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Posts posted by melkah

  1. On 12/6/2023 at 1:40 AM, Elgee said:

    I agree, DojoToad.

    I've started some books where I disliked the characters so much, or actually just couldn't give a flying bat whether they lived or died, that I just stopped reading them.

    But some of the WoT characters are just annoying enough that I wanted to keep reading to see what happened to them!

    Indeed, that is the space where I am. Every time Nynaeve opens her whiny mouth I want to put the books down. The story is good enough despite Nyn’sunreasonable behavior. Oh pour me a river. Stop blaming the messenger and your savior. Moraine showed up and saved her life, the life of her village, and is the only one that can protect them, and yet still she blames her just because things stared when she showed up. Talk about judgy small minded person. Her logic is laughable.  She is in the running for the most disliked and close minded character I have ever read. Almost done with book two. 

  2. I am in half of book two of wheel of time and I have never read a series where SO MANY characters as annoying as s***t. They are so unlikeable and idiotic - Nynaeve, Rand, Mat - Egwene is the only one of the two river fork who doesn't consistently act like a moron.  Do they ever evolve out their idiotic sheep wool heads? Love the magic system but I am not sure i can tolerate the super annoying characters. Is there hope?

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