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William Heigh

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Posts posted by William Heigh

  1. On 4/2/2024 at 6:46 PM, HeavyHalfMoonBlade said:

    Hi William,


    Great to have you onboard 🙂 It took me a very long time to finish reading the books as well, but that is one of the comforting things about books, how patient they are. 


    The ending of a book as large as WoT is pretty hefty, and I have still not completely recovered. Lot of unresolved issues for me. I hope though you were not like me and employed some sort of rudimentary note taking. After finally finishing the books last year, I rushed online to look up all the things that had been bothering me, and fortune prick me if I could remember what any of them were. 


    Look forward to seeing you about on the forums and hearing your point of view about the story 🙂



    im going to be honest there was no note taking and I was quite bamboozled at times, particularly about which forsaken was which character. I suspect a re read will soon be in the works and I might have a better idea!


    Was convinced for so long that  Taim was Demmandred! I’ve since seen that was a popular theory, so not feeling too bad about that one!


    Thanks for the welcome!

  2. Hi all,


    I started reading the books what feels like about 20 years ago but for whatever reason didn’t get past about book 8 or so (it may have been later!)  I think i had maybe caught up and there was a gap in publication and I just missed the next one and then well, life!


    With the show starting I got back into the books via audible (I can’t read a lot now due to health reasons) and it’s taken me what feel like an age but today I just finished the last book and am a bit speechless. I have stayed away from forums as I didn’t want spoilers, but now need to talk!


    I have read a fair bit of other fantasy, in particular Tolkien, Raymond E Feist and Stephen Donaldson. 

    hope to have a good chat!

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