect even if you can limit ones power with the Mind Trap why restrict Cylene's power to the extent that cylene's power is so obviously effected. She went from the strongest female channeler possibly the Third most powerful Channeler (after Rand and Moriden's) to being middling in power compared to the other Choosen?  It seems to me lowering her power to where she was still the second or third most powerful forsaken would suit Moriden's purposes better.


    Mild in the Power compared to the other Chosen? Where did you get such an idea? Graendal states that men stronger than her are rare, women even more so. This just after realizing that Cyndane is stronger than her.


    I believe Cyndane still is the most powerful female Forsaken, and one of the strongest women in the world (that we see). I would say that Lanfear, Cyndane (if one considers them as two separate strengths), Alivia, and Sharina are in a league of their own, with Lanfear (former strength) being the strongest, and Cyndane (today's strength) the weakest.


    But all this is pure conjecture, of course  ;)



  3. Rand has this stupid idea in his little stupid head that Elayne should rule in Cairhien as well. She can barely handle one country as it is, how can she possibly handle two in a chaotic post-Tarmon Gai'don?. Galad has a better claim IMHO, he is a Damodred, not a Mantear (well, that's the name he bears).

    And I wonder if Rand has asked Cairhiens who they would want as their ruler. Is there none qualified among them? To the point they have to borrow? >:(

  4. It's a love thing, I would say. Think of, I don't know, a cheese burger? You are hungry, want one (badly), and you are given one for free, but there is a catch: you don't like cheese.


    In all seriousness, though, I think Gaul wants Chiad (exclusively). Bain doesn't  get him going at all. Hey, it can happen, even to an Aielman.


    Or Gaul is really in touch with his feminine side, and a no strings attached just repulses him  :-[

  5. No, no, it's not that I find it graphic ;D


    You can't call that graphic if you have read GRRM's ASoIaF. Luckers came close to expressing what I mean.

    The relationship itself doesn't bother me, rather it's the way they go about it. Every other page Richard is thinking about Kahlan, how he loves her, how he is nothing without her etc etc, and the same goes for her. They fill each other's minds to nearly the exclusion of everything else.


    I mean we're bombarded with the fact that they are in love every other paragraph.

    I for one could have done without those hourly reminders of their affair. Too much of it, is what I am trying to say.


    Remind you of someone in WoT?


    Ever been in love?


    I have, or I should say I am, and my thoughts are almost exactly as described between Richard and Kahlan.


    Now, part of the reason why I like the series and do not find the 'lovey-dovey' scenes between Richard and Kahlan may be because of the way I think of love and the way I have and still am experiencing it, while for you it is perhaps different and thus you may not relate to/appreciate that kind of thing in a story.


    That's a valid point you raise. I had a few doses of the love potion back in high school, and I can relate (somewhat) to Kahlan and Richard. And I certainly don't mind a love story in whatever genre I am reading.


    The thing is, though, while it may appear realistic, it can get annoying after a while (personal opinion). A bit fewer of those reminders, and the rest would have been enough to convince me that they are deeply in love. Too much of anything can ruin it, and that's what happened in this case. I can understand wanting to make a painting colorful, but if you stress a bit too much some of those colors, it could simply ruin it.


    One of the main reasons why I love the Sword of Truth series is because it reflects my own values and likes/dislikes so much. If people don't like it because they are the opposite, I can understand that but I don't think that gives them an excuse to say that Terry is a bad writer.


    For the record, the love thing doesn't make him a bad writer in my eyes. I enjoyed quite a bit of his story. That he failed to see that the way he wrote the relationship could become tedious doesn't look good on his credentials, though, in my eyes.


    And I could point out to you that while you think he is good because you can relate to it so much, it may not be so for others. Reverse the situation, think of a writer you may not like, then think of someone who likes her/him. Ultimately it's a personal thing.


    But I think what most people complain about is his [percieved] lack of originality (him borrowing, and then not accepting that he borrowed).

    And to be honest, I haven't seen many people who point out the relationship as a negative thing. Just a pet peeve of mine.



  6. But I could never stand the Richard-Kahlan relationship. That I found positively disgusting. >:(


    If I want to read 'romance' I'll pick up Danielle Steel (I think that's her) or watch a cheap soap.


    I find this statement rather interesting; how exactly do you find it disgusting? Is it too... graphic? Do you just find it out of place, or is this the kind of thing that you would call disgusting in any book or even real life? I mean, there's relationships akin to Richard-Kahlan in a sense in the Wheel of Time as well (Rand and his three SOs, Perrin and Faile, Nynaeve and Lan, Egwene and Gawyn even if its in her dreams only), do you find that disgusting or is it more toned down?




    No, no, it's not that I find it graphic ;D


    You can't call that graphic if you have read GRRM's ASoIaF. Luckers came close to expressing what I mean.

    The relationship itself doesn't bother me, rather it's the way they go about it. Every other page Richard is thinking about Kahlan, how he loves her, how he is nothing without her etc etc, and the same goes for her. They fill each other's minds to nearly the exclusion of everything else.


    I mean we're bombarded with the fact that they are in love every other paragraph.

    I for one could have done without those hourly reminders of their affair. Too much of it, is what I am trying to say.


    Remind you of someone in WoT?

  7. I only read the first three books or so of SoT, and I think I found them bearable.


    Some elements are kinda funny, like that wizard Zed for instance. But I could never stand the Richard-Kahlan relationship. That I found positively disgusting. >:(


    If I want to read 'romance' I'll pick up Danielle Steel (I think that's her) or watch a cheap soap.


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