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Mayleigh Aes Sedai

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Posts posted by Mayleigh Aes Sedai


    Leigh watch as the Aes Sedai poured two cups of tea, and handed one to her. She relaxed at the smile from Larindhra.....Sedai?? She thought that’s how you said it?  Leigh watch with delight as the Aes Sedai took cookies! And a strange looking jewel from a drawer.

    “Help yourself to that, child.”


    Leigh needed no more encouragement then that, and tucked in while talking about her journey with her farther to Tar Valon.


    “Before we go any further, I would like to do a quick test.”


    Leigh nearly choked on her cookie, she didn’t know there was to be a test. Leigh hadn’t been in school for a few years........,  but all her panicky thoughts left her when she saw the Jewel, that Larindhra had earlier taken from the drawer with the cookies, suddenly float into the air. Leigh barley heard the Aes Sedai speaking.


    "Breathe evenly and relax, child. Just concentrate on the gem and forget about everything else.”


    Somehow Leigh began to feel more comfortable and relaxed . There it was, she felt a surge of power from within her and there was a flash of light inside the gem. The Aes Sedai smiled and placed the Gem back into the drawer.


    “Well done, child! Now, let’s get your details down.”


    Leigh let out a shriek of excitement, she felt great, she couldn’t contain her excitement.  When Larindhra asked her more questions, she answered them happily knowing that she had passed the test.


    “I’m from Bandar Eban in Arad Domain Aes Sedai Oh and I’m 16.”

    “Tell me what you know about Aes Sedai and channelling, Leigh?”


    “Well not much really Aes Sedai, I know that your all very powerful women ,and have some great power. Markus told me that channelling is how you use your power, that’s about it.”


    Leigh felt a little embarrassed by her lack of knowledge, but she was too happy to really care at the moment.


  2. “Welcome to the White Tower, Leighandrin. Sit down, child, and tell me who told you to come here. Were you tested at all?”


    Lieghandrin walked towards the woman, and sat down, where to start she thought.


    “Em, well, my betroth, well the man my parents told me I was going to marry, Markus. He was the merchants’ son, who we buy our dyes off, He told us that I had to come here, that I had to be an Aes Sedai.”


    Saying Markus’ name made Liehandrin feel strangely warm, but she didn’t know why. Lieghandrin put her hand to her cheek for a moment, until she realized she had been quiet for a while.


    She looked up at the woman in red, and put on her best smile. “It was when he and my parents where telling me that we where to be married. I didn’t want to get married yet, and I was really angry and no one was listening to me. Then I don’t know something happened, and I start crying, then Markus told us about the white tower and that he couldn’t marry me, and that I had to come here and be an Aes Sedai.”


    Leigh was out of breath, the story had all come out at once, she took a deep breath, and looked up at the woman sitting behind the desk. She was listening intently to Leigh, and it was only then that Leigh realized that she was sitting in front of an Aes Sedai. Liegh stayed quiet.


  3. After her father left, Leigh made her way into the white tower.  As she looked around she was in awe - she had never seen a place so beautiful. There were plenty of people milling about, from highborn ladies to rag wearing children. Leigh saw some women whom she thought might be these Aes Sedai that Markus had told her about. They had an air of sophistication and mystery about them - they looked so dignified. I can never be like that, I’m just a tailor’s daughter, she thought to herself. Leigh also saw a lot of young girls scurrying around in white and colour banded dresses. Must be some kind of uniform, she thought.



    Leigh had donned her best dress to meet these Aes Sedai. It was very thin red wool, cut in the Domani fashion, and made by her father. She usually only wore it on feast days, but her mother had told her to wear it; she felt rather beautiful at that moment. Leigh hoped the Aes Sedai liked it; she had to make a good impression or they might not take her.


    As she was looking around, a young blond girl all in white came up to her. “You look lost. Need any help?”


    “I’m here to be an Aes Sedai,” Leigh told the girl. “Oh … follow me then and I’ll take you to the MON.  But don’t call her that - she doesn’t like it; her actual title is the Mistress of Novices.” As Leigh followed the girl, she wondered who this MON person was. Oh and she must remember not to call her that; first impressions are important, her mother always told her, and Leigh was determined to make a good one.


    The girl eventually stopped outside a large wooden door and knocked.  “Enter” came a voice from inside. The girl opened the door, stepped inside, curtsied, and said “She’s come to be a novice, Aes Sedai.” and scurried off, leaving Leigh standing there.


    As Leigh looked around, she noticed the woman sitting at the desk in front of her; she was wearing the most beautiful red dress. She obviously likes red - maybe she’ll like my dress, and then like me. Leigh stepped into the room, attempted a curtsey, which didn’t work very well and introduced her self. “Hello, I’m Leighandrin Kanwin, and I was told I had to come here to become an Aes Sedai.”


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