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Everything posted by RitualM

  1. Nor once in this show do they mention Ta'veren it doesn't exist.
  2. I truly do not understand why people are defending the writing and direction of this show. I get that some of you are blindly happy that a wheel of time show is being made but this show is wheel of time in name only. It's so far removed from the text that it's hardly recognizable to me. So many missed opportunities and significant events, characters and information are left out that it's more of a fan fiction than an adaptation at this point. The direction is so poor, the writing so lazy. The blatant disregard to the vision and themes of the original text is an insult to Jordan's lagecy in my eyes.
  3. So you are saying you agree that it's not that good but it's ok because they didn't have the time or budget to make it good? Lol
  4. Nope as he said, objective fact. If you objectively look at the writing and adaptation choices they are bad from many many levels. Anyone who can't see that is in denial and I'm not sure why you would want to defend such horrible writing and adaptation choices. Sanderson himself pointed out tons in just a few minutes. It's poorly done on almost all levels. The only positive thing about the show is a few actors putting out some good performances.
  5. But it is a bad adaptation and bad writing ........
  6. It reads as if I had been warned previously. Either way even Sanderson, while being very diplomatic, was clearly very disappointed with the s2 finale and quite a few of the writing choices made.
  7. What do you mean again? There was no first time....
  8. It's not just a bad adaptation. It's poorly written, inconsistent and lazy. Most of the time it feels like they stuck scenes rom the books together and then realized they needed context so wrote in a few lines and a scene to explain it. Overall their choices have been a disgrace to the original text. Raf should be black listed from ever working on fantasy again. The finale of S2 was so awful I barely have words for it. It would have been so simple to make it better it hurts me that someone got paid to write something so awful and call it wheel of time.
  9. The writing has been pretty horrid. They keep trying to cash in on deaths and events they never properly built up to. They are keeping significant book events with 0 context given and it's infuriating me. They have relegated the one power to fireballs. The characters have no meaning, their arcs are mostly pointless. Even sanderson has said that they missed the mark on so many things. He's keeping his opinion fairly mild and always adding addendums so as not to anger the estate or hurt his investment in the IP but if you see the watch party on s2 finale you can see all 3 of them cringe hard at a lot of things. What bothers me most is when people say if this isn't good find me something better that isn't game of thrones. That's a horrible take. Just cus people keep failing at making fantasy series doesn't mean we should gleefully accept lazy writing and blatant idiotic renditions of classic world loved works. This show is a tragedy and everyone but a few of the actors should feel terrible about what they have put out in Jordan's name. I can write a novel on how much stupid lazy bad writing is going on. Sanderson even said that the dumb moraine family drama that has nothing to do with the books or anything important on the story costs many scenes that could have been better spent on properly advancing the main character acs.. It's bad writing. It's bad tv. Raf should be ashamed.
  10. Again, I will observe that your expectations are painfully low if all you want is slightly better than bad to be happy.
  11. Season 2 was better but that bar was set very very very very very low.
  12. wish i could have such low expectations..... guess i need to drink more before i watch
  13. It doesn't bother you that the writers took one of the best magic systems in the genre and relegated the opportunity of a proper battle between 2 powerful one power wielders it to a lame fireball fight on a rooftop and a lame walk up to him and stab him? Its almost as bad as the death of the night king in GOT. The "climax" of a season was the big baddie standing there literally just throwing fireballs at a shield? The thousands year old forsaken with more knowledge in the one power than then entire white tower couldn't think of anything else to do with the almost limitless possibilities of the power? Why not an actual battle befitting the rivalry ? It was so lame and anticlimactic. The scene with Mat didn't bother you either? Oh running on a roof all alone while the city burns, oh wait look here's 30 guys for no reason whatsoever....... the character show and overall story would have benefitted far more if the horn was blown during an actual battle between the whitecloaks, and seanchan not some 1v30 nonsensical standoff on a roof with lame slowmo, and little to know build up as to the significance of the event in the overall story. We haven't even spoken of ANY of the hero's other than Uno so they mean nothing to anyone but a reader. Even though we have the seanchan and we spoke of the history of the 3 oaths we have heard Hawkwings name what, once as a throwaway line? Hes supposed to command the heros.... hes the literal reason the seanchan exist.... Even if I hadn't read the books and could ignore how much significant content and context they ignored, the 2 scenes I pointed on in my post are just examples bad writing and bad directing imho regardless of its faithfulness to the source material.
  14. Anyone basing their opinions of the show off viewer ratings is incapable of forming their own opinions and should be ignored.
  15. It hurt me on so many levels. The ONLY good thing about the entire episode was the reveal of Moghediean, that scene was amazing. Was s2 better than s1? In some ways. But that's like saying getting punched in the face is better than getting hit with a sledge hammer. Neither is good. I want to focus on two of the most awful parts, at least to me. The worst of the worst was Mat blowing the horn. He runs into a line of soldiers just standing on a rooftop waiting for no reason while the city is in chaos? That might be one of the laziest pieces of writing and direction I've ever seen in my life. Rand still feels like a side character, and his lame dragon reveal with moraine was so awful and cringy, his "fight" with ishameal was equally as cringy. Where is the battle in the sky? The clash of thousands year old forsaken with a legendary dragon reborn to proclaim his rebirth. It was just fireballs. Grand forsaken with thousands of years of one power knowledge and all he can think to do is throw fireballs at egwenes shield and wait? Sweet Jesus that was painfully dumb. They should have had a battle, a real battle where rand actually shows a little power and the finale should have been the culmination of power interacting to light the sky up when Ishmael loses illuminating rand and the fire falling down in the vague shape of a dragon. Not moraine making some lame dragon out of fire for him. Rand still hasn't done a damn thing. At this point I think I have to be done with the show. This is not just a case of its a different turning of the wheel. It's not just because it is divergent from the books. It's just bad writing, and it hurts me cus the source material is so rich and vast that it took some serious effort to make it so lame. Rafe should be ashamed and any fan of the books should be outraged at how poorly this was done. Doubt I'll bother with s3. I think I need to reread the series again to get the sour taste of the show out of my mouth.
  16. Hello, new to the forums. Read the series twice. Love it. Browsed the forums a handful of times foe info on stuff. I am just so upset and almost insulted by how poor the show is I need to vent so a place where people might understand. The way they ruined so many good characters just hurts me. I have no problem with adaptation and changes no show can be exact to a series and truthfully it rarely should be. They are different mediums and require different approaches. This being said, their writing of Lan, Mat, and even Nyneve to a point is infuriating. Mat is just.... awful, where is our playful trickster with insane luck? Instead we get a cowardly kid who has none of the traits of Mat. Also Ta'veren being not spoken of is a huge mistake to me. Lan went for hard, badass cold swordsman to all the feelings sad puppy pining over his lost relationship to Moraine after her stilling. Like wtf... Nyneve instead of strong willed and bull headed seems just petulant and perpetually stressed out. Thom? Gone. Elayne? Her introduction was so awful.... I hate so many things they have done in this show. They take major plot points and just ignore them. 0 context for the seanchan. Hardly a whisper of what Artur Hawkwing was even in the conversation about the genesis of the 3 oaths. So much is glossed over in a throwaway line only to be noticed by a reader. At this point I'm watching it just to see how much worse it can get My only positive comment so far is that the actor who plays Logain is amazing. I want him to be the whole show at this point.
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