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Posts posted by Ekoile

  1. Regarding the Breaking, it's like Rand said in episode 8, "it's like puzzle pieces". We are only being given a few pieces at a time, and how, and in what order we get those pieces matters. That is to say, assuming the  conversation, from the flashback referenced at the start of this thread, refers to some kind of preemptive sealing away of the Dark One before the War of Power, while reasonable in isolation I believe to be incorrect. I have evidence.


    On 12/26/2021 at 7:57 PM, templar7 said:

    Foreshadowing is so amazing when its done right.


    It absolutely is. If we're talking foreshadowing, we also need to address the opening. I believe this is the correct place for this. I am surprised some one else hasn't brought this up. It's in 7 of the 8 episodes. These screen captures are from a youtube video of the opening.


    First, note the threads in both the foreground and background, especially going off into the infinite distance. We are looking at The Wheel, in the process of weaving the Age Lace. We are seeing the very fabric of the pattern. Almost after this establishing shot, we get this roughly 5 second sequence.




    Here, please note the surface along the bottom of the images. Threads, the Pattern. Note the slight wave, or ripple in the early images, that becomes flat again. 


    A burst of light, or something, is coming through. Almost as if it were boring a hole. 


    Also note, what to my eyes appears to be a female humanoid shape, with longish hair and a dress that are both blown back by the disruption. 


    We are witnessing an event. In the opening credits of season 1.

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