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Ladria Damin

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Posts posted by Ladria Damin

  1. I made a Freelander.. and this was around the time of Chainsaw Charlie. So, my Freelander and Chainsaw Charlie's "got down"... in a VERY not pg-13 sort of way.. in character. We got warned and like.. trashed on a bit for that.


    Luckily, I learned the art of "allusion".. and Ladria and Sidonia (my ol' BT char).. both had successful NAUGHTY relations without warnings since.. :)



  2. Ladria smiled,"Certainly! We shall have to go soon, as I am longing for some of a blend I sampled while gone rumored to be carried there. And I am sure Ben would like to retouch bases in the city as well, so we could perhaps truly make a day out of it. I believe I need to refresh my dresses as well, perhaps you could help me with that. Fashion is not my cup of tea," she shook her head.


    Before she forgot, she placed her tea cup on the table and stood again, crossing toward the door-side table to retrieve the small figurine she had placed there earlier,"I purchased these while we were away. I had not wanted to make a purchase so much as gift, but here they are and now I intend to make gifts of them. The man who makes them is really quite talented," she handed the tiny fish to Loraine,"Notice the detail of the scales. I have to say I had not seen anything like it pri--" she was cut off by a knock at the door and a tingling that told her it was Ben.


    "Sister, that is my Warder. Please stay and make his acquaintance," Ladria said turning to open the door.


    "Ben! Please come in, this is Loraine," she motioned to the woman.






    (OOC: Sorry guys if this is super lame. I'm tired and still mono-plague ridden.. )

  3. Ladria sat down with her cup of tea and smiled,"I feel that since we left word that our business out of the city was quite important and quite unavoidable, that lent itself to our not being disturbed. I had not heard that there was need of us until I returned. I am glad that if we returned at a time when needed, the Light blessed the trip and made it possible for us to return as we were needed."


    Ladria sighed and thought to their time away. The only other family she had now was Ben's, and though ties to the outside world were to be cut, she could not very well leave her Warder to his familial duties without some support.


    "Ah, the man who brings the tea leaves does business here in Tar Valon. He operates a small shop near a dress maker's shop. I am so used to just passing there that my mind slips the name completely. I cannot believe there are many dress shops near a tea merchant and a banking house," Ladria shook her head, idly wondering if her wits were leaving her.

  4. "I know exactly what you mean, and please sit on the plush chairs," Ladria said, motioning to the sitting room to her left.


    "Fortunately, there are ways of buying the leaves without making the journey to Cairhien! I have forgotten my manners. I am Ladria Damin. I have been gone with my Warder, Ben Tomas. We had business to attend to and then time marched on without us here," she sighed and turned to her teapot,"Though it was a nice time away, I missed the Tower."


    Smiling in a glance at Loraine, she heated the water with threads of Fire before pouring it over a small mesh ball full of leaves and herbs to make the tea. She hoped that she wasn't talking too much. She felt almost a childlike glee at being back to the only home she had had for many years.


    "Now then. Tea is made," Ladria said, pouring it into her favorite cups. Delicate little pale green with small flowers in a creamy white, that she reserved for special occasions. She set the cups on the small table between the two overstuffed chairs.


    "Do you take honey or milk?" she asked, while still standing.



  5. Ladria smiled,"Thank you, Sister," realizing the woman was an Aes Sedai as well,"Things are as I left them, though the air had grown quite stale in my absence."


    The woman looked a touch tense, though an untrained eye would not have noticed.


    "Would you care to come in for some tea, Sister? I was just going to make some," Ladria motioned in, wishing the sticky feeling of discomfort would melt away.

  6. She had been bent over, putting books onto low shelves and placing a miniature chest back on the same shelves when there was a knock at the door.


    "Just a moment please," she called out, glancing around to make sure the sitting room was to rights and it didn't smell musty any longer.


    Ladria picked up a small figurine of a fish carved out of soft rock, that she had purchased from a farm owner that had happened upon and took a meal with while she and Ben were away. The blasted man wouldn't take a gold crown from her without insisting on it being for goods or services rendered. She had about one hundred of the tiny horses, birds and other animals, which was the only way she could pay for his children to see a village Wisdom and put some food on the table.


    Some people have too much pride..


    She set the small fish on the table next to the door before swinging it open. On the other side was a woman with her hair in Cairhienin style, smiling slightly.


    "Yes?" Ladria asked, questioningly,"May I help you?" 

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