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Posts posted by RichardParker

  1. On 4/17/2024 at 9:06 PM, Kathy Campbell said:

    Welcome to the 2024 Dragonmount x JordanCon Quest!

    Join Dragonmount on a quest to interact with the amazing community at JordanCon, which comes together each year to celebrate The Wheel of Time and other sci-fi/fantasy works.


    Here's how it's going to work!
    Complete any quests from the list below by following the instructions and posting the photos to your social media account using the hashtag #DragonmountQuest.

    Write the number of each completed quest in any box on the BINGO card on the back of your JordanCon program.

    Get BINGO by placing any 5 completed quest numbers in a row (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal). 

    When you've made a BINGO, search out a member of Dragonmount to confirm and authorize your win.

    Important note: All photos must be taken with consent. Please do not interrupt or disrupt panels or conversations to take photos.

    To be eligible to win BINGO all social media posts must be on a public profile using the hashtag #DragonmountQuest (so Dragonmount can authenticate and repost).


    1. Selfie with a Dragonmount staffer
    2. Screenshot of your Dragonmount.com profile
    3. Selfie with someone in Aes Sedai cosplay
    4. Screenshot of you following Dragonmount on Twitch with the alert bell
    5. Post in the JordanCon 2024 chat on the Dragonmount Discord
    6. Photo of someone reading a book at JordanCon
    7. Photo of a Dragonmount ribbon on your badge
    8. Selfie with an Author Guest and their book
    9. Screenshot of your favorite video from Dragonmount's YouTube Channel
    10. Photo of your Con Suite meal
    11. Photo of a non-Wheel of Time cosplay
    12. Screenshot of your favorite blog post on Dragonmount.com
    13. Photo at a panel
    14. Selfie with a Dealer
    15. Repost your favorite Dragonmount TikTok and comment on it that you reposted it
    16. Screenshot of you following Dragonmount on Instagram
    17. Screenshot of the bookstore on Dragonmount where you can buy ebooks published by Tor Publishing Group
    18. Post a video of yourself declaring <something> "From the slopes of Dragonmount!"
    19. A photo of the Dragonmount logo somewhere at JordanCon
    20. Selfie with a group of nerds
    21. Dragonmount dance party! Find our dance party thread on our social media and post a pic/video of you dancing or a dancing gif
    22. Photo of a purchase made from the Dealers Hall
    23. Selfie with a piece of art you've purchased
    24. Screenshot of you following Dragonmount on TikTok
    25. Selfie at the JordanCon dance party
    26. Selfie at the JordanCon store
    27. Photo of your best Wheel of Time inspired pose
    28. Photo of anything that isn't directly related to The Wheel of TIme but makes you THINK of The Wheel of Time
    29. Screenshot of you following Dragonmount on YouTube with the alert bell
    30. Photo of an awesome Charity Auction item

    The first five people with a straight line BINGO will win one of the following prizes: a signed hardcover Origins of the Wheel of Time OR Books 1-4 of the Stormlight Archive. With book five, Wind and Truth, coming out this December, now is the perfect time to catch up on the series!

    Anyone else with a completed BINGO will be entered for a chance to win any remaining copies as well as a variety of other amazing prizes from the Tor Publishing Group warehouse.

    Special thanks to the incredible team over at Tor Publishing Group for sponsoring these amazing prizes. 

    Stay tuned for Brandon Sanderson's Wind and Truth, which releases on December 6th, 2024. 


    View full news item

    Thanks, I am excited about it, and I did some research about it and I am loving JordanCon. Since you shared this good news with us, I also want to share a good website which I want to share with you. This is a website called casinosanalyzers. This is a website where gamblers or if you are new can find the best casino sites to play on. I also have found the best casino for me https://casinosanalyzer.com/casino-bonuses/royalacecasino.com here you will also get Royal Ace casino no deposit bonus codes which will make it easy for you to earn money. At casinosanalyzers one can also read reviews of casinos, which will make it easy for you to choose the best.

    Thanks, I am excited for it 🙂


    Edit: Any more update?

  2. On 1/2/2024 at 8:38 AM, Cross said:

    my favorite from my fifth grade teacher. 



    a young recruit steps in to get his gear before going off to war, having to wait in a long line as weapons are issued he finally comes up to get his. but looking around there are no more guns, his commanding officer says, "dont worry, when you see the enemy far off just point your finger at them and say 'bangitty bangitty bang.'"


    concerned the soldier asks, "what if they're too close to shoot?"


