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Posts posted by MummyDust

  1. On 3/27/2022 at 12:34 AM, Chivalry said:

    Probably not the most popular take, but I actually did not like Sanderson's Mat as much as Jordan's. I still like Mat...it's hard not too. But for me, although Mat was aways mischievous and a prankster, I never thought of him as a comedian. The tone felt...off at times


    I remember one scene in which Mat actually writes dialogue for his traveling companions (trying to avoid detection) - that scene struck me as too much of an inside joke, something one might find in a modern buddy comedy. That type of writer elbow nudging felt out of place in Jordan's world.

    I didn't mean to imply that Sanderson rended Mat a comedian. I was getting at how his whole being really came together.  My example of his comedic side was just one example of how his character was really forged into the ta'veren he was. I thank you for your comments ?

  2. Is it just me, or would anyone else have preferred Logain to have been the one to kill Taim? I just think I would have felt a better sense of balance in that. One False Dragon serving the Light takes out the now-Forsaken False Dragon serving the Shadow who had forcibly tried and failed to turn him to the Shadow.  There were plenty of other Dreadlords that Egwene could have "Flamed." Taim should have been Logain's to end.  Thoughts?

  3. Maybe it's just me, but in my reread I really picked up on a change in how Mat is written by Sanderson as compared to RJ. My first time through, I was more paying attention to how much or little the overall writing styles would change. I absolutely LOVE how Sanderson writes Mat. He's always been a fantastic character, but Sanderson truly found a way to bring his complete package of character together. Most prominent is his humor. There were so many times in the last few books where I was laughing so hard I nearly cried...Mat describing Min's formal Doomseer clothing: "If this whole Doomseer title did not work out for her, perhaps she could find work as a chandelier. " His problem with nobleman being about boots. Going to Tuon in Ebou Dar to avoid the Last Battle....


    Anyone else just really love how Sanderson wrote Mat?

  4. I honestly don't understand all the negative backlash toward the series. Yes, it is insanely off course with the books. No, it does not nearly come close to capturing the slightest bit of the depth of the world RJ created. That being said, it is entertaining... if you're able to remind yourself that not even a Hollywood series, let alone small screen show, could ever truly do this series proper justice. What Peter Jackson did for LOTR was phenomenal, yet still pales in comparison to the books ... and that was only a trilogy. With WOT, we're talking about 14 books, not including the New Spring prequel. 


    My only real complaint about the series is the last episode of season one. No fight between Rand and Balzamon... just a quiet conversation? Extremely anticlimactic and poorly at that. And Moiraine being stilled just blows my mind because even with how far a series will stray from the books, and how can it not when the depth and scope of this series to me is unrivaled by any other, Moraine and her character arc is necessary no matter which direction the showrunnners want to take it. If they have Nynaeve healing stilling/gentling by season 2, I don't know how they can think to extend the series for years, as they hope to. 


    Anyway, my point was a TV show could never do a series this deeply defined and woven any real justice, so you just have to not compare it to the books, and just try to be entertained by the screenplay. 

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