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Israel Sage

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Posts posted by Israel Sage

  1. 3 hours ago, Cass said:

    Welcome back Israel / Calazar !


    I do indeed remember that name!


    Were you in the role play side of things as well?

    I was indeed. Looking to get back into that actually. I was just reading through the rules of the new club, excited to make a new character! 

    Glad to see a familiar face that recognizes me after so long!

  2. I know you all will not remember me, but I used to be on here, and in the White Tower club in 2014 when I was like 13. And boy does coming back onto the site bring back memories! I see some familiar faces still around, which is nice. I used to go under the Username Calazar Al’aemon or something like that, but since I’m an adult (19M) now I figure my real name works. It’s really good to be back.


    P.S. I refuse to watch the show, because I can’t stand movie/TV adaptations of books. The same reason I don’t watch any MCU films anymore. Also, part of that is due to not liking how TV series can ruin a fan base, not saying that’s happening here. But I may not get references to the show lol

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