    "well, then you jab your finger forward and say 'stabbity stabbity stab.'" his commanding officer instructed. dubious but with no recourse he's fitted with a helmet and marched off to war. 


    finding himself near the frontlines the soldier managed to avoid direct conflict, armed as he was, but soon he was separated from his group and sighting the enemy on approach. nervous he raised his finger, aimed at the oncoming soldiers and said, "bangitty bangitty bang!" to his surprise the enemy soldier he'd pointed at fell down dead. thrilled he pointed his finger at the next soldier, yelling, "BANGITY BANGITY BANG!" 


    again the enemy fell down dead. 


    now, however he was faced with a soldier rushing at him, too close to shoot, he jabbed his finger forward and yelled, "stabbity stabbity stab!"  yet again, the enemy soldier fell down dead. amazed, his attention went to an approaching enemy walking down the road in his direction. raising his finger the soldier said, "bangitty bangitty bang."


    but nothing happened. 


    trying again he shouted, "bangitty bangitty bang!" still the enemy approached. now closer, the soldier jabbed his finger forward yelling "stabbity stabbity stab!" to no avail. the enemy soldier just kept walking, right over the young man who himself fell down dead. 


    the last thing the young soldier heard as the enemy soldier walked over him was the marching man saying, "tankity tankity tank"

    Nice, I like it.

  3. On 10/20/2023 at 6:20 PM, books of Robert Jordan said:

    Given the respect and artistry accorded "The Lord of the Rings" movies by director Peter Jackson, does Jordan feel that a film version of "The Wheel of Time" is now more feasible?

    Robert Jordan: I do not know whether it could be done in that way. I have just had an option offered from a production company called Manetheren Films, which was spawned for the purpose of producing the books as a miniseries or a series of miniseries on some place like HBO or the SciFi Channel. We'll see how it goes. It won't be the first time that someone has bought an option. NBC bought an option, then all the people involved in buying it went elsewhere. But the check cleared.


    What is your favorite Lord of the Rings movie?

    Robert Jordan: (Laughs.) If I have to pick a favorite, I will pick The Return of the King. We get the climax, the triumph of good and all of that.


    Question: By far the most common question asked: What are your feelings on a movie version of your books? You've said that, to you, only the books really matter. Do you feel that a movie would do them justice though? Or do you think it might be too complex for the screen and even hurt their reputation? What about making a movie that focuses on a different time from the story you've told?

    Robert Jordan: My feelings about the possibility of a movie are ambivalent. It would be very nice if a movie or movies, or a series on HBO or whatever were made, but that really would be something extra. I write books. If a movie is made, good. If not, I won't cry.
    I don't think that a bad movie would do the books any damage, but with any movie, the writer of the book has to give up control to someone else and trust that other person to interpret the writer's vision. (God, that sounds pompous!) I used to think that it might be impossible for a movie to really encompass any of the books, but since seeing The Lord of the Rings, I've changed my mind. In any case, Harriet says (and Plato agrees with her) that the only thing to do when you sell a book to Hollywood is to take the money, walk away very fast before they can take it back, and never, ever go to see the movie. Of course, any movie depends on someone making an offer for an option and then following through to exercise the option, and so far, that hasn't happened. The option, bit did, true, but not the rest. We are now waiting, as they say. But not very anxiously.


    Question: Do you ever use ideas that fans send in to you in regards to the WOT storyline? Even little ones?
    Robert Jordan: No. Not even the little ones. It's my story, guys. If you have ideas, write your own stories.


    Which famous SFF figure (writer or character) would you most like to bring to a Christmas party? And which of your own creations would you invite to pull a cracker or two?

    Robert Jordan: Robert Heinlein and J.R.R. Tolkien. I'd go for Mark Twain and Jane Austen, but you did say SFF. And writers are, one hopes, more fascinating than any of their characters because they contain all of their characters, who might be let out if the wine flows freely. Heinlein and Tolkien were two very interesting and very different men, with a few similarities I believe, and it is the precise mesh of differences and similarities that make for brilliant dinner table conversation.

    If I could have a third, I'd make it John M. Ford. I know exactly what sort of dinner companion Mike is, and his presence at a table with Heinlein and Tolkien would guarantee an evening of marvellous conversation. Between the three of them, they'd make sure that everybody sparkled, if only by being pulled along in their slipstream.


    And what SFF movie would you all collapse in front of after the feast?

    Robert Jordan: Not one, I fear. The Fellowship of the Ring and the Two Towers, back to back, in the expanded versions. Pull an all-nighter over brandy and cigars. Mr Heinlein would be fascinated by the special effects and how they were done, as well as by the story, of course. Mr Tolkien could grumble about what the movies had done to his books.
    I've never known a writer who didn't enjoy grumbling, at least in private, about what the movies had done to his book. And Mike and I could just enjoy. Maybe we'd toss in Pirates of the Caribbean and make it a true all-nighter. I went to a charity Halloween ball as Captain Black Jack Sparrow (hair beads by Elise Mattheson), and I am told the resemblance between me and Johnny Depp was amazing. Especially around the eyes. The eyes took two women half an hour to get done!

    Thanks, I didn't know it before.

  4. On 8/15/2023 at 7:38 PM, Dark Ones Taint said:

    I would check out your local used book stores.  The series has been out for a while so I am sure they will have some if not all of the books.  The price will be reasonable and ultimately I think if we can support small businesses we should. I have watched a couple local used book stores close 😞

    I agree with you.

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